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TWT ICE Veterano |
# abr/09
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mas só pq toca bateria e é inglês, é famoso? lá todo baterista ja começa no sucesso?
Meu filho ouvirá Classic Rock Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Hi, I'm Dave Murray from Iron Maiden
You: Do U love me? Stranger: Hi I'm Bruce Dickinson You: Hi Bruce! You: We're the best band in the world! Stranger: We are, fuck that Ozzy Osbourne guy You: Yeah \m/ You: And metallica too! You: We are the Godsof metal \m/ Stranger: Napster is awesome, fuck those gays Stranger: We should tour again You: \m/ You: We were @ Brazil last month Stranger: oh I don't remember that. too much beer Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Sniper Veterano |
# abr/09
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Eu ja fui o Dave Murray nesse chat.
Ja fui o roadie do Malmsteen uahha
Meu filho ouvirá Classic Rock Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: tobias? You: Oi, eu sou o Alexandre Frota! Stranger: Ola You: Sammet? Stranger: si You: Tobais Sammet? Stranger: YES! You: Edguy? You: \m/ Stranger: Alecxx@!!! Stranger: i fucking love you Stranger: marry me You: asudhuasdh
maizena e o um Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: I think there is a knight hiding in my closet. You: no, it's just a transexual You: fuck with him Stranger: How can you tell? It wears armor. You: its his penis Stranger: I'm pretty sure it's metal. You: yeah, he likes you You: for real Stranger: Sweet. Stranger: Maybe I can talk him into jamming his sword up my asshole? You: that sounds fantastic Stranger: Get some metallic jizz all over my face? You: oh, you should swallow
brunohardrocker Veterano |
# abr/09
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silverchairfan Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: Tell me your biggest secret. You: eloo You: biggest secret.... You: i have a BIG DICK You: :D Stranger: wow You: and u? Stranger: ha Your conversational partner has disconnected.
cocomaluko Veterano |
# abr/09
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You: hi Stranger: Hi Stranger: boy or girl? You: big black guy with monster dick You: you? Your conversational partner has disconnected.
maizena e o um Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: What's you favorite club? You: swingers 69 Stranger: You're not Brazilian! You: so? Stranger: Well, have you talked to any brazilians? You: yes, some You: some are nice, some are not Stranger: Ask them if they have a favorite club, they all have one! Stranger: I wish I had something like that You: my english is bad like their, so i can communicate nice with them You: i'm finnish, and you? Stranger: American Stranger: Mexico Stranger: is tarja a greeting>? You: yes, it's You: how do you say in mexico? Stranger: What do you mean, like "I'm in Mexico" or just "in Mexico?" You: just "in mexico" Stranger: En Mexico Stranger: What's finland like? Stranger: Do you like it there? Do you want to travel? You: cold, white, but dark sometimes3 You: yes, i like You: i'm a lonely girl and i like that You: people are dangerous You: and false Stranger: Yeah You: here we can protect ourselves Stranger: Nobody can really protect themselvs You: we have always a excuse to not go out You: it's always snowing Stranger: I love the snow Stranger: Bootprints on a snow field look beautiful You: yes, it's Stranger: Not much snow in mexico You: sad, it looks like a hot place? is like that? Stranger: It is warm. It can be dangerous, too. Have you heard of the cartel violence? Stranger: Drug dealers kill many people on the border. The USA causes much of it by consuming drugs You: yes, i have watched some movies, like traffic, but i know it does have a little fantasy You: american people needs drugs to support their crap way of life Stranger: I don't blame the drug use, but people need to take responsibility Stranger: We live on the same world, they can't escape it forever You: i think they can, they have the money, that's the law of our system Stranger: America is very big, much more than finland Stranger: they fight wars everyday Stranger: on their own land Stranger: But I love Mexico You: that's good You: here in finland there is a show from mexico on tv Stranger: I said it was dangerous, but it is beautiful too Stranger: What show> You: chavo, i think You: it's very old You: my brother likes Stranger: I have not seen it, but I do not watch much television. There is so much more on the internet! You: yes, me too Stranger: I prefer to read the news on the internet and also to read You: i like music, i just watch shows You: yes, news on internet are free and fresh Stranger: I love music, the Americas have soo much variety Stranger: Music on every coast can be so different, so much to choose from You: yes, i listen to some music from america Stranger: I like jimi hendrix from america Stranger: but so much now is stupid You: hendrix is nice You: stevie ray vaughan You: american metal bands are nice too You: i like some latin music Stranger: haha, my friend plays the guitar video game that has stevie ray vaughan on it- it sounds wierd You: carlos gardel, piazzolla, deodato You: i know, it's guitar hero, my brothber plays everyday Stranger: My brothers listen to a lot of latin rap You: i'm not so good You: i don't like rap Stranger: Rap is like any music, it can be good You: yes, it can be Stranger: What is your job going to be? You: medicine, yours? Stranger: I want to be banker, to try and make sure holes do not appear in our systems again Stranger: medicine sounds so difficult Stranger: so much to learn about the human body You: yes, it's You: but i love it Stranger: Will you make medicine? Or be a doctor? You: i think that economy is more difficult You: be a doctor Stranger: Surgical doctor? My uncle is one, he makes a lot of money You: yes, but it's not only about money You: here in finland everybody lives well You: we don't need much money Stranger: Are there a lot of different people in Finland? Who do you need to protect yourselves from? Stranger: I love seeing different people in Mexico Stranger: It makes me think of many people working together You: yes, there is You: a lot You: but everybody respects everybody Stranger: I understand that Northern Europe has very low crime rates You: yes, our major problem is suicide rates Stranger: oh no You: yes Stranger: That is a sin, it is sad You: we're cold land, cold people, that are months with only night, no sun, a lot of people go crazy Stranger: No sun, I would go crazy You: yes, because of earth tilt Stranger: Yes, like north canada and russia in places, correct? You: yes You: in island is worse You: antarctica also have this Stranger: Its strange that people like us can talk while we live in different climates and differences in days Stranger: I looked up american metal while we talked, i found some interesting music Stranger: white zombie Stranger: shows up a lot Stranger: metallica Stranger: which I've heard of You: metallica is very famous, i love it Stranger: let me look them up Stranger: it is nice Stranger: Oh, I have to go Stranger: Good luck with medicine! You: ok, it was very nice to meet you
Sniper Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi Stranger: rolnaldo You: hi You: jorge henry Your conversational partner has disconnected.
maizena e o um Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: Hey You: tarja? Stranger: What? You: it's kiko You: i'm so right Stranger: Have you heard of You: you cant imagine Stranger: ? You: yes i have Stranger: Cool You: my brother loves that Stranger: Who is your brother? You: rafael You: we're italian, and you? Stranger: Do you know hisuser name on gamelair? You: i'll ask him Stranger: Tennessee, USA Stranger: ok You: just a moment Stranger: got it You: petruccinho Stranger: that's his user name on gamelair? You: yes Stranger: cool You: thats what he said to me You: o you know him? Stranger: Awesome Stranger: no I don't Stranger: never seen him on the site before You: whats your name there? Stranger: blacknumbers You: nice You: and what is this site about? Stranger: it's a message board site about video games You: cool You: i just like oud video games You: like nes Stranger: awesome Stranger: well, unfortanetly his name isn't on the member list You: i'll ask him again Stranger: ok You: petrechevo You: sorry You: petrecheha Stranger: It's ok Stranger: YES Stranger: I see his user name Stranger: man that is awesome You: yes, it's Stranger: He hasn't posted before, lol. Stranger: Hope he does one day. You: lol
Endurance Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: supsup You: aw shit man Stranger: what's wrong? You: my fucking girlfriend Stranger: what'd she do? You: that bicht destroyed my life =/ Stranger: :O Stranger: how? You: she kinda "seel" me for a other girl You: another* You: and this other girl is ugly like hell Stranger: well, first off, am i talking to a dude or a chick? lol You: dude, man lol Stranger: okay Stranger: so your gf dumped you for another girl? she's a closet lesbo? You: i dont know, realy =O You: she is bissexual, i think You: it's weird Oo
UHAHUAhuhuaHUAuhaHUAuhaUHahu...foi engraçado xD
Sniper Veterano |
# abr/09
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AHUHAUhua olha esse punho dos brothers
Stranger: ........... ...................__ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`·¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.·´ ............\..............( FIST YOUR ANUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS...........
Sniper Veterano |
# abr/09
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: heys! You: hey You: teacher Stranger: ?? Stranger: huh You: pink floyd, man Stranger: ah You: herege Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Laura Pausini a cantora Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: what about u? You: I´m from Brazil!!! You: you´re boy? Stranger: was You: hasushauhasuashuas You: was? hahahahaha You: why not more? Stranger: i wanted some tits to play with Stranger: they said i couldn't just have the top half done You: oh good! I hope that you enjoy your life like a girl!!
james_the_bronson Veterano |
# abr/09
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Sniper You: hey You: teacher
Ontem, além de tentar trocar uma conta de WoW por senha de site pornô, eu tentei fazer isso aí que você fez, mas com a letra dos Ramones. O legal é que em ambos os casos faz todo o sentido mandar a resposta e sair do chat:
Stranger: Hey!!! You: Ho!!! Stranger: Let's go!!! You: Ok... You have disconnected.
Stranger:Hey!!! You: Teacher... Stranger: Leave the kids alone... You: Ok... You have disconnected.
\o/ !!!
fill.zanchez Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Hi Stranger: Hi You: Are you crazy? Stranger: yes Stranger: im crazy for you You: =D You: Me too for you..! Stranger: where you from? You: but... Are you man or girl?!! You: I'm from Brazil! Stranger: man Stranger: tambem You: ohhhhhhhhh my!!! You: huahauahuahuahua Stranger: soh da brasileiro nisso Stranger: duhaioshduasd You: pqp!!! Stranger: é homem ou mulher? You: sou macho meu irmão! Stranger: UDHOISAHUDSAD Stranger: de onde? Stranger: que estado You: RJ Stranger: mengo? You: mengo é nox!!!!!! Stranger: ah la Stranger: ta tirando You: serio p.. uma vez flamengo até morrer Stranger: ;pp You: tu foi o primeiro q respondeu minha pergunta.. esses gringos sao muito frutinha Stranger: dashigdhusadsa Stranger: eu falei antes que tinha um pinto grande You: uhauahuahuahuah Stranger: e o gringo viado falo que queria que eu botasse na garganta dele You: hauahuahuha... la fora a indice de baitolas é mto grande! xD Stranger: ausihodsuadsa You: vc n participa do FCC n né... You: ? Stranger: nao You: ae já seria d+ Stranger: aueioheuaea You: e oq tu faz acordade essa hoje cara? Stranger: to nervoso com o grenal de domingo Stranger: e daqui a poco vo pra POA Stranger: dae durmo no onibus ;p You: vc é do sul né? Stranger: sim You: é gremista? Stranger: sim You: powwwwwww e me perguntou se eu era mengo??? eu até comemorei achando q tu era tmb!!! uhauahua Stranger: uaheuiaheouahueea Stranger: é que quase todos do RJ que eu conheço sao do mengo You: verdade... rs You: blz vou tentar pegar um gringo p zuar agora... boa sorte p vc! You: abração velho Stranger: aham Stranger: abraço Your conversational partner has disconnected.
TG Aoshi Veterano |
# abr/09
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james_the_bronson IUAheoAIeuhAOieuhAOeiuhAoe! <O>
fill.zanchez Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi You: ji Stranger: where are u from? You: jiji? You: jiji land Stranger: lol You: hahahahaha Stranger: far far away? Stranger: :D You: near far far away... Stranger: xD Stranger: good day Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Broderick Veterano
# abr/09
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Stranger: hello You: Did u watch the last movie of Bill Clother?? Stranger: no Stranger: who is that Clother? You: the guy who fucked your mother!!!!
BurnTKD Veterano |
# abr/09
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You: hi Your conversational partner has disconnected.
dressed to kill Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: hello You: hi Stranger: from? You: brazil Stranger: DONT SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Grow Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hello Stranger: hi You: do you know mario? Stranger: yes You: :O Stranger: I'm a master carter Stranger: I'm like the Hendrix of the Mario Kart world You: oh, i see... but i'm talking of another mario Stranger: Oh. You mean the Mario that I went to high school with You: no no Stranger: I remember he was in some lame ad too You: i mean that one that fuck you behind the closet! heehe... oh, that's a fail joke because i try in english You: in portuguese make's a lot of sense... but You: but... You: well You: bye
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# abr/09
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Foi o melhor até agora, cara!!
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# abr/09
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Legal, outro site pra lista de vícios. =(
Brucy Bertholi Veterano |
# abr/09 · Editado por: Brucy Bertholi
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Aeee Sulface
Legal conversar com você =DD
Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: iie You: where are you from? Stranger: japan You: =O Stranger: yes You: japanese have small dick You: hahahahahahahahahaha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
BurnTKD Veterano |
# abr/09
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Brucy Bertholi /BAN
The Rainmaker Veterano |
# abr/09
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Brucy Bertholi You: japanese have small dick You: hahahahahahahahahaha
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
silverchairfan Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger:EAI BROWWLL You:afff AHEIuhaEihAEIuaE brasil Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Rod Turtle Veterano |
# abr/09
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Putz, que deprimente, descobri que sou melhor em fazer amigos pela net que na vida real.