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Del-Rei Veterano |
# nov/10
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Guitar Center I wanted everyone to know that Used Gear is available to ship to Brazil.
Um aceno de longe!!!
Guitar Center Veterano |
# nov/10 · Editado por: Guitar Center
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We are looking to help musicians around the world. But we also know that an American company can make mistakes. Please post your honest feedback.
Does everyone like the site? The prices? The service?
We want to know what is most important to musicians in Brazil. We know we cannot offer everything, but we think what we offer are very good things.
We appreciate any feedback we can receive.
Sioux Veterano |
# nov/10
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Ok Victor, thanks. Unfortunately the product you want to buy is not available.
Sioux Veterano |
# nov/10
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Guitar Center
we love the site can be sure. Unfortunately some products become very expensive in the shops of Brazil. for some products worth buying directly with you.
Manubio Veterano |
# nov/10
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Guitar Center The site works great for me.
Some of the prodcuts price is almost the same as the are in Brazil, but there are some like the VOX AC15C1 and the Jet City's amps that are really hard to find here, and we now find it with great prices at your online store.
Thi_Lennon Veterano |
# nov/10
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algum moderador pode verificar o IP do cara????
victorhab Veterano |
# nov/10
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Some of the prodcuts price is almost the same as the are in Brazil, but there are some like the VOX AC15C1 and the Jet City's amps that are really hard to find here, and we now find it with great prices at your online store.
Yep, we want the VOXs..
Del-Rei Veterano |
# nov/10
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Sioux victorhab
Ok Victor, thanks. Unfortunately the product you want to buy is not available.
Um aceno de longe!!!
victorhab Veterano |
# nov/10
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Del-Rei Acho que faltou formatação ae... hahhuauhahu wtf
T-Rodman Veterano |
# nov/10 · Editado por: T-Rodman
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Guitar Center right now, our concern is the delay and the problems caused by tax managers here in Brazil. I am one of the first buyers here in this forum. I made 4 orders until today. One of the orders, just arrived today and I am very happy. In another hand, the other 3 orders are in status "clearence delay'' and there's nothing I can do here instead to complain and send some e-mails to Fedex agents here in Brazil. Some news internet sites have made arcticles about guitarcenter selling stuff for brazilians, and in these articles, some distribuitors already started to demand attitude from the government. We think this delays are some example about this movements from this crap competitors we have in Brazil. Therefore I just ask for something to me made in behalf of these delays, because it could bring some disappointments from some possibly buyers, who often visit forum discussions just like this one we're making here.
Floyd N Roses Veterano |
# nov/10
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Del-Rei Ahhh....caraa...num sei não hein!!! MUITO ESTRANHO o Sioux ter respondido pro victorhab como se fosse o cara da Gutiar Center!!! o.ô
Será que isso não aconteceu pq rolô uma confusão na 'troca de nicks' não???!!! :P ...shhAUHSUHsuhauhs
victorhab Veterano |
# nov/10
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Pode ter sido o CCAA fail tb...
Floyd N Roses Veterano |
# nov/10
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victorhab ...CCAA... man??!!! °.º ...hasUHSUSHauhsas
Guitar Center Veterano |
# nov/10
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T -
Can you tell me the order number on the paperwork? So I can look it up? It should start with "E4X0000......"
Del-Rei Veterano |
# nov/10 · Editado por: Del-Rei
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T-Rodman Some news internet sites have made arcticles about guitarcenter selling stuff for brazilians, and in these articles, some distribuitors already started to demand attitude from the government. We think this delays are some example about this movements from this crap competitors we have in Brazil.
Tem razão, cara... Não se pode descartar isso.
Coloca teu número de pedido aqui não, cara.
Floyd N Roses
Tá na cara que é o Sioux. Na pág. anterior veja que ele editou um post dele dizendo que era fake.
Um aceno de longe!!!
Bigtransa Veterano |
# nov/10
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3. É proibido!
3.1. Qualquer tipo de comercialização no fórum.
Não se aplica ao nosso amigo Guitar Center mesmo que não seja fake?
Del-Rei Veterano |
# nov/10
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Acho que não, cara. Até mesmo porque tem o cara da Disconildo e nunca foi banido.
Um aceno de longe!!!
Guitar Center Veterano |
# nov/10
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Bigtransa -
You are correct. I do not want to market. That is prohibited. I only wanted to answer questions. The topic of the conversation is about Guitar Center and Brazil.
Manubio Veterano |
# nov/10
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Bigtransa Mas até agora ele não fez anúncio de nada, ele simplesmente está tirando dúvidas da galera e perguntando no que o site poderia melhorar e ser mais atrativo, assim como já fizeram Pedrone, Cacildo Pôncio, metade dos hand-mades brasileiros e muitos outros.
Eu acho que deveria ser aplicado se ele chegasse e falasse: -Estou vendendo tal coisa por tanto, compre lá com a gente.
Del-Rei Veterano |
# nov/10
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Guitar Center
I do not want to market I do not want to market I do not want to market I do not want to market I do not want to market
um aceno de longe!!!
ogner Veterano
# nov/10
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Ok Victor, thanks. Unfortunately the product you want to buy is not available.
Ué!!! Vc ta ajudando o cara!?!? hauheuhauhuhua!!!
Fernando Veterano
# nov/10
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Sério que é fake?
Caramba, não tem mais o que fazer da vida, não? Povo escroto.
Bigtransa Veterano |
# nov/10
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Del-Rei Acho que não, cara. Até mesmo porque tem o cara da Disconildo e nunca foi banido.
Mas não deveria? Quem tiver dúvidas pode tirar direto nos sites das lojas....
malucobeleza666 Veterano |
# nov/10 · Editado por: malucobeleza666
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Tá parecendo muito que é o Sioux mesmo, olha lá na pag anterior, três posts dele e os do tal do cara da guitar center no mesmo minuto, é muita coincidencia( um post, ou até dois no mesmo minuto ainda vai, mas três? eu acho que acusa...) que é reforçado ainda mais ali com erro grotesco ehueahuaehuaeu.
Sioux Veterano |
# nov/10
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Veja na página 17, ultimo post o tal de victor responde:
victorhab Membro Novato # Enviado: 26/nov/10 18:21 Citar Votar Denunciar
Tell us and you'll have our respect and our reliability...
E então eu respondi: Ok vitor obrigado, infelizmente o produto que eu quero comprar não está disponivel.
Sioux Veterano |
# nov/10
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Del-Rei Tá na cara que é o Sioux. Na pág. anterior veja que ele editou um post dele dizendo que era fake.
Ta doido ?
Sou eu o que?
victorhab Veterano |
# nov/10
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Sioux Mas tipo cara, nd a ver.. hahuhuahuauha
nem entendi
hc8 Veterano |
# nov/10
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Hughes & Kettner STM Series Statesman Quad EL84 40W 1x12 Combo Amp Guitar Tube
Vox Custom AC30C2 30W 2x12 Tube Guitar Combo Amp
o preço é praticamente o mesmo,qual será melhor tanto pra compra,uso e revenda ?
Sioux Veterano |
# nov/10
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Grotesco é sua suposição amigo. Se me conhecesse e soubesse o quão sério eu sou saberia que jamais ou faria este tipo de brincadeira.
Sem mais.
GustGuitar Veterano |
# nov/10
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Aí sim fomos surpreendidos novamente...