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Bitches Brew Veterano |
# jan/07
Celebrated Tour Continues with Three Legendary Players This Spring
(Los Angeles, CA) -- The 2007 incarnation of Joe Satriani's popular G3 tour will kick off on March 14th in Phoenix starring SATRIANI, JOHN PETRUCCI and PAUL GILBERT. The tour will play selected dates in North America throughout March and April. The starting tour itinerary follows with more dates TBA shortly.
The 2007 tour marks the 5th North American G3 run and the 12th G3 tour worldwide since its inception. The first G3 tour, featuring Satriani, Eric Johnson and Steve Vai, played to sold-out crowds throughout October and November, 1996 and was followed by successful treks in Europe, South America, Japan and Australia. The most recent North American G3 tour, in 2003, showcased Satriani, Vai and Yngwie Malmsteen and was documented in the platinum DVD G3 Live in Denver. Other platinum DVD's include the 1996 run and the 2005 Japanese tour with Vai and Petrucci.
JOE SATRIANI has been a worldwide guitar hero since his 1986 breakthrough album, Surfing With The Alien. Over 10-million albums and CD's later, in addition to 13 Grammy nominations including this year for his latest studio release Super Colossal, Joe continues to push the envelope of modern rock guitar playing. In October 2006, Satriani released Satriani Live!, as both a double audio CD and double DVD package. In addition to breathtaking, nine-camera footage of Satriani and his band tearing it up for more than two hours at their Anaheim stop during this year's Super Colossal tour, Satriani Live! captures them backstage and onstage on the last stop of that trek, with comments from fellow guitar legend Eric Johnson, candid moments with members of Joe's band and crew, and one amazing surprise unleashed by the audience that night in San Francisco.
Joe's G3 cohorts, JOHN PETRUCCI and PAULGILBERT, are each recognized as brilliant players - both as soloists and within the bands they are known by. John is the founding member and lead guitarist for Dream Theater, recording eight albums with the band, including their sophomore effort, 1992's Images and Words. The album proved to be a breakthrough commercial success as the song "Pull Me Under" became a surprise hit on both MTV and rock radio. John is also involved in several side projects including Liquid Tension Experiment with Tony Levin, Age of Impact and even a Sega Saturn game called Necronomicon. In 2005, John was involved in three releases. A solo album, Suspended Animation, Octavarium with Dream Theatre and he was included on the G3 Live in Tokyo CD and DVD.
Paul first became known for his work with Racer X and went on to platinum success with Mr. Big who topped the pop charts in 1992 with the ballad "To Be with You." Mr. Big disbanded in 1996, and a year later Gilbert made his solo debut with King of Clubs; Flying Dog followed in 1998, trailed by Beehive Live in 1999, Alligator Farm in fall 2000 and Get Out Of My Yard in August 2006.
A recent poll of the Top 100 Greatest Rock Guitarists ranked SATRIANI at # 7, PETRUCCI at # 11 and GILBERT at #14.
SATRIANI stated simply, "I can't wait to hit the stage with John and Paul, they are two of the scariest, most amazing players I've ever heard!"
Continuing with the same successful formula as in years past, fans will be treated to individual sets by each guitarist with their own bands before joining Satriani and his band on stage for an all-star jam session. As with previous G3 tours, special guest guitarists will be invited to join the jam at select dates around the country. Past guests have included Neal Schon, Gary Hoey, George Lynch, Billy Gibbons, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Robert Fripp and Brian May.
Releed Veterano |
# jan/07
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o vai morreu?
zaqueu_grunge Veterano |
# jan/07
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ouch, queria o malmstááááin ¬¬
Não curto petrucci :/
Nem Gilbert :/
Mas o Satch ruleia \o\
Raizen Veterano |
# jan/07
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Que lixo..cade o Vai?
Tinha que ser Vai + satch + pablo gilberto!
UGO_RJ Veterano |
# jan/07
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tirem esse Petrucci nojento por favor e tragam o Rei de volta...
nada a ver isso
Releed Veterano |
# jan/07
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tirem esse Petrucci nojento por favor e tragam o Rei de volta...
repetição sux..
tinha que ser Vai,Satch (esses podem repetir) e Gilberto
Silas Hammett Veterano |
# jan/07
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tirem esse Petrucci nojento por favor e tragam o Rei de volta...
essa foi trÙ vei
Belloni Veterano |
# jan/07
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Pois é... Petrucci não agradou nem aos fãns mais fanáticos por DT, ou pelo trabalho solo dele... Assassinou a Red House... Malmsteen ruleia, show man... Paul Gilbert é interessante também, gostaria de ver a perfomance dele no G3... O unico pró de ter o Petrucci no G3 é ter o Portnoy como baterista, que é um show a parte, o desgraçado toca muito, além de ser tri empolgado tocando, show de ver... Agora o Petrucci podia ficar de fora.
pr0view Veterano |
# jan/07
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devia ser Vai + Paul + Ardanuy hhehe
r2s2 Veterano |
# jan/07
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aêêê, paulão é bala
Steve Van Halen Veterano |
# jan/07
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Num aguento mais ve o petrucci no g3
Antes era legal pq era novidade, agora ja deu!!
Vai + satch + gilbert!!!!!!!!!!!²²²²
Raphael_Floyd Veterano |
# jan/07
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g3 sem vai...q bosta o gliberto ate q e legal mais sem o vai...melhor formaçao:
Eric Johnson
Steve vai
r2s2 Veterano |
# jan/07
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pra mim, o melhor seria o Vai, o gilbertão e o nuno bettencourt, ia ser chuleta de boleta
lula_molusco Veterano |
# jan/07
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malmsteen, greg howe e paul gilbert...o bicho ia pegar
LuizJu88 Veterano |
# jan/07
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Pow...Petrucci eh chato demais...
Se fosse Vai, Satriani e Gilbert seria foda
pacificpoker Veterano |
# jan/07
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caralho... de novo sem Steve vai!!! no show de 2006 ta n tinha ele agora de novo...
Midgard Veterano |
# jan/07
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vai ser um dos mais fodas \o\
Thedekai Veterano |
# jan/07
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Se fosse Vai, Satriani e Gilbert seria foda (2)
GuitarHome Veterano
# jan/07
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é verdade mesmo sera? sera que eles vem pro brasil denovo ?
Ae intão esse ano vai te dvd \o
Thedekai Veterano |
# jan/07
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tu vai soh pra ver o satch neh?
aeaue de novo
gsprs Veterano |
# jan/07
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Pablo Gilberto Ruleia \m/
gsprs Veterano |
# jan/07
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Eric Johnson
Steve vai
pra mim, o melhor seria o Vai, o gilbertão e o nuno bettencourt, ia ser chuleta de boleta
o nuno no g3 seria um sonho realizado.. puta q pariu.. \m/
GuitarHome Veterano
# jan/07
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Claro que não.
Curto os dali..
Mais o que eu mais curto é o satch. Mais se eles vierem pro brasil eu vo denovo certeza xD
MatheusMX Veterano |
# jan/07
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Eu também queria que fosse o Satrian, PG e o Vai, mas ...
Luigi LeBeau Veterano |
# jan/07
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melhor formaçao:
Eric Johnson
Steve vai
eu naum acho q o Eric Johnson combinava muito com o G3 naum...
mas o pior foi o Robert Fripp, nada a ver...
Midgard Veterano |
# jan/07
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tu ja viu o DVd Guitar Wars??? tem o nuno e o Gilberto alem de ter o John Paul Jones \o/
nuno tocando batera nessa \o\
GuitarHome Veterano
# jan/07 · Editado por: GuitarHome
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Luigi LeBeau
Acho nada a ver. Eric johnson ano passado de um show de feeling.
Midgard Veterano |
# jan/07
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Petrucci rula as teta
Gasoline Veterano |
# jan/07
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Sem Vai ?
pfff, mas se vier para cá, capaz de eu ir, só para ver o Paulo Gilberto.
Mas sem Vai ?
que coisa chata.
Petrucci toca bem, mas é muito chato para mim.
Midgard Veterano |
# jan/07
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