Autor |
Mensagem |
adnz Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: why are there so many people from brazil on here? Stranger: maybe you are all the same person
Cheap Trick Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi :) You: hi You: how are you? You: hi? You: wtf? Stranger: sorry Stranger: little conversation Stranger: I'm in job right now ;) You: me to You: what is your job? Stranger: we have company - and we are making architectural elements from stone You: cool You: are you a girl? Stranger: facade tiles, balustrades, etc..... Stranger: no Stranger: Is that problem? ;) You: yes You: have a nice day You: =D
ahuhsaeushau eu e meu ingles perfeito aheuheue
adnz Veterano |
# abr/09
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Cheap Trick aeheuhuehe
Cheap Trick Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hi Stranger: You Again? Stranger: *Sigh You: me? You: how are you? Stranger: Yes you! Stranger: Cranky You: are you cranky? You: is your name? Stranger: ...........................„„„„„„„„_.............. .................................................. ............ ..................../``` /:::::::::::```~,.................................. .................................... ................../:::,/```'''''''''''````-- ,:::\.........._________________.................. .......... ..................|::/ • • • • • • • • •|::: ......../......................................\........... ................ ...................\| • •„„„_ - -_„„„ •|::/......./.............GTFO............|.................___... ...................-|• • •õ-`|: ' -õ• •|:/|....../...._________________/.........._-~`` • • • \.. ...................|;| • • • / • \ • • • | ;/__/..../..............................., ---~`` • ` • • • • , /.. ...................`-| • • • ¯ ¯ • • • •|`_____/............................../` • • • • • •_•,•-````'..... ......................\ • •`¯¯¯¯` •,,- |,..................................../ • • • • • • /_,,__,,......... ........................`\ • • ¯• • /-` / ``~-,.............___........../ • •'~,,,_• `• • • •`|• •\........ .........................| •-¯¯¯ • /::::::::::::`/``¯/¯::::::::\......./• • • •• • • •\ /• • • |• • | \...... .....................,` •/¯¯\`~,/::::::::::::::/::::/::::/¯¯¯¯`-,_,| • • • • • • • |• • • •/• • •|•/...... ................-~`:: • /::::::\•/::::::::::::::/::/``::::::::::::::::::/ `-_¯¯``~`¯ /`• • / • • / /....... ....._..-~`/::::::: •/:::::::/::::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::::/:\ • •`-,,--,__/,__/,_, / '......... .../::::::::/::::::::/::::::::/:::::::::::::/:::::::::\::::::::::::::: ::\• •• •``~-~--~ '.................. ..|:::::::: ::::::::: :::::::/:::::::::::::/::::::::::::\:::::::::::: ::::::\ • • • • • /...................... ./:\::::::: ::::::::: ::::::/::::::::::::/:::::::::::::::\:::::::::::::\::::::¯¯~~¯|........ ............. You: my nabe is jhony bazzokinhaa You: whats your job? Stranger: no wah! Stranger: Im actually a moderator on this site You: fake You: you are gay =D Stranger: It pays a dollar a day You: where are you from? Stranger: enough for butter and bread for my family Stranger: Kenya You: humm Stranger: Im the only person who has running electricity in the whole country! You: are you a boy or a girl? Stranger: Geez..good Question. Never check that actually! You: what??? You: o_O Stranger: I know! Crazy Huh. You wanna experiement? You: no thanks, byeeee bicha dancarina
Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/09
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Pô, tô conversando altas coisas com um moleque francês aqui, hahaha
(pelo menos é o que ele diz, eiuheuihe)
adnz Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: ok Stranger: lets go You: yea You: lets go Stranger: so... Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: and so... how did you discover this website ? You: a brazilian site for discussion about music You: an user posted a topic about it Stranger: Yeah it's the same for me, someone posted the link on a forum
adnz Veterano |
# abr/09
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Alessandra posta a conversa inteira :D
Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: do you know 4chan ? You: ahaha the crazy place that hosts pedobear pics? haha Stranger: you like this site ? Stranger: ( i'm wearing a pedobear t-shirt right now )
Luis Guitar Veterano |
# abr/09
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Pow, meu inglês eh uma merda mesmo!
- Sorry man, but my english is very, very bad... =P
Luis Guitar Veterano |
# abr/09
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i´m poor!! =P
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: ??? You: Hey Mr. Barriga here. Whats up? Stranger: The sky. You: So PAY THE RENT! Your conversational partner has disconnected.
adnz Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: you like this site ? Stranger: ( i'm wearing a pedobear t-shirt right now )
aí a próxima pergunta deve ser: "how old? :D"
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: do you know 4chan ? You: ahaha the crazy place that hosts pedobear pics? haha Stranger: you like this site ? Stranger: ( i'm wearing a pedobear t-shirt right now )
Caraca, essse negócio é legal mesmo, hein? hahahahaha
Crazy Batera Veterano |
# abr/09 · Editado por: Crazy Batera
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Bacana, por enquanto as conversas seguem, e sao longas, claro que ninguem entende nada... mas de alguma forma elas proseguem, acho que encontrei crazys semelhantes
Edit: Acabo de confessar minha nacionalidade e ficar no vácuo ¬¬
tncv Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: Hey You: Hey Joe, said now, uh, where you gonna run to now, where you gonna run to?
Luis Guitar Veterano |
# abr/09
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: MacGyver You: Chuck Norris You: I won!! You: fatality Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: are you one of those sexy tan brazilian guys? Stranger: let me tell you something Stranger: ................................................„„-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-„„ ...........................................„-^*''::::::::::„„„-~-„„~-* -„„-^*~~-„„ ......................................„-^*''::::„„„-::::„„-~~-„„::~-„„ ::::/:::-~^:*^-„ ..................................„-*':::::::::„-^*::-„„:::~-„„::-„:\: ::\:/::„„„„-~:::::'\ ................................./::::::::„-~^^::::^~-„:*-„::\::|:„-*- „/„:::::::::::„„-::'\ ................................/::::::::/::-~~-„„::-„::'\::|„„-*' . . . . *-„::::„„„-~^:::| ...............................|::::::::~~-„„____„„„-~^* . . . . . . . . *-„:::::::-„\:| ...............................|:::::„-^*''¯ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'\::::^-„:-„\ ...............................|::::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'|::::~-„„:'| ................................\:::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \:::~-„„„:| .................................\::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\:::::::„-'„ ..................................*-| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „„-~~~~-„„ . . .'\::::/ /''\'\ ....................................-| . „„-~~~~-„ . . . . „-*„-^*''o¯¯'''''*' . . . \:/ / . | | ....................................'\| .*^^*'''¯o¯'''*-„ . . . ,''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . | .\*-„ '| ......................................| . *^~~-~^*'' .| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .| ./-~./ .....................................\'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'| . . /' .......................................| . . . . . . .„- ' . . . .*^„ . . . . . . . . . . '|*^*' I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC.. .......................................*-„ . . . . . \„-„„_„„-^^-* . . . . . . . . . . .'| ........Why don't you have a seat over there ..........................................\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '| ...........................................'\ . . . „„_„„-~--~^*''''''. . . . . . . . . / .\ .............................................\ . . . .''*^~~~^^* . . . . . . . . . '/ . . \-„-„ ..............................................''-„ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .„-* . . . | . \''*-„„ .................................................*-„ . . . . . . . . . . . . „„-^'' . . . . / . . '\;;;;*^-„„ ....................................................|*^-„„ . . . . . . .„„-*' . . . . . ./' . . . .|;;;;;;;;;;¯''*^~-„„_ ..............................................„„-^*'|\ . . ¯''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . .„-* . . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;¯'''*^~-„„_ ......................................„„„-^*'';;;;;;;;| *-„ . . . . . . . . . . . „-*'' . . . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;¯''*^-„„ ..............................„„-^*''¯;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;|\ . .*-„„ . . . . . . .„-*' . . . . . . ./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*^ ~-„„ ........................„„-^*';;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;'|.\ . . . *^~-„„„„-^*' . . . . . . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;¯'''*^-„„_ .................„„-^*'¯;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| .\ . . . „-*':::::::*-„ . . . . . . ./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;„-^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;; ''\ ..........„-^*''¯;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| . \ . ./''\:::::::::::/'''*^-„ . . . /;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;„-*'';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;/;;;;;;; ;;;;'\ ........./;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;*-„;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;| . 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Crazy Batera Veterano |
# abr/09
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Pqp, 164851 estrangeiros, achei dois brasileiros seguidos ¬¬
Clauber guns Veterano |
# abr/09
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Sinto que minha conversa vai ser bem curta
Sou péssimo em inglês
VOu tentar usar o tradutor de inglês que tem aki no pc
E eu fiko esperando a janelinha do msn pisca ¬¬'
Crazy Batera Veterano |
# abr/09
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Clauber guns Ingles péssimo, tais brincando.... olha isso
Stranger: hi You: hi Stranger: hows things? You: I don't know... This is confusing Stranger: whys that? You: What do you think? You: Man, I have problems You: Sorry Stranger: tell me about them hehe Stranger: ur not skinning a cat right now are you? You: where are my pilulas? You: nope You: you are a priest? doctor, nice people? You: or just stranger? Stranger: i am an axiom Stranger: a self evident truth You: This is so exciting Stranger: the fact that i exist is evident by the fact that you accept my being Stranger: i would not exist without being observed Stranger: what, may i ask, are you? You: Ok, i'm a product of your Nerd's imagination ,... So how do you think the day will end? Stranger: the day ends? You: every single night Stranger: what if the earth stopped rotating and we were in a perpetual state of daytime. would we still count 24 hours to the day? You: actually, i count 23 hours and 47 minutes You: I know it's crazy, but i can't find my pills... and probably its put a finish at my day.. Stranger: how hevey are these pills Stranger: my cat died yesterday :( You: little fat stars.;;; and green... yes Stranger: its in the fridge, gonna stuff it in a sec. sage, onion, sausagemeat, mmmmm You: I see all in the skyevery night, but is so far Stranger: u should try highbeenas - that shit'l keep u awake for days You: the college do that You: I mean keep me awake for days Stranger: quantum decohearence - the process by which an objective reality is created - that'l mindfuck ya
tncv Veterano |
# abr/09
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Clauber guns abrir duas janelas: uma de português - inglês e outra inglês - português.
bati um papão já
Luis Guitar Veterano |
# abr/09
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abrir duas janelas: uma de português - inglês e outra inglês - português.
bati um papão já 2
Clauber guns Veterano |
# abr/09
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tncv abrir duas janelas: uma de português - inglês e outra inglês - português.
bati um papão já 3
Clauber guns Veterano |
# abr/09
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Stranger: i dont know how to waste time You: try some porn site :D rsrsrsr
Clauber guns Veterano |
# abr/09
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You: Hi Stranger: Hi You: Where you from? You: ?? Stranger: england, you? You: Brazil Stranger: nice weather
Fidaputa desconectou
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# abr/09
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Falei uns 5 minutos com um francês, e mais de meia hora com uma polonesa... gente fina. =D
Não achei ninguém dos EUA ainda. =(
Clauber guns Veterano |
# abr/09
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Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: Hi random stranger You: Hi You: Where you from? Stranger: Where are you from ? Stranger: Lmao Stranger: France You: Sao Paulo You: Brazil Stranger: Brazilians are poor You: Frances are gays Stranger: How do you get this computer ? Stranger: Did you stole it ? You: no, your mother give me when I fucked her Stranger: Brazilians have no dicks Stranger: How do you did that ? You: Your mother didn't say this Stranger: My mother didn't say anything to Brazilians people Stranger: She thinks that life played a crual trick on them You: That is what she speaks to you You: But you don't know who is your mother in the night Stranger: You win man Stranger: I salute you Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Crazy Batera Veterano |
# abr/09
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Ja encontrei duas pessoas legais e loucas, e apertei atualizar sem querer!! q merda
tncv Veterano |
# abr/09
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eu começo a conversa com FCC