Samples de Analógicos - Alguém tem experiência?

Autor Mensagem
# set/11
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Eu prefiro o esquema de fórum mesmo,
eu tb prefiro, porém lá apesar da bagunça as respostas aparecem mais rápido.

viktor 999
# set/11
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olhá só um sample do korg triton studio que fiz somente usando 5 amostras C1-C2-C3-C4-C5.

# set/11
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Quando eu chegar em casa eu dou uma olhada... To na iPad e é meio chato para baixar do 4shared.
Eu mesmo também já fiz alguma coisa com o V-Synth, só falta gravar o audio que estou devendo pro Casper, que nos cedeu essas ótimas amostras do seu brinquedinho. Heheheh


# out/11
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O Pym é um funcionário do DSI
(Dave Smith Instruments) e começou
a postar uns samples do Tempest.

Até agora ele só colocou ins Kicks,
mas vale a pena escutar:

Some notes on what was done on each kick:

1 Both main oscillators used and low resonance to get a little bit of additional sine wave from the self-oscillating filter. Used the default envelope curve

2 Self-oscillating filter (resonance max) plus a single triangle wave oscillator and the square wave sub oscillator to add some texture

3 Both main oscillators (tri and saw/tri) and medium resonance to add self-oscillating fitler sine wave

4 Only self-oscillating filter, main oscillators turned off (single sine wave)

5 Same as 4 with with slightly different pitch and envelope settings

6 Both main osc (square and tri) plus full resonance self-oscillating filter. Pitch and filter envelopes used for the transient

7 Both main oscillators (both tri) and envelopes, no sub or sine

8 Both oscillators (both tri) and full resonance self-oscillating filter

9 Single oscillator (tri) and ~75% resonance self-oscillating filter

10 Both oscillators (saw/tri and saw) plus low resonance self-oscillating filter. Used audio mod controlled by the filter envelope to add FM to the transient

11 Both oscillators (tri and 13% PW square), plus sub oscillator and low resonance self-oscillating filter. Used feedback added to the transient, controlled by the filter envelope, and added audio mod on the tail end by using a mod from the filter envelope set to a negative amount

12 Only self-oscillating filter (like #4 with different envelope/pitch settings)

13 Like #12 with feedback turned up and some resonance tweaks from a mod to the filter envelope

14 Both main oscillators (both tri) at different pitches and sync'd, plus some sub osc, no self-oscillating sine added

15 Like #14 but osc at the same pitch and sync'd, plus slight difference in pitch envelope curve

16 Both main oscillators (both tri) plus medium resonance on the self-oscillating filter

post original:

# dez/11
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Agora tem samples de snare e kick,
do Tempest, no Soundcloud do Pym.

Alguns excelentes.

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