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latsf Veterano |
# ago/04
Dae Galera!!! Qual o solo de guitarra que te deixa "fora da realidade"?
Vou citar um aki: Led Zepplin - "Stairway To Heaven"
Cara quando eu toco o solo dessa música eu viajo muito!!!!
Harvey Veterano |
# ago/04
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acho que qualquer solo do david gilmour me faz viajar, ehehehe.. principalmente o de Dogs e Comfortably Numb... e Echoes inteira me faz viajar....
flpmartin321 Veterano |
# ago/04
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pink floyd
Paulo Feresin Veterano |
# ago/04
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stanley jordan, malmsteen, becker... num sei nomes de musicas
Digao Veterano |
# ago/04
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o som e +- assim...
brrrmmmmmm.... brmmmmmmmm... qd to viajando geralemnte escuto esse som (infame essa hehe)...
leocb Veterano |
# ago/04
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Eric Johnson - Manhattan
Joe Satriani Veterano |
# ago/04
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satriani... versão ao vivo da música Rubina e várias outras dele...
Sparkle Veterano |
# ago/04
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Joe Satriani - Love Thing
Dream Theater - The Spirit Carries on
entre outros...
MSchmidt Veterano |
# ago/04
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Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead or Alive.
É um solo fácil (+ou-) mas, na minha opinião, consegue expressar toda gana que o Ritchie Sambora sentia na hora.
Dream Theater - Lie
Muuuuito técnico, mas esse não consigo tocar.
Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
Acho muito legal as ligaduras do Mark Knofler.
nothing else matters Veterano |
# ago/04
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troço gay
Jaum_Paulo Veterano |
# ago/04
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Eric Johnson - Manhattan (2)
* soh pra ouvir eh claro... to longe de consegui toca ! hehe
FDG Veterano |
# ago/04
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SRV - Little Wing
Satch - Rubina,Always With me Always With You,Cryin,Echo e várias outras
a maioria dos solos do Pink floyd e outros
Dark Avenger Veterano |
# ago/04
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Symphony X - Acollade II
Dr.sin - Isolated
Pink Floyd - Shine on you crazy diamond
yvo Veterano |
# ago/04
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Mr Crowley - Ozzy!!
Ibanez GSA 270dx Veterano |
# ago/04
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Pink Floyd - Confortably Numb (pulse)
Pink Floyd - On the Turning Away
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
Ibanez GSA 270dx Veterano |
# ago/04
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Pink Floyd - Confortably Numb (pulse)
Pink Floyd - On the Turning Away
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
guitarist from hell Veterano |
# ago/04
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Satriani - Satch Boogie
Satriani - The Extremist
Satriani - Starry Night
Satriani - the mystical potato head groove thing
latsf Veterano |
# ago/04
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The Extremist do Satriani apavora msm!
Yngwie Hammett Veterano |
# ago/04
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Angra - Metal Icarus
Angra - Carry On
Metallica - The Unforgiven
John5 Veterano |
# ago/04
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ozzy goodbye to romance...
mas nao precisa ser necessariamente um solo gigante pra vc viajar...
vc percebe quando uym solo eh tocado com mais sentimento..
um solo q nao tem nada a ver com esses aqi...mas eu percebo q foi coms entimento eh do jota final do amor maior...
solo simples..pekeno....basico...mas caiu muito bem na musica..os efeitos e tudo...acho rlz..
tbm gosto da musica:
fundamentally loathsome - marilyn manson
o solo eh foda...
fgr Veterano |
# ago/04
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qualquer uma do Hendrix....
Sanctum Metal Veterano |
# ago/04
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Led Zepplin - "Stairway To Heaven"
Cara quando eu toco o solo dessa m?sica eu viajo muito!!!!
HaKaN Veterano |
# ago/04
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symphony x - acollade II,candlelight fantasia
oficina g3 - your eyes,resposta de Deus
dream theater - hell's kitchen,through her eyes
narnia - shelter through the pain
Randy78 Veterano |
# ago/04
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Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Mr Crowley - Ozzy Osborne
One - Metallica
My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Momma Veterano |
# ago/04
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Dream Theater - Lie, Home
Pink Floyd - uma porrada de musicas
Joe satriani - quase todas
Steve Vai - For The Love of God
Jimi Page - Since i've Been Loving You
VRock Veterano |
# ago/04
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Steve Vai - Bangkok, Fire Garden Suite, Principessa, The Cryin machine, hand on heart...
Satch - Surfing with the Alien, Ceremony, Love Thing, The crush of love, Crying, Rubina...
Pink Floyd - I Whish You Were Here
Santana - Turn your Lights On, Smooth, Maria Maria...
Scorpions - Wind of Change, Still Loving You...
Henrix - Little Wing, Fire...
Homem Cueca Veterano
# ago/04
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I Want It All - Queen
Bohemian Rhpasody - Queen
Spirits Carries On - Dream Theater
Technical Difficulties - Racer-X
Another Brick on the Wall - Pink Floyd
No More Tears - Ozzy Osbourne
Dreamer - Ozzy Osbourne
Heaven And hell - Black Sabbath
BLack Star - Yngwie Malmsteen
Daydream - Vinnie Moore
Panama - Van Halen
Mr.Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne
Killer Queen - Queen
Crazy Litlle Thing Called Love - Queen
Back In Black - AC/DC
Let There Be Rock - AC/DC
BLuesBraker - Satarfleet Project
Layla - Eric Clapton
Cliffs Of Dover- Eric Johnson
Uma Porrada de solo eu viajo escutando.
Agente Smith Veterano |
# ago/04
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Stairway To Heaven - Led Zeppelin
The Song Remains The Same - Led Zeppelin
Layla - Eric Clapton
Crossroads - Eric Clapton
Mr. Crowley - Ozzy Osbourne
Highway To Hell - Ac/Dc
Back In Black - Ac/Dc
Yngwie Malmsteen - Don't Let It End
Steve Vai - Fire Garden Suite
Joe Satriani - Always with me, awlays with you
Joe Satriani - Echo
Joe Satriani - Circles
Sweet Shild O'Mine - Guns N' Roses
Nightrain(Ao Vivo) - Guns N' Roses
Don't Cry - Guns N' Roses
Highway Star - Deep Purple
Black Diamond - Kiss
100.000 years - Kiss
The Number Of The Beast - Iron Maidem
2 Minutes To Midnight - Iron Maiden
All Along The Wachtower - Jimi Hendrix
Hey Joe - Jimi Hendrix
Keep Rockin'in The Free World - Neil Young
I want You To Show Me The Way(com talkbox) - peter Frampton
Crazy - Aerosmith
Is Nobody's Fault - Aerosmith
Dream On - Aerosmith
Is This Love - Whitesnake
The Thrill Is Gone - B.B. King
Jump - Van Halen
Panama - Van Halen
Eruption -Van Halen
Hot For Theacher - Van Halen
Mas essa lista varia muito, depende do estado de espirito, um solo pode te agradar mais ou menos. No momento são estes.Acho q os unicos q eu sempre gosto, mesmo qndo num to muito legal, são sweet Child , Stairway To Heaven,Hot For Theacher e The Thrill is Gone.
DeFoDoN Veterano |
# ago/04
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qualquer um do led e do guns
Drinho Veterano |
# ago/04
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Eu acho ki uma passagem de aviao faz viajar mais doke um solo
aUHaUHauh... ok foi uma piada feia e toscaa...
os solos do guns sao foda, mr crowley, no more tears, judas be my guide, wasting love