Mauricio Luiz Bertola Veterano
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# fev/09
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Miawzawa Basswood: Basswood is a soft wood with tight grains. Its relatively inexpensive of all the usual guitar woods, and it's easy on router bits in the factory, easy to sand, and easy to seal and finish. The softness of basswood means that sharp highs are dampened and smoothened. That helps offset the tinny sound associated with knife edged tremolo contacts. The softness also fosters a weaker low end. It's light in weight, but not because of large pores. Rather it's low in mass overall. Deep, breathy sub-lows aren't resonated in Basswood. The reduction in these outer frequencies leaves the mids pronounced in a hypothetical response curve. Its very suitable for the typical guitar range, and very suitable for lead guitar, because of its pronounced "out front" sound. Complex overtones are muted along with the highs leaving a strong fundamental tone. Não existe madeira melhor ou pior dentro do espectro de madeiras tonais, o que existe são as características das mesmas, e sua correta manipulação, corte, secagem, colagem, etc. Abç