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lukas Veterano |
# out/03
ae galera, eu tava querendo fazer aqui uma lista das melhores musicas de Rock classico de todos os tempo, ajudem me com essa busca!!!!!! Vale o que cada um gostar mas tem que ser vaqueles rock classicos!!!!1 antigoes e tal!!!!!!
Melodic Man Veterano |
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AC/DC - Back in Black... acabei de tirar ela hehehehe
Melodic Man Veterano |
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porra 14 views jah e ninguem ajudou o cara...
ai vao mais umas
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe, Purple Haze
Deep Purple - Highway Star, Smoke in the Water
Iron Maiden - The Number of The Beast
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Hm... tem certeza? ok... xo tirar umas paradas da cabeca...
Chuck Berry:
Johnny be good
Roll over bethoven
Rock n roll music
Louie louie
Rockin robin
Led zepp:
Rock n roll
Black dog
Dyer Maker
Stairway to heaven =O
Over the hills and far away
Dazzed and Confused
Bring it home
Whole lotta rosie
Back in black
Highway to hell
Rock n roll aint noise polution
For those about to rock (we salute u)
Dont stop believin'
Hotel california
Roy orbison:
Pretty woman
Midnight oil:
King of the mountain
Beds are burnin'
Creedance clear water revival:
Have u ever seen the rain
Van Halen:
Hot for a teacher
Jimi hendrix:
Electric lady land
Purple haze
Hey joe
Voodoo child
Chega. Minha cabeca naum eh tao boa assim.
Melodic Man Veterano |
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eh issae heheheeh
Rock na veia
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Melodic Man
maneh iron maiden kra. Rock classico q tah falando!
Lembrei de mais uma!!
George thorogood ---> bad to the bone!
king_arthur Veterano |
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Vic Wolk
tem mais duas do creedence:
who'll stop the rain
proud mary
pink floyd:
comfortably numb
hey you
another brick in the wall
shine on you crazy diamond
wish you were here
lukas Veterano |
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é isso ai galera muito bom, muito bom mesmo!!!!!!
alguem esqueceu de colocar uma do Ac Dc muito boa tbm
Stiff uper lip!!!!
totis Veterano |
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Love Me Do
From Me To You
She Loves You
I Want To Hold Your Hand
Can´t Buy Me Love
A Hard Day´s Night
I Feel Fine
Eight Days A Week
Ticket To Ride
Help !
Day Tripper
Paperback Writer
Yellow Submarine
Eleanor Rigby
Hello , Goodbye
Lady Madona
Hey Jude
Come Together
Let It Be
Twist And Shout
While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Steppenwolf - Born To Be Wild
Deep Purple - Hush
Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall
Pink Floyd - Money
Rolling Stones - Satisfaction
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Blz, rock progressivo:
Ive seen all good people
Tom sawyer
Farewell to the kings
Closer to the heart
Vapor trails
Roll the bones
e tb
Dream on
Mama kin
Joe satriani:
Summer song
Bruce springsteen:
Born in the USA
Quiet Riot:
Cumm on feel the noise
Dire straits:
Walk of life
Money for nothin
Sultans of swing
The doors:
Break on through
Light my fire
Steppen wolf:
Born to be wild
Sgt peppers lonely heart club band
Come together
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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ignorei o kiss ai... tsc, q verme eu :P
Melodic Man Veterano |
# out/03
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Melodic Man
maneh iron maiden kra. Rock classico q tah falando!
Lembrei de mais uma!!
George thorogood ---> bad to the bone!
Po Iron é classico huahauhauuaahhehua
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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mas ai eh heavy metal, dai ia ter q falar de ozzy. Ia fogir do objetivo.
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Fleetwood mac:
The chain
Vic Wolk Veterano |
# out/03
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heauhaeuhaem adorei esse topico, pqp!
Alice cooper:
under my wheels
renatocaster Moderador
# out/03
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Deep Purple:
Smoke in the water
Perfect Stranges
Highway Star
Iron Maiden:
Wasting Love
Aces High
Fear of the dark
Run to the Hills
Led Zepelin
Stairway to Heaven
Black Dog
The song remains same
Bkack Sabbath
Iron Man
War Pigs
Van Halen
Love as walk in
Rock and roll all nite
e muitas outras...
NeGrEsCo Veterano |
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Steppen wolf - Born to be wild
Kiss - Rock And Roll All Night
The Doors - Light my Fire
DIre Straits - Sultans Of Swing
Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
Beatles - Yesterday
Rush - Tom Sawyer
Yes - I've seen all good people
Pink Floyd - ANother Brick In The Wall
Rolling Stones - Satisfaction
Ac/Dc - Back in Black
Creedence - Bad Moon Rising
Van Halen - Jump
Jimmy hendrix - Hey Joe
Eagles - Hotel CAlifornia
Chuck Berry - Johnny Be Good
Elvis Presley - Love Me Tender
Pow tentei pega as mais conhecidas de kda um
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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po, pq cs num param de repetir e colocam coisas q ainda num tem?
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Rolling stones:
Start me up
Paint it black
Halem on shuffle
Brown sugar
Mixed emotions
Sympathy for the devil
Fool to cry
Rock and a hard place
Beast of burden
Its only rock n roll(but i like it)
Miss u
lukas Veterano |
# out/03
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porra muito bom aglera esse top ta ficadno show so musica loka!!!!!!!
nossa fantástico valeu mesmo!!!!!
niredsystalironledfloyd Veterano |
# out/03
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como assim rock classico? Rock antigo? acho q e isso ne?
kava Veterano |
# out/03
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back in black
highway to hell
rolling stones:
don't stop
start me up
deep purple:
smoke on the water
highway star
yvo Veterano |
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varias do queen, led, pink floyd, rolling stones, deep, acdc
guschard Veterano |
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Ozzy Osbourne
Miracle Man
Crazy Train
Mr. Crowley
Black Sabbath
Sabbath bloody Sabbath
Master of Puppets
Seek And Destroy
Ride the Lightining
Led Zeppelin
Stairway to Heaven
Black Dog
Rock ´n Roll
Rock ´n roll all night
Lick it up
Deep Purple
Smoke on the Water
Perfect Stranger
Highway Star
Black Night
Tom Sawyer
Closer to the hearth
variasssss do pink floyd e do queen
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Metallica? esses kras tao viajando....
Vic Wolk Veterano |
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Ace of spades
Mean machine
SpeedFox Veterano |
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Stray Cats:
Rock this town
Summertime blues
Blitzkrieg bop
Poison heart
Pet samatary
Grand Funk:
We're an american band
Bachman, Turner Overdrive
Takin' care of business
SpeedFox Veterano |
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Walk this way
SpeedFox Veterano |
# out/03
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Love ain't no stranger
Algumas do U2.
FanDeGuitarra Veterano |
# out/03
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owner of a lonely heart-yes
poison e no more mr nice guy-alice cooper
runnin with the devil-van halen
space truckin,strange kind of woman,lazy,mule,bloodsucker,wring that neck,haunted e knocking at you backdoor-deep purple