Ajudando quem tem "Triton"

    Autor Mensagem
    # fev/06

    Ae galera eu consegui sons mtoo massa para o Triton sem ser o LE.. o Workstation/Sampler eh oseguinte

    primeiro vc atualiza o SO dele para 2.5.3 aqui

    dps vc pega

    'Classic Light Studio', an alternative preload disk for classic TRITON.

    It combines the preload disks for TRITON Le and TRITON STUDIO, and fits classic TRITON like a glove ! download DOWNLOAD

    Dps vc tbm pode pega o banco GM2

    Since TRITON Le isn't GM2 compatible, I extracted the extra 128 GM2 Programs from TRITON OS 2.1.1. File is saved for use with TRITON (but both KARMA and
    Le can convert classic TRITON PCG) Default bank destination is Program Bank D Download

    E galera nossa.. fica com uns sons mto animal!!

    OBS: no primeiro download pra passa de Korg Light para o Classic, tem dois PCG, q eh CLS_EXB.PCG e CLS_ROM.PCG
    na realidade eu nao sei qual a diferença!!... e qm souber por favor ajude ai...

    eu carreguei os 2, e nao vi diferença.. talve o ROM seja melhor.. nao sei!!.. pq pelo q parece o EXB só roda lgl, com tds os sons se vc tiver a placa instalada... mas aqui rodou tds os sons ate agora

    inclusive tem um som de piano nele mto 10 eheheh

    :Bom esta ai a minha dica para todos

    qualuqer coisa só postar ai



    # fev/06
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    Puts galera agora to na duvida, nao sei entre os arquivos


    qual eh melhor!!! nao sei se tem diferença..!! vixxi!!!

    alguem q manja disso, e saiba ingles.. veja oq fla !


    Classic Light Studio (CLS) is an alternative preload disk for classic TRITON, which combines the preload disks for TRITON Le and TRITON STUDIO.

    CLS is foremost thought to be used with classic TRITON without EXB-PCM disks loaded.

    The ROM version does not use multisamples from EXB-PCM08, but uses the internal ROM multisample 000:A.Piano. If you load the EXB version of CLS and don't have EXB-PCM08 installed, no sounds will be heard for these Programs.

    EXB-PCM08 Concert Piano
    There are 6 Piano Programs that use multisamples from this expansion card, and also Combinations that use these Programs. Load CLS_EXB.PCG if you have installed this expansion card.

    Note: If you load EXB-PCM disks after installing CLS, many Combinations from CLS might not work due to differances in Program and Arpeggiator layout between these.

    Items that CLS loads:

    Program Banks A, B, C, D
    Combination Banks A, B, C, D
    Drum Kits A/B, C (00-31)
    Arpeggiators A/B, C, D (000-231)

    Since there were too many Arpeggiator Patterns used for TRITON STUDIO Combinations (to have them all fit inside classic TRITON), the most used Arpeggiators were taken to CLS.

    All Combinations in Banks A-C and the 90 first Combinations in Bank D only require Arpeggiators 000-199, Bank A/B
    Combinations D091-D117 require Arpeggiators U200-215, Bank C
    Combinations D118-D127 require Arpeggiators U216-231, Bank D

    All Arpeggiators are assinged atleast one Program or Combination.

    Before installing CLS:

    - make sure to backup current PCG to disk
    - if you DON'T have EXB-PCM08, select CLS_ROM.PCG
    - read loading/saving operations in your TRITON manual
    - have the compressed WinZip file uncompressed to original state

    Install help:

    1. Insert floppy into drive and get into DISK mode by pressing DISK button
    (note: file must end with '.PCG')
    2. Use the arrow keys to select desired file
    3. Make sure Load tab is selected
    4. Select UTILITY and Load selected, select OK

    Classic Light Studio PCG could be found at the download sections of Irish Acts and Triton Haven

    Classic Light Studio was put together by Vesa Järvensivu, vesaj_67@yahoo.se

    I agora??? ehhehe

    vlw qm ajuda

    # fev/06
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    Bom acho q vlw minha "ajuda" eheheh

    qm pude me ajuda mais tbm eheheh


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