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BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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O Petrucci controla quantas pessoas morrem por minuto no mundo pelo rack ahahuaha.
edukl Veterano |
# jun/06
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ehuaehauheu muito foda esses videos I told god how to play guitar
Gabriel_Guitar Veterano |
# jun/06
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O mais legal é que ele para 3 segundos só pra falar que é um deus.
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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Qual o nome da música q toca no começo do video do Petrucio?
edukl Veterano |
# jun/06
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and a guy called ghandy in India heuheuhauaehue
GuitarHome Veterano
# jun/06
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hAEUAHUeaSUH comedia mais eu ja postei antes um parecido.. só que do michael angelo eh mais engraçado =D
Kiko_666 Veterano |
# jun/06
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mais ou menos..
Zakk Wylde_ Veterano |
# jun/06
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do michael angelo eh mais engraçado
posta ai
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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É, descobri q mesmo com discada posso ver os videos. /o/
To vendo o I'm Down com o Jeff Beck e SRV! PQP!!!
Elvenfoot Veterano |
# jun/06
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"This is my custom rack, made by.... ahn.... Mr. Rackman!"
marcio_zav Veterano |
# jun/06
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BlacK Dog
, descobri q mesmo com discada posso ver os videos. /o/
eu nem tento pra na ter dor de cabeca.
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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Carrega mais rapido do q eu imaginava cara. Experimenta ai, vale a pena! É só pausar e deixar carregando.
marcio_zav Veterano |
# jun/06
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BlacK Dog
Eu "marco" o topico, e vejo depois no pc c/ banda larga ;)
Mas vou tentar!
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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Ah porra! Mas tu tem banda larga! Tá me tirando é? ahauhaua
Até parece que eu sou o único do fórum a usar discada. =(
Fritz_mkvl Veterano |
# jun/06
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"If I played any faster your minds would blow up."
cocomaluko Veterano |
# jun/06
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muito bom, hahahaahahahahhaa
Fritz_mkvl Veterano |
# jun/06 · Editado por: Fritz_mkvl
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Nossa o do Petrucci é ainda mais engraçado.
"Whenever I do this I enter wourld dominaion mode. And that means I can play over 4 million notes per second."
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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"They're all painted by Michellangelo, I don't mean that guitar noob, I mean the guy who painted Jesus in that ceiling 'n stuff"
Fritz_mkvl Veterano |
# jun/06 · Editado por: Fritz_mkvl
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These pick-ups where wired by Tony Blair.
zaqueu_grunge Veterano |
# jun/06
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huahuahuahuaha mto comedia to me rachando d rir aki hauahuahauhehuah
emarcolino Veterano |
# jun/06
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esses videos sao foda hehehehe
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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O "exercices 2" é muito bom tb haaha.
"If you can't play this, you's shit".
_Douglas_ Veterano |
# jun/06
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your minds will blow up !
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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Facchini Veterano |
# jun/06
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hauhuauhahuauha mto foda!
Flying CCCP Veterano |
# jun/06
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"I'm so fat!"...
BlacK Dog Veterano |
# jun/06
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Viva! Chegou mais uma do João!
"Welcome back guitar noobs! Here's my pedal board of death".
"Yeah, looks so nice Yngwie, but, ahnn... but the think Yngwie, ahnn, i don't see the point on this book. So why you shut up you fuck fat ass?"
Yngwie: "Ah, dont' be so (alguma coisa pussy)"
Petrucci - "I don't care Yngwie, shut up"
Fritz_mkvl Veterano |
# jun/06
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É : "Don´t be such a pussy"