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LuCaSbass Veterano |
# jan/05
qual q saum os pedais q ele usa?
bassjunior Veterano |
# jan/05
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Ae veih. lembra de mim?
Vc ainda naum me mandou aquele e-mail. To esperando.
Ah! Eu naum sei q pedais ele usa. Ja ouvi as musica, mais naumsei qual eh.
Mauricio Luiz Bertola Veterano
# jan/05
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Nenhum, atualmente ele usa um Sansamp Bass, um speaker simulator e nada mais, ligados em linha, com derivação para monitores "in ear". E ele faz isso 1° porque pode, e 2° porque sua banda é grande e contrata os melhores técnicos e empresas de P.A. do mundo.
clubdome Veterano |
# jan/05
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Vou tentar fazer isso em casa! rs!
Como dizia os mais antigos...Em terra de cego quem tem um olho é rei!
LuCaSbass Veterano |
# jan/05
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foi mal, seu e-mail foi pro lixi eletronico, num sei pq
meu scanner num tah aki em casa, mas logo q chegar eu t mando!
bassjunior Veterano |
# jan/05
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Valeu, veih! Pensei q tinha me esquecido.
Meu e-mail eh:
(Por questao de seguranca toquei @ por #)
MRWALKER Veterano |
# jan/05
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Mauricio Luiz Bertola
q speaker simulator q eh esse?
Mauricio Luiz Bertola Veterano
# jan/05
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Não me lembro bem, mas desconfio que é um da Marshall
by-tor2112 Veterano |
# fev/06
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Gente... leiam isso...
For every bass performance on Rush’s latest Atlantic CD, Vapor Trails, Geddy recorded three audio tracks: One direct through an Avalon U5 preamp/DI, one from the U5 through a Palmer speaker simulator for low-end distortion (“It’s more controllable than actually miking a speaker cabinet”), and one from the U5 through a Tech 21 SansAmp RBI, the rackmount version of the SansAmp Bass Driver. Before being recorded, each track goes through a vintage Neve preamp/EQ and a Urei 1176 compressor. “When I mix I have those three variables to play around with. It gives me ultimate flexibility to reshape my bass sound if I want to. Also, [mixing engineer] David Leonard always runs my bass signals back through another compression stage that affects only the very low end, with the compressed low end coming up on a separate rail [mixing channel]—so if he wants to add a bit of extra bottom to the mix, he can. That’s a good technique, because sometimes a track sounds great but isn’t tickling your bottom enough.”
Geddy also used a similar three-channel direct system for Rush’s most recent 50-date tour. “I had some cabinets onstage just for fills, but really there were no amps to speak of.”
1 Fender Jazz Bass circa 1972
4 Fender Jazz Basses circa 1996 (Custom Shop)
2 Avalon U5 Tube Direct Boxes
2 SansAmp R.B.I. Bass preamps by Tech 21
2 Palmer PDI 05 Speaker Simulators
Trace Elliot Quatra-VR power amps
ou visitem
1 abraço...[i][/i]
by-tor2112 Veterano |
# fev/06
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É muita grana e muito trampo pra tirar um som... ter um bom técnico também é essencial... vejam, por exemplo, o preço de 1 Avalon U5... visitem e constatem o que estou dizendo...
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