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basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
Hello everybody I'm from Costa Rica and I want to WARN against a certain MARCIO MOREIRA and MAURICIO JUNIOR... These people are THIEVES ... After that I sent them the money to construct a bass body did not come to answer my emails or contact in any way...
Take care these people ARE NOT HONEST...
I will start a legal process in a few days ... Brazil's embassy in my country is going to help me...
These people should go to jail...
I'm sorry for write in English but I don't speak portuguese
Lord_byron Veterano |
# dez/07
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What you will go now??? And why you come buy your bass here in Brazil???
Du Bass Veterano |
# dez/07
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basstico It is regrettable.
Lord_byron Veterano |
# dez/07
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Du Bass
Imagine the image of Brazil for that guy...
Du Bass Veterano |
# dez/07
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Lord_byron The Image of Brazil in exterior is foul. And frauds whit this foul more. I wait wish that he get a solution for this. Is a regrettable that some luthiers are so.
(Sorry,Bad English)
Lord_byron Veterano |
# dez/07
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Du Bass
Ah então fala em bom português cara e vê q vc tá certo por causa de uma maçã podre se joga todo o cesto no lixo,e é isso que acontece com a gente...
Du Bass Veterano |
# dez/07
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Infelizmente é. Embora aqui no Brasil tenha milhares de pessoas boas,todo mundo sabe o que eles pensam de nós,que aqui só tem drogas,putaria (que na verdade a cultura Brasileira,com a influencia de musicas,novela,televisão,enflue diretamente,e naum podemos negar que no Brasil,não generalizando,claro,mas uma boa parte das mulheres deixam de ser valorizar usando roupas que mostram até o utero),violencia..e tudo mais.
Mas eu tenho fé que não só nós,o Brasil,mas o mundo todo,vamos dar a volta por cima de todos os problemas,juntamente com a Ajuda e o apoio em Deus.
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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A friend buy a bass from a luthier Luciano apparently brother in law of Marcio... My friend had no problems with this person. I contact Marcio through Ebay and order the bass... (oh God, my big mistake) I decided buy the bass in Brazil because in Costa Rica the musical instruments are very expensive... but cheapest price was only a illusion... They also call their "company" "Avalon Basses" or "Woodluthier"
I don't have a bad image of brazil of course I know that not everyone are dishonest people... but I think we must denounce these swindlers... My goal is that as many people as possible know about these thieves and they will not do the same mistake that I committed
Mauricio Luiz Bertola Veterano
# dez/07
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basstico I heard grapevines there's some people who has problems with this guys here too (but not with me endeed). As a brazilian citizen and luthier i would like that you doesn't make an wrong image from our people and professionals, and this your problems are quickly superated. Thanks
AnDerSon_BoLLo Veterano |
# dez/07
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It luck then??? because as your friend too buy with the mauricio and been without problems, and I love my bass... but really have had problems here too... And praise too, which made me buy a... why ask, it luck?
(Sorry,Bad English)(2)
Google Helped... ehauhiehehi
Will Piasecki Veterano |
# dez/07
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AnDerSon_BoLLo why ask, it luck?
O que voce quis dizer com isso?
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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I'm not sure I would have understood ... My English is not good ... Hehehe... spanish???
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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I'm not sure I would have understood ... My English is not good ... Hehehe... spanish???
Sharper Veterano |
# dez/07
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Oh meu Deus! Isso que dá usar tradutores automáticos...
Will Piasecki Veterano |
# dez/07
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You've a nice english. And i have an awful spanish.
I've almost bought one of these basses, but in the last moment i turned back. Luck i've not take one of these.
Here in the forum we've got some other people that had problems too with "Avalon basses", saying that couldn't get any support, repairs or their basses didn't come as expected. Shame. But hey, we've got these kind of nice guys everywhere!
And i didn't understand exactly what happened to you. You've sent the money to them and they didn't returned anything? Not the bass body neither the money or any response?
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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Will Thanks... I sent the money to Mauricio Martins Moreira Junior... but I not recieved anything... I have this email: and I has been sent multiple emails but I haven't not reply from Marcio
conehc Veterano |
# dez/07 · Editado por: conehc
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basstico They slole you? You're not the only one. There's some cases of people that didn't receive theirs instruments or received bad ones.
But what they say to you? You've paid and since then they didn't any contact? Try to show this thread to Mauricio and ask if he doesn't will send you bass guitar. In the other thread (Indgnação com o baixo Avalon) mauricio posted some things in self defence, let's see if he will appear in this thread too.
Anyway, lets see whether we can help you. what e-mail you're sending messages trying to get contact with Mauricio?
tip: write in spanish, everyone will understand you very well!
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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conehc De verdad agradezco mucho toda su ayuda... Voy a ver la otra linea de mensajes... el unico e-email que tengo es lo tome al contactarlo por medio de ebay... El contacto fue Marcio Moreira pero los datos para el envio del dinero fueron:
FIRST NAME: Mauricio LAST NAME: Martins Moreira Junior ADDRESS: Rua Heitor Scheffer, 316 Bairro Novo Horizonte Erechim - RS 99700-000 BRAZIL
AnDerSon_BoLLo Veterano |
# dez/07 · Editado por: AnDerSon_BoLLo
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Will Piasecki
hiueaheiaiheuiahieahiehiahi... era pra ser "serah que eh sorte???" heahiea... foi do google msm, hi
Eu quis dizer que assim como seu amigo, também comprei com ele e nao tive problemas, nao tow defendendo ninguém, mas esta parecendo que eh sorte, hehe... e também pelo nivel do instrumento que recebi (muito bom mesmo) toda essa "indignação" nao dar pra eu falar o mesmo, mas realmente existem casos, assim como existem casos de elogios, que foi o porque que comprei tambem... eh complicado...
Ah, uma coisa, não enviar o produto realmente foi a primeira vez que vi sobre, os outros relatos eram de "problemas" no produto, até porque eles tem muito material e daria pra enviar na boa mesmo que com problemas sei la, hehe... Your turn to play on google translator, hehe
Will Piasecki Veterano |
# dez/07
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(i'll type in english, put keep typing in spanish)
that's exactly the guy who posted here in self defense in another thread of the forum
i didn't know he had announced on ebay his basses, we had notice of he around here on "mercadolivre" (e-bay brazilian copy). Mercadolibre in spanish, isn't?
How long have you been waiting for a response of Mauricio?
Will Piasecki Veterano |
# dez/07
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quer ajuda pra traduzir? =)
AnDerSon_BoLLo Veterano |
# dez/07
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Will Piasecki
pode ser... heuaieihehaui traduzir de ingles pra portuga eu entendo na boa, mas ao contrario acho que complicou pra ele lah...hi... se puder fazer isso aew nos meus coments... =]
Will Piasecki Veterano |
# dez/07
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AnDerSon_BoLLo said: I wanted to say that, like your friend, i also bought with him and didn't had any problems, i'm not defending nobody, but seem like luck to me. And also too by the level of the instrument i received (very good!) i can't be as angry as you are. But there is really some bad cases as much as there is good cases that was the reason i bought it... complicated...
and one more thing, don't send the product was the first time i saw, the other problems i have seem were about defects in the product, and also they have too much material; they could be sending it without problems, don't know, hehe...
AnDerSon_BoLLo Veterano |
# dez/07
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Will Piasecki
Valeu man =]
conehc Veterano |
# dez/07
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basstico Enviei um e-mail para woodluthier falando de seu caso e pedindo para que ele se defenda aqui no forum.
No caso de ele falar que enviou e que o produto não chegou, ele vai ter de mostrar algum comprovante de que mandou. Conheço muitos casos em que pessoas não enviam o produto e quando você reclama falam que enviaram o produto mas o mesmo não chegou.
Estou aguardando notícias. (if you can't understand I can translate it ok?)
Will Piasecki Veterano |
# dez/07
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teve altos erros, mas acho que tah compreensivel
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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Entiendo creo que tuviste suerte... Tal vez el hecho de que este en Costa Rica no me ayudo en nada
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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Will Piasecki gracias por la traducion :-)
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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conehc creo que entiendo hehe, muchas gracias por tu ayuda... tengo conmigo el comprobante de pago (moneygram) Yo espero que este hombre de la cara y responda en el foro...
Will Piasecki Tengo alrededor de un mes de esperar que responda mis correos
basstico Veterano |
# dez/07
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Will Piasecki
Hay una version de mercadolibre en Costa Rica pero es independiente de el de Brazil este es el perfil de "avalon basses" en ebay y acabo de encontrar otro que vende instrumentos muy similares pero no estoy seguro de que sea la misma persona