Tim Commerford - Equipamento

    Autor Mensagem
    # mar/06 · Editado por: FBassist

    Não sei a data desse setup, mas vou postar msm assim!
    Tim Commerford é um dos baixistas que eu mais adimiro.


    * Fender Custom Jazz Basses with Precision Bass necks and Hipshot D-Tuners
    * Used to play Ernie Ball Music Man Stingrays
    * Possibly a Rickenbacker during Evil Empire

    Effects (not in order):

    * Marshall Guv'nor Distortion
    * Unknown Distortion or Overdrive
    * Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
    * Jim Dunlop Crybaby 105Q Bass Wah
    * Boss OC-2 Octave Pedal
    * Unknown Volume Pedal
    * Possibly a MXR Flanger


    * Two Ampeg SVT-II Pro Heads
    * Two Ampeg SVT 810 8x10" Cabinets

    tbm achei isso...

    Tim Commerford (born February 26, 1968) in Irvine, CA, alias Timmy C., Tim Bob, Simmering T, Y.tim.K, and tim.COM, was the bassist for Rage Against the Machine and is currently bassist for Audioslave. He is the youngest of five children.

    His father was an aerospace engineer, and worked on the space shuttle. His mother was a mathematician. Tim's father divorced and remarried, while his mother moved to Sacramento, California to live with his sister, until she died of brain cancer when Tim was 10 years old.

    Zack de la Rocha and Tim became friends in elementary school when Tim showed Zack how to steal food from the school's cafeteria. One morning Zack handed a bass to Tim and this ultimatly became his first bass, so It was Zack who got Tim playing bass.

    Tim has numerous tattoos, including a design covering his back, arms, chest and left leg.

    Tim is a fan of jazz, and is an obsessive mountain biker, even going so far as to thank all of his bikes in the liner notes for The Battle of Los Angeles.

    Tim mostly uses Fender Jazz basses, and Ampeg amplification. He uses several effects pedals, including two Jim Dunlop Cry Baby Bass Wah Wahs stuck together, Boss Super Chorus, Boss Bass Overdrive and Aphex Compressors. Recently Tim began to tune BEAD and replaced the stock necks with left handed models.

    Eu como Fã de Rage Against the machine e Audioslave nao deixaria de postar isso! =]

    # mar/06
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    # mar/06
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    Ele manda muito bem! Dupla foda mesmo, Morello e Commerford.

    Quero logo meus J Bass e P Bass, SVT II e SVT 810.
    É o meu sonho mesmo.

    # mar/06
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    eu naum sabia q o Tim usava esses ekipamentos
    eu tbm kurto RATM prakaralho e ele koncerteza eh uma de minhas influencias


    vlw pelo tópiko


    # mar/06
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    Muito bom!

    Quais desses efeitos ele usa em Cochise e Like A Stone?

    Eu tinha a impressão q em Cochise era auto-wah. =P
    E em Like a Stone, na parte do solo.. o som fica com uma distorção estranha.. meio sinth... =P

    # abr/06
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    ouvi dizer ki ele seria capaz de matar quem desse uma espiadinha no jogo de pedais d'ele, parece ki tem um segredo escondido....hihihihii

    # abr/06
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    ouvi dizer ki ele seria capaz de matar quem desse uma espiadinha no jogo de pedais d'ele,

    Acho q ele falou isso sobre o ampli dele. Falou pro cara q arruma os ampli dele q não pode falar oq tem lá dentro. =P

    Isso eu já acho idiota, heha.

    # abr/06
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    é issu mesm...nos amps...

    Krist Novoselic
    # out/11
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    É realmente curioso porque ele tira de um Jazz bass um som que esse baixo nem sonha em ter.

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