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    Membro Novato
    # jul/19

    Esta foi minha primeira música totalmente em inglês, porém estou com um pé atrás com esta letra e precisava da opinião de outros para dizer se está ok. Tenho todo o ritmo/solo voz em casa, mas no mais precisava só de uma avaliação "letral". Obrigado por quem for ler/avaliar desde já.

    Dracula's Serenade

    The biblical sign it's a curse for the humans
    Throwing principles without practices
    A holy man can have a human body
    Saints or not, they can commit sins

    I was a man following a religion
    Killing in the name who won't ordered
    But now its time to get back my revenge
    Lies spreading throught the holy plains

    Returning for my only homeland
    Receiving the chaos for my bless
    "Addicting from the corruption"

    "What is a man for your world?"
    "A pile of secrets or of worms?"
    "Im here by tributes"
    Of the mortals...

    A masquerade of a holy chaos
    Blood, wine and souls
    Religions have one god
    "Two might be unveil...?"

    Think one more time
    Before taming the other
    Its easy to prejudice
    And hard to understand

    The past still alive, just look at the progress
    "Cruisers" of murders, a religion to not "forget"
    Impaling soldiers and eating in the battlefield
    Forty eight hours to complete "leave the feels"

    "I hate lies, my people will know the truth"
    Releasing a religion, the curtains might drop the youth
    Becaming a dead, ha "you can have my head"
    But my body will be forever remembered

    The dragons of the orders with knights
    Free my people from "divines"
    We have our "church" to believe
    No this...

    I will became the most hatred
    In the age of the emigrates
    Even the hell knew my name
    The cursed...

    A masquerade of a holy chaos
    Blood, blight and blows
    Birth of the nothing
    Release to my soul

    Immortal in the time
    The darkness is my wish
    The coma made my life
    The king of the kills

    Membro Novato
    # jul/19
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    Hehe, acho que você exagerou no Symphony of the Night! Não recomendo fazer letra em inglês a não ser que você tenha muita certeza do que está fazendo (até o Angra mandava um inglês macarrônico no começo da carreira).
    No mais tá bacana, grava e mostra a música pra gente.

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