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Koisa Veterano |
# set/09
1. "It´s me, Mario..." (Mario) 2. "Kawabanga!!!" (Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles) 3. "Eu não sei sobre os anjos, mas é o medo que da asas ao homem!" (Max Payne) 4. "... O cara que aceita muitos riscos acaba perdendo tudo. Claro, e o cara que espera muito pouco da vida, poderá não conseguir nada no fim..." (Mafia) 5. "Let´s rock." (Rock in Roll Racing) 6. "Thanks, Fox. I thought they had me." (Star Fox 64) 7. "EA Games - Challenge everything!" 8. "September 28th, daylight, the monsters have overtaken the city, somehow, I''m still Alive..." (Resident Evil 3) 9. "Hey man!" (GTA AS) 10. "Sub-Zero Wins... Fatality!!!!!" (Mortal Kombat) 11. "Wow! What a mansion!" (Resident Evil) 12. "I live... again!" (Blood) 13. "You're crazy? OK! OK! OK!!!" (Driver) 14. "Ahh! Much better!" (Duke Nuken 3D) 15. "Greetings Mortal! Are you Ready to Die?" (Hexen) 16. "Work, Work!" (Warcraft 3) 17. "Shit CJ!! Shit!!" (GTA SA) 18. "Choose your destiny" (Mortal Kombat) 19. "Fire in the hole!" (Medal of honor) 20. "Teen Minutes for the detonation" (Resident Evil 1) 21. "She was the Calamity from the skyes" (Jenova – FFVII) 22. "Come on, show me what you got..." (Dance Dance Revollution) 23. "Thank You Mario, but our princess is in another castle!" (Super Mario) 24. "You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance." (Street Fighter 2) 25. Shake it BABY (Duke Nuken) 26. "You Win, Perfect" (Street Fighter 2) 27. "SEGAAAAAA" (Sonic 2 - The Hedgehog) 28. "Rise from your grave!" (Altered Beast) 29. "Flawless Victory " (Mortal Kombat) 30. "Heaven or Hell, let´s rock!" (Guilty Gear) 31. "Tommy, i see you on the beach" (MoH Pacific Assault) 32. "Select your player" (Mario Kart), me fez lembrar mais uma... 33. "Welcome to the Mario Kart" 34. "Oh it's a monster" (Jill Valentine - Resident Evil) 35. "You Are Dead" (Resident Evil) 36. "S.T.A.R.S" (Nemesis - Resident Evil 3) 37. "Brave fencer musashi" (Brave Fencer Musashi) 38. "Continue" (Street of Fighter) e (Final Fight) 39. "Don't worry Ashaley, I'm come for ya!" (Resident Evil 4) 40. "Toasty" (Mortal Kombat) 41. "All your base are belong to us" (Zero Wing) 42. "Peppy! Long Time No See!" (Star Fox) 43. "No money, no problem" (GTA 2) 44. Internation Superstaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr Soccer Sixty Four (64)
E a mais marcante de todas sem sombra de dúvida.. GAME OVER!!
Sleosh Veterano |
# set/09
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10. "Sub-Zero Wins... Fatality!!!!!" (Mortal Kombat)
essa é a melhor... \m/_
Kensei Veterano |
# set/09
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As do Mortal Kombat são as melhores mesmo.
Carlos_Souza_Jr Veterano |
# set/09
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A primeira que eu pensei foi Kawabanga...
Mosrite Veterano |
# set/09
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cade o FINISH HIM????
The_Fourth_Horseman Veterano |
# set/09
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Max Payne tem muuitas frases boas e marcantes.
tncv Veterano |
# set/09
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street fighter
The_Fourth_Horseman Veterano |
# set/09
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"Flawless Victory"
Carlos_Souza_Jr Veterano |
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Come here!
The_Fourth_Horseman Veterano |
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/liu kang
Sniper Veterano |
# set/09
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Viva Senna!!
no futebol do SNES
highvoltage Veterano |
# set/09
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Porra, esqueceram da primeira frase do The Godfather Pra mim a 2ª melhor frase já feita.
"Someday, and that day may never come - I may call upon you to do a service for me. Until that day, accept this - as a gift"
Tradução: "Algum dia, e talvez esse dia nunca chegue. Eu vou chamá-lo para fazer um serviço para mim. Enquanto esse dia não chega, aceite isso - como uma dádiva"
highvoltage Veterano |
# set/09
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Max Payne tem muuitas frases boas e marcantes. bem lembrado, mas The Godfather humilha. "Sorry Johnny, just bussiness! Give it to him!"
Machine Gun Man Veterano |
# set/09
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"Don't make me laugh!" - Shao Kahn (Mortal Kombat)
Sephiro Veterano |
# set/09
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"September 28th, daylight, the monsters have overtaken the city, but somehow, I still Alive..." (Resident Evil 3)
uhauehuhea \m/_ !!!
Sephiro Veterano |
# set/09
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44. Internation Superstaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr Soccer Sixty Four (64)
acho o Deluxe mais clássico u_ú
MaicolBrevia Veterano |
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STARSssssssssssssss(Resident evil 3)
Carlos_Souza_Jr Veterano |
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thiaguinhu Veterano |
# set/09
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6. "Thanks, Fox. I thought they had me." (Star Fox 64)
putz..q saudades =')
Koisa Veterano |
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Well Done
QUARESMA Veterano |
# set/09
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Nem tem frase do Resident Evil ¬¬
Koisa Veterano |
# set/09
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E você precisa trocar de óculos
TG Aoshi Veterano |
# set/09 · Editado por: TG Aoshi
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Er... tbm preciso de trocar de óculos... ¬¬"
Koisa Veterano |
# set/09
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TG Aoshi Veterano |
# set/09
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Slash_1989 Veterano |
# set/09
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1. "It´s me, Mario..." (Mario)
Que Mario?
QUARESMA Veterano |
# set/09 · Editado por: QUARESMA
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Koisa Só tentei ser ironico
Slash_1989 Que Mario?
Koisa Veterano |
# set/09
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Não Não Não Não Não
Diego Marques Veterano |
# set/09 · Editado por: Diego Marques
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Do Star Fox faltou o "Do a barrel roll".
E também as frases dos narradores de Street Fighter, Capcom vs SNK 2 e etc:
"I don't care what the critics say. Violence is a beeaaaauuuuuutiful thing" (Street Fighter 4)
"That's what we like to call big damage"; "This is gonna be a mess to remember. FIGHT!" (CvS2)
"Beat'em up guys! Triumph it or die!", "Let's Fight. GO FOR IT MAN!" (Street Fighter Aplha 3)
Slash_1989 Veterano |
# set/09
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Diego Marques Do Star Fox faltou o "Do a barrel roll".
E também as frases dos narradores de Street Fighter, Capcom vs SNK 2 e etc:
"I don't care what the critics say. Violence is a beeaaaauuuuuutiful thing" (Street Fighter 4)
"That's what we like to call big damage"; "This is gonna be a mess to remember. FIGHT!" (CvS2)
"Beat'em up guys! Try it or die!", "Let's Fight. GO FOR IT MAN!" (Street Fighter Aplha 3)