Pensamento sobre o amor verdadeiro

Autor Mensagem
# mar/12
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Prova irrefutável é o que o Die Kunst der Fugue acha, porque ele tem nick alemão.

One More Red Nightmare
# mar/12
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Die Kunst der Fuge
Em minha opinião, você.

Die Kunst der Fuge
# mar/12
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One More Red Nightmare


One More Red Nightmare
# mar/12
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Die Kunst der Fuge
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# mar/12
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Uma historinha p/ vocês:

"D. H. Lawrence was walking with a child in the garden, and the child asked, "Why are the trees green?"
Now any knowledgeable person would have answered, "They are green because of chlorophyll." But D.H. Lawrence stopped, closed his eyes, waited for a few moments, meditated and then said, "They are green because they are green!"
The child said, "That's right, absolutely right! That's what I have always been thinking, but whenever I ask others they always give some other answer. You are the first person who has given me the answer that satisfies me totally. They are green because they are green!"

In a way this is not an answer; in a way this is an acceptance of ignorance. D.H. Lawrence is saying, "I don't know. They are green because they are green!" This is the way of all those who are true seekers. Otherwise we go on from time to eternity, from death to life, from darkness to light. And we go on defining in such a circular way that nothing is ever defined. Still everybody believes that all is defined and clear. We want to believe that all is defined and clear; we are not courageous enough to live in ignorance. k really needs guts to live in ignorance, but tremendous is the joy of the person who is ready to live in ignorance because his silence is infinite, his depth is immeasurable.
Knowledge is shallow, ignorance is deep. Knowledge is superficial, not-knowing leads you into the abysmal to the bottomless. You start falling into the abyss of existence itself. And Dionysius has given one beautiful word – agnosia – "not knowing." That is the world of the mystic."

Die Kunst der Fuge
# mar/12
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One More Red Nightmare
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Agora tô com dor de cabeça =/

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