Olha oq eles disseram. Sera que é mentira?

    Autor Mensagem
    # jan/04

    Thank you for your e-mail. The Fat Boy and Killer Wail are both manufactured by
    Onerr in Brazil, but are different products. Although the Killer Wail looks the
    same as the Fat Boy, it has slightly different circuity, modified by Tech 21.
    We import the Killer Wail from Onerr and QC it here.

    Best regards,

    Tyme Rogers
    Director of Sales

    Roberto Nadier wrote:

    > Hi, I live in Brasil and here a company named Onerr produces a guitar effect
    > that looks like the Killer Wail. Here the name of this Wah-Wah is Fat Boy.
    > I have checked the site of this company(www.onerr.com.br) and there they say
    > that they have some kind of partnership with you.
    > My doubts are: this effect(fat boy) is produced here in Brazil, do you
    > import it? Or it is also made in USA? Who developed the project Onerr or
    > Tech 21? And the fat boy is exactly equal to the killer wail?
    > Thanks for the attention

    Mandei um mail pra tech 21 perguntando se o fat boy é igual ao killer wail so pra ve oq eles iam dizer(pq na minha opinião é igual sim).
    A resposta ta ai em cima e eles dizem que importam o pedal so que fazem uma modificação no circuito. Isso esta parecendo historia pra boi dormir
    Oq acham?

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