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Mateusm10 Veterano |
# ago/09
Ola a um tempo comprei um cabo usb/midi pa poder coecntar meu pod 2.0 no pc,mais n consegui pois o computador n reconhecia o cabo penssei q fosse ddefeito do cabo, tdo bem comprei outro e o computador n esta reconhecendo tbm oq pode ser??? me ajudem porfavor desde já agradeço
Marcosrcf Veterano |
# ago/09
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Drivers ?
Mateusm10 Veterano |
# ago/09
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Sim tenho o line6 monkey e o edit nenhum dos dois reconhece (nem o pc reconhece)
Marcosrcf Veterano |
# ago/09
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Mateusm10 Já testou em outro PC?
Mateusm10 Veterano |
# ago/09
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não. Vc sabe oq pode ser?
thanatos Veterano |
# ago/09
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Assim, eu evitaria usar a USB ela estiver com alimentação invertida (e geralmente ela VEM invertida), pode queimar...cansei de ver nego com pendrive queimado por causa disso... mas eu tentaria em outro pc tb
Mateusm10 Veterano |
# ago/09
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tipo eu conecto nas portas usb do hub mais ele n reconhece ai eu boto na postars usb na parte de trás do pc e tbm n reconhece
erico.ascencao Veterano |
# ago/09
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Mateusm10 Qual é a intenção de fazer esta conexão USB-MIDI?
andregui7 Veterano |
# ago/09
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Já testou em outro PC?
Também sugiro. Se não funcionar, vai na assistência (espero que esteja na garantia ainda).
Mateusm10 Veterano |
# ago/09
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erico.ascencao Conectar minha pod 2.0 no pc para transferencia de dados
erico.ascencao Veterano |
# ago/09
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Mateusm10 Nossa, mas pra quê usar MIDI-USB? A POD não tem saída USB pra você usar um cabo USB-USB?
Penta_Blues Moderador |
# ago/09
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Boa noite!!!
Mateusm10 Cara, vc já deu uma lidinha nesta parte do seu manual? SOUNDDIVER SETUP TROUBLE-SHOOTING There are a couple of considerations with SoundDiver and Windows sound card systems. Here are some troubleshooting hints, courtesy of Line 6's own product support hero, George Van Wagner: 1. SoundBlaster type cards have more than one MIDI driver. The system will usually default to the driver for the built-in synth on the card, rather than the external MIDI port. This means that you must select the correct driver, before SoundDiver can see the POD. 2. MIDI cables must run from out to in and vice versa (don't connect POD's MIDI In to your computer's MIDI In; connect POD's MIDI In to your computer's MIDI Out). Think of it in terms of the direction that information is flowing; out of the POD in to the computer. Out of the computer in to the POD. 3. MIDI channels must be set to the same value. The quickest way to ensure communication is to simply set the POD MIDI Channel to A for all (In MIDI-ese, this is known as Omni mode). Here are some basic steps to ensure communication with the POD: 1. When you get the dialog box stating that no new device is found, click on the button that says Manually. You will be dropped in the Memory Manager window of SoundDiver. 2. On the left hand side of the Memory Manager window, you will see a list of parameters. Make sure that the Out Port is set to the driver for the External MIDI. As different companies have different driver names, there's no one set name, but the selection should be fairly obvious. Deep Editing & MIDI Control: SOUNDDIVER SETUP TROUBLE-SHOOTING 8•16 3. Make sure that the Device ID is set to 1. 4. On the right hand side of the Memory Manager, click on the title bar that says User Programs. This will highlight all 36 of the user preset locations that are currently blank. 5. Now click on the left-most icon in the upper left of the Memory Manager. It should look like a little keyboard with an arrow coming out of it and a small question mark. This requests the current programs from the POD. At this point, you should see all the patch names fill in, and you're good to go.
erico.ascencao A POD não tem saída USB pra você usar um cabo USB-USB? O 2.0 não.
ricolb Veterano |
# ago/09
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Mateusm10 Cara, teste em outro PC, se não funcionar e estiver na garantia manda pra lá correndo. Isso aconteceu com o meu PODXT-L, zero bala, parece comum acontecer problemas na porta USB deles.