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rafaelrms Veterano |
# jul/04
me falem o que axam !!!!!
o link : 59.jpg
DeFoDoN Veterano |
# jul/04
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opa...meio pekena hein^???
num dah pa v nda direito cara...soh q eh uma sunburst
Homem Cueca Veterano
# jul/04
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guitarist from hell Veterano |
# jul/04
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nofx2804 Veterano |
# jul/04
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GuitarHouse Veterano |
# jul/04
· votar jpg
O ze ruela pos a foto da imagem pekena
essa ai eh a imagem grande
DeFoDoN Veterano |
# jul/04
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DeFoDoN Veterano |
# jul/04
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a guita eh praticamente igual a minha,....tirando adesivos...i a alavanca...
N3kr0N Veterano |
# ago/04
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bem bonita, mas o som é irado?! pq eu estou com dúvidas em relação a sonoridade do compensado em guitarras elétricas, eu to fazendo uma de compensado também, qual é a marca? valeu!!!!!!!!
rafaelrms Veterano |
# ago/04
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opa dei o link errado ae o q é mesmo: jpg
o som da minha guita é muito limpo
a marca é Strinberg
os captadores single-coil
cor(como na foto): Sunburst
tem alavanca
. . .
rafaelrms Veterano |
# ago/04
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sobre a foto, a fot não tah perfeita, não dah pra ler o q eu colokei pq no formato .jpg não dah direito
rafaelrms Veterano |
# ago/04
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o som é muito bom a madeira não é compensado !!!!!!!!!!!
a marce : Strinberg
stratopeido Veterano |
# ago/04
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eu tenho uma q eh meio parecida com essa quanto a braço e corpo. Se tiver duvida sobre guitarras d corpo d compensado.. eh facil: NAO COMPREM
bass_player Veterano |
# ago/04
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tava afim de saber... qual a sua guitarra?
rafaelrms Veterano |
# ago/04
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qual a sua guitarra afinal ?
N3kr0N Veterano |
# ago/04 · Editado por: N3kr0N
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rafaelrms mas aquela foto, é com as especificações da sua guitarra ou é uma q vc achou,e era igual a tua guita e colocou?
rafaelrms Veterano |
# ago/04
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eu procurei as espicificações e depois editei a foto colocando as especificações
DCJP Veterano |
# ago/04
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Se as especificações da TUA guita são aquelas que estão lá na imagem, então ela é de compensado, sim !
Corpo em "plywood" é justamente o compensado !
Olha a explicação completa aí (só achei em inglês....):
Everyone has heard of plywood, and we assume it is some sort of pressed wood but beyond that we just really dont know. Moreover, perhaps we really don t care until we need to use it in some building project, and then we need to understand its uses and features and differences.
Plywood is cheap to use, strong and flexible, and good for building furniture and cabinetry, and many other undertakings. Plywood is made of very thin layers of wood called plies or veneers glued together. The middle core is usually veneer or manufactured wood. The outer plies called face and back are usually quality wood to be better in appearance. The face is better than the back.
Plywood is made by rotary cutting a log to produce plies. Steaming or boiling softens the log. It is then placed on a large lathe using very sharp blades, and cut into long strips of veneer. The strip is trimmed and cut into specific lengths, then oven dried.
Veneer-core plywood
This is made of an odd or sometimes even number of plies, up to nine plies are common. This is the strongest type of plywood and can be purchased in thickness of up to 1- 1/8 in. The grain is laid and bonded running at right angles to adjacent plies causing the grain to lock reducing shrinkage in width. It gives strength in all directions. The panel does have an overall grain running lengthwise. This grain direction provides the panel with its greatest strength. When installing the grain should be run horizontal to the joists or studs.
Lumber Core Plywood
Lumber core plywood is made in much the same way as Veneer-core with exception of the core. The core is a strip of solid lumber with thickness of up to 1 inch. The edges of lumber core plywood will hold screws fast. Plywood is either construction or hardwood. Construction is mainly softwood and is available in 4x8 panels. The most usual thickness is to in. Hardwood is used for decorative purposes and comes in panels of 4x7x8 or 4x10 and is 1/8 to in. thick.
Span rating means the maximum space in inches needed between supports to (efficiently) support a panel. This (span) is the rating in which it performs. Sheathing panels have two ratings roof and floor.
The American Plywood Association (APA) regulates the standard of plywood, and all home centers and lumberyards must meet these standards. Thicker panels and higher grade can be ordered but are more expensive.
N3kr0N Veterano |
# ago/04
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Era o q eu estava suspeitando! mas o som não é legal?! então tá blz!
VRock Veterano |
# ago/04
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Naum estou conseguindo visualizar de nenhuma maneira...
rafaelrms Veterano |
# ago/04
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o som é bom
acho q vo trocar minha guita
COMPENSADO nimguem merece ! ! !
G_Gabriel_G Veterano |
# ago/04
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vc é de campo grande??
Dennis Christian Nunes de Freitas Veterano |
# ago/04
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kd o link?