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deep purple fan Veterano |
# jun/04
David Gilmour - Guitarrista do Pink Floyd
Soulface Veterano |
# jun/04
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Po... essa eu não sabia hein!
deep purple fan Veterano |
# jun/04
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Quais são os melhores solos dele e as melhores músicas dele na guitarra??
Eu gosto de Fat Old Sun, Shine on You Crazy Diamond, Dogs, Time, Money, Comfortably Numb...
stratopeido Veterano |
# jun/04
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wish you were here
on the turning away
another brick in the wall
hey you
dark side of the moon..
Metal bass Veterano |
# jun/04 · Editado por: Metal bass
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O solo de Another brick in the wall é animal!!
Homem Cueca Veterano
# jun/04
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Another Brick On The Wall part. II
Soulface Veterano |
# jun/04
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"As melhores" de novo...
bocao Veterano |
# jun/04
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Algumas boas dele (antes que encham o saco, eu sei que tem algumas do Barret aí, mas tô com preguiça de apagar):
1. Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine (4:12)
2. Pink Floyd - Lucifer Sam (3:07)
3. Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother (3:07)
4. Pink Floyd - Flaming (2:45)
5. Pink Floyd - Pow R Toc H (4:26)
6. Pink Floyd - Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk (3:06)
7. Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive (9:41)
8. Pink Floyd - The Gnome (2:13)
9. Pink Floyd - Chapter 24 (3:41)
10. Pink Floyd - Scarecrow (2:10)
11. Pink Floyd - Bike (3:22)
12. Pink Floyd - Let There Be More Light (5:38)
13. Pink Floyd - Remember A Day (4:33)
14. Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (5:27)
15. Pink Floyd - Corporal Clegg (4:12)
16. Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (11:59)
17. Pink Floyd - See Saw (4:36)
18. Pink Floyd - Jugband Blues (2:59)
19. Pink Floyd - Cirrus Minor (5:18)
20. Pink Floyd - The Nile Song (3:26)
21. Pink Floyd - Crying Song (3:33)
22. Pink Floyd - Up The Khyber (2:12)
23. Pink Floyd - Green Is The Colour (2:58)
24. Pink Floyd - Cymbaline (4:50)
25. Pink Floyd - Party Sequence (1:07)
26. Pink Floyd - Main Theme (5:28)
27. Pink Floyd - Ibiza Bar (3:19)
28. Pink Floyd - More Blues (2:12)
29. Pink Floyd - Quicksilver (7:13)
30. Pink Floyd - A Spanish Piece (1:05)
31. Pink Floyd - Dramatic Theme (2:15)
32. Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine (8:31)
33. Pink Floyd - Careful With That Axe, Eugene (8:50)
34. Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (9:26)
35. Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets (12:49)
36. Pink Floyd - Richard Wright - Sysyphus Part 1 (1:08)
37. Pink Floyd - Richard Wright - Sysyphus Part 2 (3:30)
38. Pink Floyd - Richard Wright - Sysyphus Part 3 (1:49)
39. Pink Floyd - Richard Wright - Sysyphus Part 4 (6:59)
40. Pink Floyd - Roger Waters - Grantchester Meadows (7:28)
41. Pink Floyd - Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict (5:01)
42. Pink Floyd - David Gilmour - The Narrow Way Part 1 (3:29)
43. Pink Floyd - David Gilmour - The Narrow Way Part 2 (2:54)
44. Pink Floyd - David Gilmour - The Narrow Way Part 3 (5:58)
45. Pink Floyd - Nick Mason - The Grand Vizier's Garden Party - Entrance (0:59)
46. Pink Floyd - Nick Mason - The Grand Vizier's Garden Party - Entertainment (7:06)
47. Pink Floyd - Nick Mason - The Grand Vizier's Garden Party - Exit (0:40)
48. Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother Suite (23:44)
49. Pink Floyd - If (4:30)
50. Pink Floyd - Summer '68 (5:29)
51. Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun (5:22)
52. Pink Floyd - Alan's Psychedelic Breakfest (12:59)
53. Pink Floyd - One Of These Days (5:58)
54. Pink Floyd - A Pillow Of Winds (5:11)
55. Pink Floyd - Fearless (6:09)
56. Pink Floyd - San Tropez (3:44)
57. Pink Floyd - Seamus (2:16)
58. Pink Floyd - Echoes (23:31)
59. Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne (2:55)
60. Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive (9:41)
61. Pink Floyd - See Emily Play (2:53)
62. Pink Floyd - Remember A Day (4:33)
63. Pink Floyd - Paintbox (3:33)
64. Pink Floyd - Julia Dream (2:36)
65. Pink Floyd - Carefull With That Axe, Eugene (5:45)
66. Pink Floyd - Cirrus Minor (5:18)
67. Pink Floyd - The Nile Song (3:26)
68. Pink Floyd - Bidind My Time (5:06)
69. Pink Floyd - Bike (3:21)
70. Pink Floyd - Obscured By Clouds (3:05)
71. Pink Floyd - When You're In (2:31)
72. Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges (3:30)
73. Pink Floyd - The Gold It's In The... (3:08)
74. Pink Floyd - Wot's ... Uh The Deal (5:09)
75. Pink Floyd - Mudmen (4:18)
76. Pink Floyd - Childhood's End (4:33)
77. Pink Floyd - Free Tour (4:16)
78. Pink Floyd - Stay (4:07)
79. Pink Floyd - Absolutely Curtains (5:51)
80. Pink Floyd - Speak To Me/Breathe (3:57)
81. Pink Floyd - On The Run (3:35)
82. Pink Floyd - Time (7:04)
83. Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky (4:47)
84. Pink Floyd - Money (6:22)
85. Pink Floyd - Us and Them (7:50)
86. Pink Floyd - Any Colour You Like (3:25)
87. Pink Floyd - Brain Damage (3:50)
88. Pink Floyd - Eclipse (2:01)
89. Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part I - V) (13:30)
90. Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine (7:26)
91. Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar (5:08)
92. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (5:40)
93. Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Part VI - IX) (12:22)
94. Pink Floyd - Pigs On The Wing (Part 1) (1:25)
95. Pink Floyd - Dogs (17:04)
96. Pink Floyd - Pigs (Three Different Ones) (11:21)
97. Pink Floyd - Sheep (10:23)
98. Pink Floyd - Pigs On The Wing (Part 2) (1:24)
99. Pink Floyd - In The Flesh (3:19)
100. Pink Floyd - The Thin Ice (2:29)
101. Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Part I) (3:09)
102. Pink Floyd - The Happiest Days Of Our Lives (1:50)
103. Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Part II) (3:59)
104. Pink Floyd - Mother (5:33)
105. Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky (2:47)
106. Pink Floyd - Empty Spaces (2:08)
107. Pink Floyd - Young Lust (3:31)
108. Pink Floyd - One Of My Turns (3:36)
109. Pink Floyd - Don't Leave Me Now (4:16)
110. Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (Part III) (1:14)
111. Pink Floyd - Goodbye Cruel World (1:14)
112. Pink Floyd - Hey You (4:41)
113. Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There (2:40)
114. Pink Floyd - Nobody Home (3:24)
115. Pink Floyd - Vera (1:33)
116. Pink Floyd - Bring The Boys Back Home (1:27)
117. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb (6:21)
118. Pink Floyd - The Show Must Go On (1:36)
119. Pink Floyd - In The Flesh (4:16)
120. Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell (4:23)
121. Pink Floyd - Waiting For The Worms (3:58)
122. Pink Floyd - Stop (0:30)
123. Pink Floyd - The Trial (5:19)
124. Pink Floyd - Outside The Wall (1:43)
125. Pink Floyd - The Post War Dream (3:01)
126. Pink Floyd - Your Possible Pasts (4:20)
127. Pink Floyd - One Of The Few (1:26)
128. Pink Floyd - The Hero's Return (2:56)
129. Pink Floyd - The Gunners Dream (5:03)
130. Pink Floyd - Paranoid Eyes (3:42)
131. Pink Floyd - Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert (1:17)
132. Pink Floyd - The Fletcher Memorial Home (4:10)
133. Pink Floyd - Southampton Dock (2:04)
134. Pink Floyd - The Final Cut (4:52)
135. Pink Floyd - Not Now John (5:02)
136. Pink Floyd - Two Suns In The Sunset (5:15)
137. Pink Floyd - Signs Of Life (4:24)
138. Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly (4:53)
139. Pink Floyd - The Dogs Of War (6:05)
140. Pink Floyd - One Slip (5:10)
141. Pink Floyd - On The Turning Away (5:42)
142. Pink Floyd - Yet Another Movie (7:28)
143. Pink Floyd - A New Machine Part 1 (1:46)
144. Pink Floyd - Terminal Frost (6:17)
145. Pink Floyd - A New Machine Part 2 (0:38)
146. Pink Floyd - Sorrow (8:46)
147. Pink Floyd - Cluster One (5:58)
148. Pink Floyd - What Do You Want From Me (4:21)
149. Pink Floyd - Poles Apart (7:04)
150. Pink Floyd - Marooned (5:28)
151. Pink Floyd - A Great Day For Freedom (4:18)
152. Pink Floyd - Wearing The Inside Out (6:48)
153. Pink Floyd - Take It Back (6:12)
154. Pink Floyd - Coming Back To Life (6:19)
155. Pink Floyd - Keep Talking (6:11)
156. Pink Floyd - Lost For Words (5:14)
157. Pink Floyd - High Hopes (8:31)
Soulface Veterano |
# jun/04
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Tem essa daki tb! hehehehe
Soulface Veterano |
# jun/04
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Falou comigo? hauehauehauehuahea
bocao Veterano |
# jun/04
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Impressão sua, auhauhaua
Mr Walker Veterano |
# jun/04
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Aí brother, tenho o DVD do David Gilmour, Acústico, zeradinho....estou negociando....Valew.
deep purple fan Veterano |
# jun/04 · Editado por: deep purple fan
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Naum quero ser chato, mas naum precisava colocar todas as músicas do Floyd (ou quase todas). Infelizmente vc colocou algumas músicas q nem, tem guitarra...
Leandro Veterano |
# jun/04
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deep purple fan
Naum quero ser chato
Não eh o q parece, hehe. XD
Sgt_Peppers Veterano |
# jun/04 · Editado por: Sgt_Peppers
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bah tem um monte hauhauahuuha
Shine On You Crazy Diamond part I
Shine On You Crazy Diammond part II
Wish You Were Here
Have A Cigar
Any Colour you Like
Fat Old Sun
Comfortably Numb
Hey You
Aother Brick In The Wall part II
Young Lust
Learning To Fly
On The Turning Away
What Do You Want From Me
Poles Apart
Coming Back To Life
High Hopes
Keep Talking
bom com isso dah pra ter uma idéia do q é David Gilmour
cbjr na veia Veterano |
# jun/04
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carqamba qnt musik...
veio o solo do another brick in the wall ehmto foda?
king_arthur Veterano |
# jun/04 · Editado por: king_arthur
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certo o cara... chega maluco tentando se mostraque sabe botando todas as musica do pink floyd ae...
deep purple fan
metade dessas musica ele nunca ouviu, ou nem lembra como eh... querem aposta?
Leandro Veterano |
# jun/04
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Eu tava zuando... =b
Será que vc não percebeu mesmo que ele pegou isso de algum site? Ele ainda deixou bem claro, dizendo que tava com preguiça de apagar. =b
Não foi pra impressionar ninguém, foi só pra dizer que todas as músicas são boas. Bem, eh o q eu acho q ele quis dizer! XD
inthelight Veterano |
# jun/04
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David Gilmour eh um monstro da guitarra, pessoalmente ele eh meu favorito depois do jimmy page!
o cara sabe tocar com um feeling tremendo, naum desperdiça notas e mostrou ser um grande letrista no The Division Bell.
sem contar q ele eh um dos q melhor toca lap steel no rock
king_arthur Veterano |
# jun/04
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entao pra q ele iria botar todas as composicoes que o floyd jah fez desde o inicio se o outro soh pergunto os solos bom do gilmour?
Arnold Layne Veterano |
# jun/04
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Echoes, The Fletcher memorial home, Shine on crazy diamond, Have a cigar, learning to fly, The nile song, Astronomy Domine, Money, Time e Brain Damage
Leandro Veterano |
# jun/04
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Enviado: 8/Jun/2004 22:05:44
Algumas boas dele (antes que encham o saco, eu sei que tem algumas do Barret aí, mas tô com preguiça de apagar):
DeFoDoN Veterano |
# jun/04
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wish you were here
another brick in the wall
king_arthur Veterano |
# jun/04
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bom bom... jah entendi... peco desculpas ao bocao por interpretar errado ele e ofende-lo.... e peco desculpas ao leandro por usar a palavra dele a meu favor... =] foi mal aeeeeee
Leandro Veterano |
# jun/04
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Sem problema, velhinho. ;)
bocao Veterano |
# jun/04
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Foi como o Leandro disse, eu postei isso mais pra dizer que todas as músicas do Floyd são boas, embora como vc disse eu não escutei todas elas mesmo, uahua. Só uns 90% disso aí. Mas não tem galho não.
Na verdade essas daí são todas as músicas do Floyd que eu tenho no PC. Acredito que são todas as músicas de estúdio. Eu só não apaguei as músicas da época do Barret, pq eu abri todas as músicas do Floyd no Winamp e como já disse, fiquei com preguiça de apagar.
Leandro Veterano |
# jun/04
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Ah, quase acertei! \0_
king_arthur Veterano |
# jun/04
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=] foi mal lah cara... mas diz ae... tu baxo tudo ou foi passando dos cds pro pc? porra baxa 200 musica soh do pink floyd O.O
Leandro Veterano |
# jun/04
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Internet de banda larga eh uma maravilha, não? =]
DeFoDoN Veterano |
# jun/04
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Internet de banda larga eh uma maravilha, não? =]
c eh...heheheh...