Steve Lukather: um guitarrista excelente, mas pouco valorizado.

Autor Mensagem
# jun/10

Caramba, não sei como esse cara é tão pouco falado no fórum. O povo fala muito de um grupinho pequeno de guitarristas e acaba esquecendo de vários, até mesmo de caras tao respeitados e famosos como Lukather. Poucos reconhecem seu valor. Ele é um guitarrista completíssimo, com uma obra consistente e grandes participações em jams. Eu estava vendo uns vídeos dele aqui e resolvi postar pra todos verem. O cara é muito bom. Timbrão, técnica assombrosa e bom gosto. Divirtam-se.

Genial ele mostrando como se faz um groove

Um solo emocionante:

O cara tem a manha, esse aqui eh fodástico:

Cover excelente de While my guitar gently weeps:

Ele tocando com ninguem menos que AL DI MEOLA:

# jun/10 · Editado por: Cynic
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Grande Luke cara, e é valorizado sim cara, ele é o tipo de cara, que faz as músicas ao vivo ficarem mais fodas do que de estúdio saca, nessa performance em Paris, já da pra perceber a pegada groove, e se liga no solo:


# jun/10
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vi só uns tres videos e nao achei tao assim, pra mim é só mais um guitarrista...

# jun/10
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grande vídeo. O Steve é muito completo. Alem de grande solista, eh grande guitarrista base. Ele quem gravou a base de beat it.

# jun/10
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O fato de ele não ser tão conhecido é que a maior parte da carreira dele ser voltada como músico de estúdio, onde ele gravou diversas músicas com vários artistas.
Como por exemplo, o riff da musica beat it do michael jackson é ele quem fez. O Eddie Van Halen fez apenas o solo da música.

# jun/10 · Editado por: daniel_guitar
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Melhor participante de jam
Prêmio FCC violão 2008
# jun/10
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pra mim é só mais um guitarrista... E pra mim vc ainda vai mudar seus conceitos quando tiver mais experiência =)

Marc Snow
# jun/10
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E pra mim vc ainda vai mudar seus conceitos quando tiver mais experiência =)

falou tudo

Melhor participante de jam
Prêmio FCC violão 2008
# jun/10
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Melhor participante de jam
Prêmio FCC violão 2008
# jun/10
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Marc Snow

# jun/10 · Editado por: Bigtransa
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me desculpe mas pouco reconhecido esse cara não é nem fudendo......o cara é guitarrista de uma banda mundialmente famosa, um dos músicos de estúdio e sidemans mais requisitados e bem pagos do mundo (já tocou com o Michael Jackson, Phill Collins, Paul McCartney e até com o Gilberto Gil), ganhou uma porrada de grammys com a banda, com a carreira solo e como produtor..... sei lá..... pra mim é impossível ter mais reconhecimento do que um cara desses......

Marc Snow
# jun/10
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pois é...

# jun/10
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O Steve Lukather não é valorizado aqui no FCC porque, pelo que pude observar a maioria aqui é bitolada numa leva de guitarristas garotos propaganda.

# jun/10
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Né... ?!

# jun/10
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O Steve Lukather não é valorizado aqui no FCC porque, pelo que pude observar a maioria aqui é bitolada numa leva de guitarristas garotos propaganda.
Emogotic.. tá né

# jun/10 · Editado por: Woxipo
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Na minha opinião ele é mto famoso, bastante reconhecido, só que é guitarrista de uma banda chamada Toto que tem um estilo Pop Rock, então normal em um fórum de maioria metaleiros não o conhecerem

# jun/10
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vc esta certissimo, cara! Ele é reconhecidíssimo e muito requisitado por grandes nomes da música... inclusive participa frequentemente de jams com os caras mais fodas que temos por aí. Eu eh que não me expressei corretamente. Eu quis dizer mais no sentido de ele ser muitas vezes pouco valorizado pela nova leva de aprendizes de guitarreiro. É só rodar um pouco a internet pra ver gente falando mal ele.


E pra mim vc ainda vai mudar seus conceitos quando tiver mais experiência =)

obrigado por dizer exatamente o que eu queria falar.

# jun/10
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OLHA só! Ele ta usando uma RetroRocket da Fernandes ou é impressão minha???


# jun/10
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pouco valorizado pela nova leva de aprendizes de guitarreiro

Isso é verdade.... mas quem não é pouco valorizado por essa raça? o grande barato de um cara desses é chamar a atenção para falhas mínimas de grandes guitarristas...... Quando o guitarrista não tiver nenhum defeito aparente é só falar do feeling ou do timbre e acrescentar dizendo que é uma questão de gosto......

felizmente na maioria dos casos é só uma fase que passa.....

De Ros
# jun/10 · Editado por: De Ros
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Cara, tu acha que ele é pouco valorizado porque a galera do cifra club não fala muito nele? Isso não seria dar uma importância exagerada para um fórum de discussões?

Na minha humilde opinião, a valorização de um músico reflete na carreira dele. Se tu me permitir a invasão no teu tópico, vou dar um "control c" "control v" na discografia do Lukather, pode ser?

Original albums

1977 | Boylan, Terence - Terence Boylan
1977 | Dal Bello, Lisa - Lisa Dal Bello
1977 | Kisugi, Takao - Zigu zagu
1977 | Peck, Danny - Heart and soul
1977 | Ross, Diana - Baby it's me
1977 | Scaggs, Boz - Down two then left
1978 | Cadd, Brian - Yesterday dreams
1978 | Carter, Valerie - Wild child
1978 | Champlin, Bill - Single
1978 | Cliff, Jimmy - Give thanks
1978 | Cooper, Alice - From the inside
1978 | Criss, Peter - Peter Criss
1978 | Dal Bello, Lisa - Pretty girls
1978 | Donohue, Dane - Dane Donohue
1978 | Fuller, Craig & Eric Kaz - Fuller/Kaz
1978 | Gardestad, Ted - Blue virgin isle
1978 | Hall & Oates - Along the red ledge
1978 | Hodges, James & Smith - What have you done for love
1978 | Jabara, Paul - Keeping time
1978 | Jordan, Marc - Mannequin
1978 | Kiss - Peter Criss
1978 | Ladd, Cheryl - Cheryl Ladd
1978 | Lynn, Cheryl - Cheryl Lynn
1978 | Mathis, J. & Deniece Williams - That's what friends are for
1978 | McClusky, David - A long time coming
1978 | Newton, Juice - Well kept secret
1978 | Newton-John, Olivia - Totally hot
1978 | Nolan, Kenny - Song between us
1978 | Omura, Kenji - Kenji shock
1978 | Pockets - Take it on up
1978 | Reddy, Helen - We'll sing in the sunshine
1978 | Sager, Carol Bayer - Too
1978 | Sayer, Leo - Leo Sayer
1978 | Sharretts, The - You turn me around
1978 | Soundtrack - What have you done for love
1978 | Steve T. - West Coast confidential
1978 | Streisand, Barbra - Songbird
1978 | Toto - Toto
1978 | Wells, Cory - Touch me
1978 | Wells, Cory - Ahead of the storm
1979 | Bishop & Gwinn - This is our night
1979 | Brooklyn Dreams - Joy ride
1979 | Cerrone - Angelina
1979 | Cheap Trick - Dream police
1979 | Cher - Take me home
1979 | Currie, Cherie & Marie - Messin' with the boys
1979 | Dee, Kiki - Stay with me
1979 | Earth, Wind & Fire - I am
1979 | Eaton, Steve - Steve Eaton
1979 | Edelman, Randy - You're the one
1979 | England, Dan & J.F. Coley - Dr. Heckle & Mr. Jive
1979 | Evans, Linda - You control me
1979 | Gil, Gilberto - Realce
1979 | Goffin, Louise - Kid blue
1979 | John, Elton - Victim of love
1979 | Jordan, Marc - Blue desert
1979 | Kipner, Steve - Knock the walls down
1979 | Kunkel, Leah - Leah Kunkel
1979 | Ladd, Cheryl - Dance forever
1979 | Manhatten Transfer, The - Extensions
1979 | Mason, Harvey - Groovin' you
1979 | Mayall, John - Bottom line
1979 | McIan, Peter - Playing near the edge
1979 | Mitchell, Adam - Readhead in trouble
1979 | Noguchi, Goro - Last joke
1979 | Patton, Robbie - Do you wanna tonight
1979 | Ritenour, Lee - Feel the night
1979 | Sands, Evie - Suspended animation
1979 | Sayer, Leo - Here
1979 | Scaggs, Boz - Hits
1979 | Soundtrack - Fast company
1979 | Streisand, Barbra - Wet
1979 | Tanner, Marc - No escape
1979 | Toto - Hydra
1979 | Trooper - Flying colors
1979 | Williams, Deniece - When love comes calling
1979 | Wilson Brothers - Another night
1979 | Wood, Lauren - Lauren Wood
1979 | Wright, Gary - Heading home
1980 | Airplay - Airplay
1980 | Allen, Peter - Bi-coastal
1980 | America - Alibi
1980 | Austin, Patti - Every home should have one
1980 | Berger, Michael - Beausejour
1980 | Carmen, Eric - Tonight you're mine
1980 | Cher - Prisoner
1980 | Criss, Pete - Out of control
1980 | Desario, Teri - Caught
1980 | Earth, Wind & Fire - Faces
1980 | Farina, Sandy - All alone in the night
1980 | Franklin, Aretha - Aretha
1980 | Grimaldi & Zeiher - Recidive
1980 | Hamada, Shogo - Home bound
1980 | John, Elton - 21 at 33
1980 | Kennedy, Ray - Ray Kennedy
1980 | Kunkel, Leah - I run with trouble
1980 | MacGregor, Mary - Mary MacGregor
1980 | Nash, Graham - Earth and sky
1980 | Okumoto, Ryo - Makin' rock
1980 | Scaggs, Boz - Middle man
1980 | Sciuto, Tony - Island nights
1980 | Seals, Dan - Stones
1980 | Soundtrack - Urban cowboy
1980 | Soundtrack - Cheech & Chong's next movie
1980 | St. Nicklaus, Dick - Sweet & dandy
1980 | Summer, Donna - The wanderer
1980 | Syreeta - Syreeta
1980 | Takeuchi, Mariya - Miss M
1980 | Taupin, Bernie - He who rides the tiger
1980 | Tavares - Supercharged
1980 | Triumvirat - Russian roulette
1981 | Alpert, Herb - Magic man
1981 | Benson, George - The George Benson collection
1981 | Berger, Michael - Dreams in stone
1981 | Bertucci, Anne - Ann Bertucci
1981 | Brothers Johnson, The - Winners
1981 | Byrne & Barnes - An eye for an eye
1981 | Cetera, Peter - Peter Cetera
1981 | Champlin, Bill - Runaway
1981 | Char - USJ
1981 | Claudia - Claudia
1981 | Crawford, Randy - Secret combination
1981 | Cummings, Burton - Sweet sweet
1981 | Dash, Sarah - Close enough
1981 | Dore, Charlie - Listen
1981 | Essex, David - Be Bop the future
1981 | Forsey, Keith - Dynamite
1981 | Frampton, Peter - Breaking all the rules
1981 | Franklin, Aretha - Love all the hurt away
1981 | Jarreau, Al - Breakin' away
1981 | John, Elton - The fox
1981 | Jones, Quincy - The dude
1981 | Jones, Ricky Lee - Pirates
1981 | Jürgens, Udo - Leave a little love
1981 | Kobayashi, Katsumi - Guitar technic of Steve Lukather
1981 | Lake, Greg - Greg Lake
1981 | Leslie, Kelly & John Ford Coley - Kelly Leslie & John Ford Coley
1981 | Manhatten Transfer, The - Mecca for moderns
1981 | Marian - Marginal love
1981 | Matsui, Kazu - Time no longer
1981 | Newton-John, Olivia - Physical
1981 | Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Jealousy
1981 | Ozaki, Ami - Hot baby
1981 | Pages - Pages
1981 | Preston, Billy - The way I am
1981 | Russell, Brenda - Love life
1981 | Sager, Carol Bayer - Sometimes late at night
1981 | Sciuto, Tony - Be my radio
1981 | Sorrenti, Alan - Sorrenti
1981 | Soundtrack - In harmony
1981 | Sugano, Anri - Show case
1981 | Toto - Turn back
1982 | Alessi Brothers - Long time friends
1982 | America - View from the ground
1982 | Bade, Lisa - Suspicion
1982 | Benson, Gary - Moonlight walking
1982 | Branigan, Laura - Branigan
1982 | Bugatti & Musker - The Dukes
1982 | Caldwell, Bobby - Carry on
1982 | Cher - I paralyze
1982 | Chicago - Chicago 16
1982 | Crawford, Randy - Windsong
1982 | Criss, Pete - Let me rock you
1982 | Ford, Dwayne - Needless freaking
1982 | Hancock, Herbie - Lite me up
1982 | Henley, Don - I can't stand still
1982 | Imperials, The - Stand by the power
1982 | Jackson, Michael - Thriller
1982 | Jans, Tom - Champion
1982 | Katsuragi, Yuki - L.A. spirits
1982 | Kerr, Richard - No looking back
1982 | LaBounty, Bill - Bill La Bounty
1982 | Loggins, Kenny - High adventure
1982 | Manchester, Melissa - Hey Ricky
1982 | Mars, Steve - Somebody somewhere
1982 | Mathieson, Greg Project - Baked Potato super live
1982 | McDonald, Michael - If that's what it takes
1982 | Mitchell, Joni - Wild things run fast
1982 | Mizukoshi, Keiko - I'm fine
1982 | Night Plane - Night plane
1982 | Roberts, David - All dressed up
1982 | Sayer, Leo - World radio
1982 | Sedaka, Dara - I'm your girlfriend
1982 | Simmons, Richard - Reach
1982 | Soundtrack - Zapped!
1982 | Stevens, Jon - Jon Stevens
1982 | Summer, Donna - Donna Summer
1982 | Toto - IV
1982 | Tubes, The - Completion backward principle
1982 | Ware, Leon - Leon Ware
1982 | Warwick, Dionne - Friends in love
1982 | Watts, Ernie - Chariots of fire
1982 | Webb, Jimmy - Angel heart
1982 | Williams, Joseph - Joseph Williams
1982 | Woods, Stevie - Take me to your heaven
1982 | Yazawa, Eikichi - It's just rock 'n' roll
1982 | Yazawa, Eikichi - PM 9
1982 | Young, Jesse Colin - The perfect stranger
1982 | Zevon, Warren - Envoy
1983 | Alpert, Herb - Blow your own horn
1983 | Anka, Paul - Walk a fine line
1983 | Bertucci, Anne - Cool hand
1983 | Carnes, Kim - Cafe racer
1983 | Cocciante, Ricardo - Sincerita
1983 | Crawford, Randy - Nightline
1983 | Cross, Christopher - Another page
1983 | Eye to Eye - Shakespeare stole my baby
1983 | Henderson, Finis - Finis
1983 | Holland, Amy - On your every word
1983 | I-Ten - Taking a cold look
1983 | Jordan, Marc - A hole in the wall
1983 | Karizma - Dream come true
1983 | Longfellow, Barron - Barron Longfellow
1983 | Newman, Randy - Trouble in paradise
1983 | Nicks, Steve - The wild heart
1983 | Nielsen-Pearson - Blind luck
1983 | Richie, Lionel - Can't slow down
1983 | Rogers, Kenny - We've got tonight
1983 | Ross, Diana - Ross
1983 | Sayer, Leo - Have you ever been in love
1983 | Soundtrack - Two of a kind
1983 | Tubes, The - Outside inside
1983 | Tutone, Tommy - National emotion
1983 | Walsh, Brock - Dateline: Tokyo
1984 | Benson, George - 20/20
1984 | Blake, Karen - Just one heart
1984 | Champaign - Women in flames
1984 | Cocker, Joe - Civilized man
1984 | Crane, Stephan - Kicks
1984 | Easton, Sheena - A private heaven
1984 | Gruska, Jay - Which one of us is me
1984 | Iwasaki, Hiromi - I won't break your heart
1984 | Jacksons - Victory
1984 | Jones, Ricky Lee - The magazine
1984 | Kennedy, Joyce - Looking for trouble
1984 | Khan, Chaka - I feel for you
1984 | McCartney, Paul - Give my regards to Broadstreet
1984 | Mirage - Give me the night
1984 | Schmit, Thimothy B. - Playin' it cool
1984 | Soundtrack - Footloose
1984 | Streisand, Barbra - Emotion
1984 | Toto - Isolation
1984 | Toto - Dune
1984 | Various artists - The official music of the 1984 Ol. Games
1984 | Waybill, Fee - Read my lips
1985 | Atkins, Chet - Stay tuned
1985 | Clapton, Eric - Behind the sun
1985 | Dees, Rick & the cast of idiots - I'm not crazy
1985 | Far Corporation - Division one
1985 | Kawai, Naoko - 9 1/2
1985 | Loggins, Kenny - Vox humana
1985 | Manchester, Melissa - Mathematics
1985 | Martin, Eric - Eric Martin
1985 | Mitchell, Joni - Dog eat dog
1985 | Newton-John, Olivia - Soul kiss
1985 | Rogers, Kenny - Heart of the matter
1985 | Soundtrack - White nights
1985 | Soundtrack - Wildcats
1985 | Soundtrack - St. Elmo's fire
1985 | Stealin' Horses - Stealin' Horses
1986 | Brown, Jackson - Lives in the balance
1986 | Chicago - Chicago 18
1986 | Diamond, Neil - Headed for the future
1986 | Jackson, Jermaine - Precious moments
1986 | Lover Speaks, The - The lover speaks
1986 | Raymond, Brett - Only love
1986 | Richie, Lionel - Dancing on the ceiling
1986 | Rogers, Kenny - They don't make them like they used to
1986 | Santana, Beck & Lukather - Lotus gem
1986 | Soundtrack - Back to school
1986 | Soundtrack - Raw deal
1986 | Toto - Fahrenheit
1987 | Cher - Cher
1987 | Feehan, Tim - Tim Feehan
1987 | Larsen, Neil - Through any window
1987 | Lynn, Cheryl - Start over
1987 | Milsap, Ronnie - Heart & soul
1987 | Watson, Helen - Blue slipper
1987 | Weckl, Dave - Contemporary drummer + one (lessons)
1988 | Anderson, Jon - In the City of Angels
1988 | Diamond, Neil - Best years of our lives
1988 | Garfunkel, Art - Lefty
1988 | L.A. Workshop - Norwegian wood I
1988 | Newman, Randy - Land of dreams
1988 | Pasquale, Joe - Prey
1988 | Rankin, Kenny - Hiding in myself
1988 | Scaggs, Boz - Other roads
1988 | Think out loud - Think out loud
1988 | Toto - The seventh one (album)
1989 | Beck, Robin - Trouble or nothing
1989 | Bishop, Steven - Bowling in Paris
1989 | Bolton, Michael - Soul provider
1989 | Bridge 2 Far - Bridge 2 Far
1989 | Carlisle, Belinda - Runaway horses
1989 | Cher - Heart of stone
1989 | Choir, Yves - By prescription only
1989 | Clemons, Clarence - A night with mr. C
1989 | Cooper, Alice - Trash
1989 | Crosby, David - Oh yes I can
1989 | Falk, Dieter - Dieter Falk
1989 | Guitar workshop - Tribute to Otis Redding
1989 | Harnen, Jimmy - Can't find the midnight
1989 | Jones, Booker T. - The runaway
1989 | Jones, Quincy - Back on the block
1989 | Karizma - Cuba
1989 | Kawauchi, Junichi - Sweet
1989 | Los Lobotomys - Los Lobotomys
1989 | Lukather, Steve - Lukather
1989 | Marx, Richard - Repeat offender
1989 | Megu - Le o deta
1989 | Rodgers, Michael - I got love
1989 | Saraya - Timeless love (single)
1989 | Saunders, Fernando - Cashmere dreams
1989 | Sloppy Seconds - Destroyed
1989 | Soundtrack - Homer and Eddie
1989 | Soundtrack - Road house
1989 | Sugiyama, Kiyotaka - Here & there
1989 | Various artists - A very special Christmas
1989 | Weisberg, Tim - Outrageous temptations
1989 | Werner, Pe - Weibsbilder
1990 | Alston, Gerald - Alston, Gerald
1990 | Anderson, Michael - Michael Anderson
1990 | Asia - Then and now
1990 | Cotton, Paul - Changing horses
1990 | Feehan, Tim - Full contact
1990 | Foster, David - River of love
1990 | Frankfurter Rock Orchestra - Classic Toto hits
1990 | Garfield, David & Friends - L.A. keyboard project
1990 | Grimaldi, Bernard - Toute ressemblence des personnes aynt
1990 | Horn, Jim - Work it out
1990 | Hungate, David - Souvenir
1990 | Landau, Michael - Tales from the bulge
1990 | Schascle - Haunted by real life
1990 | Toto - Past to present
1990 | Wilson Phillips - Wilson Phillips
1990 | Yazawa, Eikichi - Eikichi
1991 | 3rd Nation - One nation
1991 | Carter, Raymone - Raymone Carter
1991 | Cher - Love hurts
1991 | Child, Desmond - Discipline
1991 | Crusaders, The - Healing the wounds
1991 | DeFrancesco, Joey - Part III
1991 | Gianco, Ricky E. - Rock 'n' roll
1991 | Goodrum, Randy - Caretaker of dreams
1991 | Hamada, Mari - Tomorrow
1991 | Ingram, James - The power of great music, The best of...
1991 | Kawauchi, Junichi - Private heaven
1991 | Marx, Richard - Rush street
1991 | Middler, Bette - For the boys
1991 | O'Kane, John - Solid
1991 | Peeples, Nia - Nia Peeples
1991 | Richman, Jeff - The way in
1991 | Seger, Bob - The fire inside
1991 | Stewart, Rod - Vagabond heart
1991 | Van Halen - For unlawful carnal knowledge
1991 | Yemoto, The - Olympic matsuri
1991 | Zappa, Dweezil - Confessions
1992 | Bissonette, Gregg - Siblings
1992 | Champlin, Bill - Burn down the night
1992 | Fields, Brandon - Other places
1992 | Hadley, Tony - The state of play
1992 | Himuro, Kyosuke - Himuro masterpiece
1992 | Howell, Kurt - Kurt Howell
1992 | L.A. Blues Authority - L.A. Blues Authority
1992 | Nakajima, Fumiaki - Girl like you
1992 | Parton, Dolly - Straight talk
1992 | Powell, Cozy - The drums are back
1992 | Schultz, Ben - Tri ality
1992 | Soundtrack - Straight talk
1992 | Spinal Tap - Break like the wind (incl. Bitch school)
1992 | Toto - Kingdom of desire
1992 | Various artists - The guitarist
1992 | Watanabe, Misato - Hello lovers
1992 | Waters, Roger - Amused to death
1992 | Wilson Phillips - Shadows and light
1993 | Gorky Park - Moscow calling
1993 | Toto - Absolutely live
1993 | Webb, Jimmy - Suspending disbelief
1994 | Beacco, Marc - Scampi fritti
1994 | Champlin, Bill - Through it all
1994 | Clooney, Rosemary - Still on the road
1994 | Far Corporation - Solitude
1994 | Goodrum, Randy - Words and music
1994 | Hausmylly - Peilipallo
1994 | Lukather, Steve - Candyman
1994 | Pasquale, Joe - Riccochet
1994 | Various artists - Night of the proms
1994 | Wetton, John - Voice mail/Battle lines
1995 | Coryell, Larry - I'll be over you
1995 | Di Bart, Tony - Turn your love around
1995 | Houston, Whitney - Exhale (single)
1995 | Jackson, Michael - History
1995 | Kleptomania - Turn your love around
1995 | L.A. Workshop - Norwegian wood II
1995 | Sherwood Ball 'n Chain - White light
1995 | Soundtrack - People
1995 | Tesh, The John Project - Sax on the beach
1995 | Toto - Tambu
1995 | Van Halen - Balance
1995 | Various artists - Jeffology, A guitar chronology
1995 | Various artists - In from the storm, The music of J. Hendrix
1996 | Andreas, Teddy - Innocent loser
1996 | Graydon, Jay/Rake & Surftones - Surfers drive woodies
1996 | Jackopierce - Finest hour
1996 | Lil' Kim - Hard core
1996 | Meat Loaf - Live around the world
1996 | Richie, Lionel - Louder than words
1996 | Tamas - Blue syndicate
1996 | Tubes, The - Genius of America
1996 | Waybill, Fee - Don't be scared by these hands
1997 | Breaux, Zachary - Uptown groove
1997 | Garfield, David & Friends - Tribute to Jeff
1997 | Jackson, Michael - Blood on the dancefloor
1997 | Kassav - Dife
1997 | Lavezzi, Mario - Voci e chitarre
1997 | Lukather, Steve - Luke
1997 | Man Doki - People in room no8
1997 | Marx, Richard - Flesh and bone
1997 | Soundtrack - Balko
1997 | Various artists - Carols of Christmas II
1997 | Various artists - One step up/two steps back: The songs of Bruce Springsteen
1997 | Williams, Joseph - 3
1998 | Be Five, The - Trying to forget
1998 | Bissonette, Gregg - Gregg Bissonette
1998 | Garfield, David & Friends - I am the cat,
1998 | Gebhard, Nicky & Gee Fresh - No cry, just music
1998 | Gurtu, Trilok - Kathak
1998 | Tamas - Live in Budapest
1998 | Terrana, Mike - Man in the machine/Shadows of the past
1998 | Torpey, Pat - Odd man out
1998 | Toto - XX
1998 | Van Halen - Van Halen III
1998 | Various artists - Merry axemas, volume 2
1999 | Bolton, Michael - Timeless/The classics, volume 2
1999 | Fabian, Lara - Lara Fabian
1999 | Klimas, Larry - Retro-spec(t)
1999 | Torpey, Pat - Y2K
1999 | Toto - Mindfields
1999 | Toto - Livefields
1999 | Various artists - ELT songs from L.A.
1999 | Various artists - Not the same old song and dance, Tribute to Aerosmith
1999 | Various artists - Humanary stew, Tribute to Alice Cooper
1999 | Various artists - Sounds of wood and steel, volume 2
1999 | Various artists - Instrumentally yours: classic love songs
1999 | Walker, Gary - Storybook
1999 | Wolf, Peter - Progression (Linzer Klangwolke)
2000 | I-Friends - I will get there
2000 | Niacin - Deep
2000 | Okui, Masami - Neei
2000 | Soundtrack - Pokemon 2000: Power of one
2000 | Tolle Project, Christian - Better than dreams
2000 | Tube - Sha la la/Remember me
2000 | Tubes, The - Tubes world tour 2001
2000 | Various artists - Bat head soup, Tribute to Ozzy
2000 | Wehipeihana Project, Lynda - Lynda Wehipeihana Project
2000 | Wilson, Nancy - Friends in love
2001 | Crowell, Rodney - The Houston kid
2001 | DiMaggio, Robin - Blue planet
2001 | Doves of Fire - Live
2001 | Iijima, Mari - Right now
2001 | Karizma - Lost and found
2001 | Lukather, Steve & Larry Carlton - No substitutions
2001 | Sanchez, Roger - First contact
2001 | Scaggs, Boz - Dig
2001 | Shankar & Gingger - One in a million
2001 | Sherinian, Derek - Inertia
2001 | Various artists - Stone cold Queen, a tribute to Queen
2001 | Various artists - Tae bo mix
2001 | Wilson, Jim - Cape of good hope
2002 | AOR - L.A. reflection
2002 | Davis, Miles - The complete Miles Davis at Montreux
2002 | Gore, Jacky - The real thing
2002 | Gregorian - Masters of chant, chapter III
2002 | Lee, Tommy - Never a dull moment
2002 | Love Solution - I'll be over you
2002 | Man Doki - Soulmates (incl. I lost my heart in China)
2002 | Okumoto, Ryo - Coming through
2002 | Rundgren, Todd - Todd Rundgren & his friends
2002 | Toto - Through the looking glass
2002 | Various artists - One way street, a tribute to Aerosmith
2002 | Various artists - Pigs and pyramids, Songs of Pink Floyd
2002 | Various artists - Guitars for Freedom, volume 2
2002 | Various artists - Best of the Nigth of the Proms vol. 1
2002 | Various artists - Guitar attitudes - heroes
2003 | AOR - Dreaming of L.A.
2003 | Garfield, David & Friends - Giving back
2003 | Heimlicher, Matthias - Running back to you
2003 | Lake, Greg - From the underground vol 2
2003 | Lukather, Steve - Santamental
2003 | Sherinian, Derek - Black utopia
2003 | Toto - 25th Anniversary live in Amsterdam
2003 | Tramp, Mike - More to life than this
2003 | Tschuggnall, Michael - Tears of happiness
2003 | Various artists - Hazy dreams, (not just) a Jimi Hendrix tribute
2003 | Various artists - Voodoo crossing, a tribute to Jimi Hendrix
2003 | Various artists - Influences & connections, Mr. Big
2003 | Various artists - Stairway to rock, (not just) a Led Zeppelin tribute
2003 | Various artists - Nigth of the Proms 2003
2003 | Yardbirds - Birdland
2004 | AOR - Nothing but the best
2004 | Budka Suflera - Jest
2004 | Cocker, Joe - Heart and soul
2004 | Diggs, David - Jazzwerk
2004 | Larson Band, Travis - Burn season
2004 | Los Lobotomys - The official bootleg
2004 | Sherinian, Derek - Mythology
2004 | Thomas, Mickey - Over the edge
2004 | Tramp, Mike - Songs I left behind
2004 | Van Halen - The best of both worlds
2004 | Various artists - Spin the bottle, an allstar tribute to Kiss
2004 | Various artists - A guitars surpreme, tribute to John Coltrane
2004 | Various artists - Bedroom mixes, vol. 3
2004 | Winter, Edgar - Jazzin' the blues
2005 | Davis, Miles - Munich concert
2005 | Logan, Oni - Stranger in a foreign land
2005 | Lukather, Steve & El Grupo - El Grupo live
2005 | Miles, Jay - 9 Hours
2005 | Paul, Les & Friends - American made world played
2005 | Radioactive - Taken
2005 | Schwarz, Siggi & the Rock Legends - Woodstock, vol. II
2005 | Soundtrack - Dragon ball Z & Dragon ball Z2
2005 | Soundtrack - Dragon ball Z3
2005 | Tolle Project, Christian - The real thing
2005 | Travers & Appice - Bazooka
2005 | Various artists - Gypsy blood: A tribute to Jimi Hendrix, vol. 2
2005 | Various artists - Visions of an Inner Mounting Apocalypse: A Fusion Guitar Tribute
2005 | Various artists - The loner, A tribute to Jeff Beck
2005 | Various artists - Back against the wall
2005 | Various artists - Hurricane relief, Come together now
2006 | AOR - L.A. attraction
2006 | AOR - L.A. concession
2006 | Cerrone - Cerrone: by Bob Sinclair
2006 | Fowler, Bernard - Friends with privileges
2006 | Jones, Ronnie - Again
2006 | Levin, Tony - Resonator
2006 | Rodgers, Dave - Blow your mind
2006 | Soussan, Phil - Vibrate
2006 | Toto - Falling in between
2006 | Toto - Bottom of your soul, Summer 2006 - Tour edition
2006 | Various artists - The royal dan, a tribute
2006 | Various artists - Butchering the Beatles
2007 | Mendoza, Marco - Live for tomorrow
2007 | Toto - Falling in between live
2007 | Various artists - 25 Years at New Morning
2007 | Vinylworxx - Stop lovin' you
2008 | Borghi, Simone - Online
2008 | Champlin, Bill - No place left to fall
2008 | Culbertson, Brian - Bringing back the funk
2008 | King of Balance - A rockwalk through the Toto years
2008 | Lukather, Steve - Ever changing times
2008 | Paul, Les & Friends - A tribute to a legend
2008 | Stereoboys - I won't hold you back
2008 | Various artists - Led box: The ultimate tribute to Led Zeppelin
2008 | Various artists - Guitar heroes, Led Zeppelin instrumental renditions
2008 | Various artists - We whish you a metal xmas... and a head banging new year
2008 | Williams, Joseph - This fall
2009 | AOR - Journey to L.A.
2009 | Benson, George - Songs and stories
2009 | Jackson, Michael - This is it
2009 | Man Doki Soulmates - Aquarelle
2009 | Noy, Oz - Schizophrenic
2009 | Various artists - Abbey Road: Tribute to The Beatles
2010 | Kulick, Bruce - BK3

Compilation albums

1979 | Jones, Quincy - Superdisc
1980 | England, Dan & J.F. Coley - The best of England & Coley
1982 | Alpert, Herb - Greatest hits
1982 | Newton-John, Olivia - Greatest hits
1983 | Manchester, Melissa - Greatest hits
1983 | Various artists - Winners
1984 | Soundtrack - Arthur
1986 | Benson, George - The best of George Benson
1986 | Various artists - Hands across America
1988 | Imperials, The - Legacy 1977-1988
1988 | Various artists - Guy Laroche Paris, Feel the power
1989 | Chicago - Greatest hits 1982-1989
1989 | Soundtrack - Shocker
1990 | John, Elton - To be continued
1990 | Various artists - Rock guitar legends
1990 | Various artists - Legends, The music of Desmond Child
1991 | Cross, Christopher - The best of...
1991 | Nicks, Steve - Timespace: the best of Stevie Nicks
1991 | Various artists - Guitar's practicing musicians II
1992 | Foster, David - A touch of David Foster
1992 | Frampton, Peter - Shine on: a collection
1992 | Manhatten Transfer - Anthology: down in Birdland
1992 | Richie, Lionel - Back to front
1992 | Tubes, The - The best of the Tubes
1992 | Various artists - Global guitar
1993 | Cher - Greatest hits: 1965-1992
1993 | Cocker, Joe - Best of Joe Cocker
1993 | Cross, Christopher - Ride like the wind
1993 | Sayer, Leo - All the best
1993 | Scaggs, Boz - Starbox
1993 | Scaggs, Boz - Starbox
1993 | Summer, Donna - Donna Summer anthology
1994 | Crawford, Randy - The very best of RC
1994 | Falk, Dieter - Instrumental collection
1994 | Seger, Bob - Greatest hits
1994 | Various artists - Return of Westcoast pop, volume I
1994 | Various artists - 18 Rock classics
1995 | Goodrum, Randy - Songbook
1995 | Henley, Don - Actual miles: Henley's greatest hits
1995 | Toto - Best ballads
1995 | Tubes, The - The best of the Tubes 1981-1987
1995 | Various artists - People: a musical celebration of diversity
1996 | Brooklyn Dreams - Music, harmony and rhythm
1996 | Cher - Best of the Casablanca years
1996 | Crawford, Randy - Best of Randy Crawford
1996 | Dee, Kiki - Amoureuse
1996 | Diamond, Neil - In my lifetime
1996 | Earth, Wind & Fire - Elements of love: ballads
1996 | Jarreau, Al - Best of Al Jarreau
1996 | Lynn, Cheryl - Got to be real: best of Cheryl Lynn
1996 | McDonald, Michael - Sweet freedom
1996 | Mitchell, Joni - Hits
1996 | Sayer, Leo - The show must go on: anthology
1996 | Sayer, Leo - 20 Great love songs
1996 | Tavares - Live hits
1996 | Toto - Greatest hits
1996 | Various artists - Gute Zeiten slechte Zeiten vol. 9
1996 | Williams, Deniece - The best of DW: Gonna take a miracle
1996 | Zevon, Warren - I'll sleep when I'm dead (anthology)
1997 | Jackopierce - Decade 1988-1998
1997 | Lake, Greg - From the beginning: retrospective
1997 | Loggins, Kenny - Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the gr. Hits
1997 | Manchester, Melissa - Essence of Melissa Manchester
1997 | Mathis, Johnny - That's what friends are for
1997 | Scaggs, Boz - My time, the anthology
1997 | Various artists - Pop classics, the long versions
1997 | Various artists - Ohne Filter Musik Pur, volume 4
1997 | Various artists - Best of smooth jazz 1
1997 | Various artists - Windham wonderland
1997 | Werner, Pe - Die Hits
1998 | Chicago - 25 Years of gold
1998 | Currie, Cherie & Marie - Young & wild
1998 | Earth, Wind & Fire - Greatest hits
1998 | Man Doki - So far
1998 | Newman, Randy - Guilty: 30 years of RN
1998 | Nicks, Steve - Enchanted
1998 | Sayer, Leo - Best of Leo Sayer
1998 | Soundtrack - Footloose (expanded edition)
1998 | Various artists - Best of smooth jazz 3
1998 | Various artists - Tones of Christmas
1998 | Various artists - The sexy 80's
1998 | Wright, Gary - The best of dream weaver
1999 | Cher - If I could...: greatest hits
1999 | Cher - Greatest htis
1999 | Chicago - The heart of Chicago 1982-1997
1999 | Clapton, Eric - Clapton chronicles: The best of EC
1999 | Every Little Thing - ELT songs from L.A.
1999 | Jones, Quincy - From Q with love
1999 | Sayer, Leo - Original gold
1999 | Toto - Rock & roll band
1999 | Various artists - Pop music: The modern era 1976-1999
1999 | Various artists - Modern rock
2000 | America - Highway, 30 years of America
2000 | Asia - Very best of Asia: Heat of the moment
2000 | Benson, George - The GB anthology
2000 | Crawford, Randy - Best of RC and Friends
2000 | Sayer, Leo - 20 Greatest hits
2000 | Sayer, Leo - The very best of
2000 | Summer, Donna - The collection
2000 | Various artists - Supergroups of the 80s
2000 | Williams, Deniece - Love songs
2001 | America - Defenitive America
2001 | Austin, Patti - The very best of Patti Austin
2001 | Browne, Jackson - Pretender/Running on empty/Lives in...
2001 | Cher - Essential collection
2001 | Cross, Christopher - The definitive Cristofer Cross
2001 | Davis, Miles - The last word
2001 | Jackson, Michael - Greatest hits history, volume 1
2001 | John, Elton - To be continued...
2001 | Jones, Quincy - Q: the musical biography
2001 | McDonald, Michael - The voice of Michael McDonald
2001 | McDonald, Michael - Very best of Michael McDonald
2001 | Newman, Randy - The best of Randy Newman
2001 | Russell, Brenda - Ultimate collection
2001 | Toto - Super hits
2001 | Tubes, The - Extended versions: the encore collection
2001 | Various artists - Essential metal masters
2001 | Various artists - Favored Nations promo
2001 | Various artists - While my guitar gently wheeps
2001 | Various artists - Light mellow AOR collection
2001 | Wetton, John - Anthology
2001 | Williams, Deniece - 17 Greatest hits: collection
2002 | Asia - Anthologia: 20th anniversary Geffen years collection
2002 | Chicago - The very best of Chicago
2002 | Crawford, Randy - Hits
2002 | Cross, Christopher - The very best of Christopher Cross
2002 | Earth, Wind & Fire - Essential Earth, Wind & Fire
2002 | Eye to Eye - ETE/Shakespeare stole my baby
2002 | Jones, Quincy - Ultimate collection
2002 | Loggins, Kenny - Essential Kenny Loggins
2002 | Toto - Greatest hits and more...
2002 | Various artists - Movie soundtracks
2002 | Various artists - Air guitar heaven
2002 | Various artists - American rock legends
2002 | Various artists - Capitol Records 1942-2002
2002 | Waters, Roger - Flickering flame, The solo years, volume 1
2003 | Asia - 20th Century masters - The Millennium
2003 | Benson, George - The greatest hits of all
2003 | Cher - The very best of Cher
2003 | Chicago - Chicago story: the complete greatest hits 1967-2002
2003 | Cocker, Joe - The ultimate collection 1963-2003
2003 | Frampton, Peter - 20th Century masters - The Millennium
2003 | Mitchell, Joni - Complete Geffen recordings
2003 | Richie, Lionel - The definitive collection
2003 | Rogers, Kenny - Heart of the matter
2003 | Rundgren, Todd - Re-mixes
2003 | Rundgren, Todd - Greatest classics: with a twist
2003 | Sayer, Leo - Love collection
2003 | Sayer, Leo - You make me feel like dancing and other hits
2003 | Sayer, Leo - The essentials
2003 | Sure, Al B. - The very best of Al B. Sure
2003 | Toto - Love songs
2003 | Toto - Essential Toto
2003 | Toto - Circa 1980's
2003 | Toto - Africa
2003 | Toto - The essential Toto
2003 | Tschuggnall, Michael - Michael Tsuggnall
2003 | Various artists - Mariya Takeuchi songbook 'Sincerely II'
2003 | Various artists - A brief glimpse of the releutless pursuit
2003 | Various artists - Breathe, Tribute to Pink Floyd
2003 | Various artistst - Talking to angels
2004 | Benson, George - Very best of: The greatest hits of all
2004 | Cher - 20th Century masters: The best of Cher, vol. 2
2004 | Iijima, Mari - Gems
2004 | Jackson, Michael - Ultimate collection
2004 | Tubes, The - Then and now
2004 | Various artists - Tribute to Stratocaster
2004 | Various artists - Fantasia
2005 | Asia - Gold
2005 | Cher - Chronicles
2005 | Earth, Wind & Fire - Essential E, W & F
2005 | Jackson, Michael - Essential Michael Jackson
2005 | Jones, Ricky Lee - Duchess of Coolsville, An anthology
2005 | Man Doki Soulmates - Legends of rock
2005 | McDonald, Michael - Ultimate collection
2005 | Mitchell, Joni - Songs of a prairie girl
2005 | Odd man out - Greatest hits
2005 | Osbourne, Ozzy - Prince of darkness
2005 | Summer, Donna - Gold
2005 | Various artists - Welcome to the nightmare: An all star tribute to Alice Cooper
2005 | Various artists - A special tribute to Pink Floyd
2006 | Cocker, Joe - Gold
2006 | Jones, Quincy - Q digs dancers
2006 | Kiss - Ace, Gene, Peter & Paul (solos box set)
2006 | Various artists - Guitar Gods: The classic rock anthems
2006 | Various artists - Flying high again: The world's greatest tribute to Ozzy Osbourne
2006 | Various artists - Guitarists 4 the kids
2007 | Austin, Patti - Intimate Patti Austin
2007 | Clapton, Eric - Complete Clapton
2007 | Gurtu, Trilok - Twenty Years of Talking Tabla: The Definitive
2007 | Kawai, Naoko - Origial album box
2007 | Moogly - Sex & Soul: Mixed by Moog-Ly
2007 | Various artists - Magna Carta guitar greats, vol. 1
2007 | Various artists - World's best dad
2007 | Various artists - Club Pineta: 50th Anniversary Edition
2007 | Various artists - Top musicians play The Wall
2008 | Jackson, Michael - Thriller (25th Anniversary edition deluxe)
2008 | Jackson, Michael - 100 Favourite nursey rhymes & songs
2008 | Jackson, Michael - King of pop
2008 | Various artists - Rock the bones, vol. VI
2008 | Various artists - Six strings maestros
2008 | Various artists - In session
2008 | Various artists - The dream of the electric guitars, vol.1
2008 | Various artists - Jeff Porcaro session works
2008 | Various artists - Guitar idols
2008 | Various artists - Classic Rock Magazine presents Buried treasure
2009 | Bolton, Micheal - MB Collector's tin
2009 | Henley, Don - The very best of DH
2009 | Stewart, Rod - The RS sessions 1971-1998
2009 | Various artists - Rock biographics: Pink Floyd
2009 | Various artists - Let the madness begin: Ozzy Osbourne - The ultimate tribute

Tu ainda acha ele pouco valorizado?


# jun/10
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É só rodar um pouco a internet pra ver gente falando mal ele.

Tem que ver tb que só tem bastante gente falalando mal porque a exposição do cara é absurda.....

Procura aí pra vc ver se tem alguém falando mal de mim ou do Almoxaringa.....

# jun/10
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De Ros
vou dar um "control c" "control v" na discografia do Lukather

Só isso? :)

Chega a ser engraçado alguem levar em consideração um forum extramamente bitolado como referencia. Para fechar, dois monstros levando um som, sem mais

Parte 2

# jun/10 · Editado por: MarcosBorba
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De Ros

Puxa, cara, olha um post meu lá em cima... Eu sei do valor que ele tem no cenário musical e todo seu reconhecimento pelos grandes artistas. Contudo, quando eu vejo que alguns fazem comentários meio infelizes como "é só mais um guitarrista..." eu fico meio chateado. Mas como você disse, eu estou valorizando demais o fórum heheh. Acho que é pelo fato de o forum ser atualmente minha principal fonte de contato com "outros músicos" (uso as aspas porque nem eu, nem a maioria aqui podem ser considerados músicos).

Mas vc está certo, o que conta mesmo é a carreira do cara. E que carreira hein: Ele possui mais tempo gravado do que muita gente possui de tempo de vida hehehhe. Obrigado por postar essa discografia, eu sabia que ele tinha feito muita coisa mas não tinha noção da dimensão absurda de sua obra.


# jun/10
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Procura aí pra vc ver se tem alguém falando mal de mim ou do Almoxaringa...


ri demais

# jun/10
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Acho que é uma Music Man signature dele hein?!

obs: O Lukather é um dos guitarristas mais fodas que existe, altamente reconhecido! Pronto!!

# jun/10
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Eu tenho uma MM dessas que me foi dada de presente pelo próprio Steve....

The Root Of All Evil
# jun/10 · Editado por: The Root Of All Evil
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O Marty é excepcional :)

# jun/10
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The Root Of All Evil
excepcional como aqueles garotos que frequentam escolas especiais?

The Root Of All Evil
# jun/10
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# jun/10
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Sim, cara, eu conheço esses modelos da MusicMan/Ernie Ball! Mas eu digo essa strato do vídeo de Rosanna:

E a dessa:

Que com certeza não é uma EB ou MM. Me lembrou também agora pensando bem, uma das Stratos antigas da Yamaha. Será mesmo? A menos que seja algo feito por encomenda, é um tanto quanto estranho!

Mas se for uma Fernandes, não me surpreende muito, pois o mesmo já usava alguns outros produtos da Fernandes.


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Tópicos relacionados a Steve Lukather: um guitarrista excelente, mas pouco valorizado.

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