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Morva Veterano |
# jul/09
Bom, antes q alguem pergunte, eu usei a busca e naum consegui achar nada q me ajudasse, entaum por favor respondam...
Eu queria saber o que eu posso fazer pra ter esse timbre...
OBS: Eu só quero saber q efeitos ele usa e se possível como "montar" um som parecido na minha pedaleira.
Meus equipamentos:
Guitarra Fender Highway One (HSS) Pedaleira Line 6 Floor POD Plus Amp Warm Music 108 Dr (20W)
MauricioBahia Moderador |
# jul/09
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Toca muito esse FDP!
ogner Veterano
# jul/09 · Editado por: ogner
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Compre um TS-808 e um amp valvulado
MauricioBahia Moderador |
# jul/09
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Morva Ahh.... Não sei como chegar nesse timbre! ;-) Será que não rola um TS ali não hein? Abs
Lucas_fms Veterano |
# jul/09
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Cara, é isso, Stratocaster, TS, e valvulado.
Morva Veterano |
# jul/09
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Eu ate queria... mais a grana num permite nada huashuahsuuhsu
Acabei d compra a pedaleira e a guitarra, entaum eu gostaria q vcs me dessem uma ideia d como chegar nesse timbre com os equips q eu tenho no momento msm.
Mais msm assim valeu pela resposta ;D
ogner Veterano
# jul/09
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Eu ate queria... mais a grana num permite nada
Então esquece!!
Acabei d compra a pedaleira e a guitarra
Deu mole!
Hehehe. Brincadeira!! Cara não conheço sua pedaleira! Não posso ajudar!! Alguem aparece ae pra te dar uma luz...Aguarde...Mas se sua sua pedaleira tiver simulação coloca um fender ae e um drive tipo TS q fica bacana!
MauricioBahia Moderador |
# jul/09
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Morva Abs
Morva Veterano |
# jul/09
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Valeu pela resposta cara... minha pedaleira tem varios amps fenders como simulação, só num sei esse drive tipo TS q vc falo, mais eu acho aqui alguma coisa do tipo.
gucrispim Veterano |
# jul/09
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Morva regula ai a pedaleira que rola um timbre similar. e posição 4 na chave da strato, certeza! haha
ogner Veterano
# dez/09
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Aqui parece ser um suposto post do proprio!!!
De qualquer forma é interessante:
Hey (gear) guys and gals -
I thought it might be fun to post a little something regarding gear, specifically that endless hunt for our guitar tone. Its as much of an obsession for me as it is for some of you, and I want to share a little of what Ive learned over the past few years. I read through some of the posts in this part of the forum, and I cant get over how much of a positive spin youve put on the guitar community. Its has a tendency to be jaded, and I love to see that youre getting happiness and fulfillment out of it and not frustration.
There are some misconceptions that seem to constantly perpetuate, and I want to try and bust one of them up right now. Oh, and it should be noted throughout that this all applies to my take on tone. If you like heavy metal, youll probably disagree with everything I have to say.
Distortion pedals One thing to keep in mind with distortion I should say overdrive pedals, so as to distinguish them from fuzz pedals, which is more of an effect unto itself - is that theyre really made to simulate overdriving an amp naturally. Vintage tube amps have a threshold where they break up past a certain volume. A distortion pedal is used to make that break up sound happen at lower volumes, which is a reasonable expectation. You cant turn a 65 Deluxe Reverb to 8 in your bedroom without making a lot of people miserable. Stevie Ray Vaughan used an Ibanez Tube Screamer (TS-808) , which in the 1980s was regarded as kind of a cheap pedal. Heres the misconception; he didnt really use that much distortion at all. He did when he was going for that Jimi sound, but listen to most any early SRV tune and you wont hear as much break-up as you might think. I hear people all the time (I even remember hearing myself) who just dime the drive knob and think the volume is a master knob for it. Its a concept known as gain staging - it has to do with the way that the volume of each part of your signal chain interacts with the next. The volume knob of an 808 is the most important. Thats by definition, the overdrive part of it. The overdrive should be thought of as the cheat knob. Remember this kicking on distortion should make your guitar louder, not quieter. Quiet sounding loud is just strange. Setting gain staging will make sure that when you kick the pedal on, your guitar signal will get appropriately louder. Again Stevie Ray used so much less distortion than you can possibly imagine. He was loud, and the way it hit the tape (and your ear) made that sound. I use a vintage 808, which has some properties that I like, but it is by no means the holy grail of tone. It has its place, though. Everything does. Just remember that turning that cheat knob too high also cheats you of the natural tonal characteristics of your guitar. Do work that volume knob, though. So what if you dont have the 600 bucks for an 808? Dont even worry about it. There are so many pedals designed to emulate it, its not even funny. Purists want the original 808 because of some fairly esoteric microchip differences. The Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive is somewhat close, (and dirt cheap!) but it can also have a really harsh high end. (Whats in a name, right?) I think the Fulltone Fulldrive 2 is a FANTASTIC update on the 808. The Keeley-modded TS-808 reissue is very close to an 808. These pedals are what I call paint chip close. If you didnt have an original 808 to A/B with, you wouldnt know what you were missing. If youre looking for a good edgey tone, check out the Marshall Bluesbreaker pedal from the early 90s. Not the BB-2 (bad), but the original. Its a great beefy sound that colors strat pickups in a really interesting way. The tone knob is like a B.B. dial. If you feel like your guitar just wont cut it in the mix with your band, but you dont necessarily want more overdrive, check out the Fulltone Fat-Boost, or the Keeley Katana. Kick it on for a solo, and its like having your own personal mixing engineer ride your fader. I use a Keeley-modded Boss BD-2 pedal as well. Its got its own thing going on, and I like it. So many pedals are cool, and most every one has a place for something. Its fun to listen to a pedal and then play to its strengths. Oh, heres another misconception: True bypass is all-around better than buffered (regular) bypass. Not so. Think of your guitar cable as a hose, and your guitar only pushes a certain amount of water pressure out of it. After a certain length, youre going to need some more pressure to squeeze the water out. True-bypass takes the in and out cables of a pedal and connects them as if they were one long hose. After a certain length, youll get some pretty hefty tone loss. I learned this when I unplugged my guitar from my pedal switcher and went straight into the amp. Guitar pedals without the TB serve as a buffer for the signal, and naturally keep that water flow going. Yes, sometimes the trade-off can be harsh; some pedals, while buffering your signal, can also adversely color it, even when in bypass mode. Thats a good time to think TB. True bypass is a concept that only really took off as a selling point over the last 5 years or so. It wont kill you to have it, but it certainly isnt the only reason to get a pedal over another one without it.
I Hope that helps you out a little bit. There are so many other things I want to share with you, where to put your money, where to save it... Maybe Ill get to it all over time. I cant think of anything more exciting than tone hunting, and I hope you cant either.
Fonte: ng-gear-01-27-05.html
Konrad Veterano |
# dez/09
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Bom texto!
ogner Veterano
# dez/09
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Vou dar um up aqui, pq apesar de ninguém comentar acho que devam estar lendo...Independente de ter sido o JMayer ou não o responsavel pelo texto, é um bom texto que tange assuntos que debatemos muito aqui...Entre outros, ajuste de volume, degradação do sinal e marcas!
Mauricio B. meu rei, que vc acha de traduzir esse texto ae do jeito que só vc sabe, ein!!!!???? hehehehe
Rabbit Veterano
# dez/09
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Já tinha visto esse texto a um tempo atrás num fórum, não me lembro qual. Muito bom, vou ver se traduzo o danado.
ogner Veterano
# dez/09
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Rabbit traduzir vai ser bacana!!!
É o texto é antigo mesmo...
A fonte esta no final do texto!!!!
edilsonaragaojr Veterano |
# dez/09
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Morva cara, com seu equipamento COM CERTEZA vc consegue algo parecido pelo menos...fuça aew vamp2 o cara consegue algo decente, imagina com uma fender e um floor pod...
XurruS Veterano |
# dez/09
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TS = Tube Screamer?
ogner Veterano
# dez/09
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XurruS isso
Les Guitar Veterano |
# dez/09
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Pega uma John Mayer signature e pede pela Brasfrete.
Motoboy From Hell-SDMF Veterano |
# dez/09 · Editado por: Motoboy From Hell-SDMF
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Hmmm ele disse que o Bluesbreaker atual é ruim? soh pq to pensando em comprar um =\
Morva Veterano |
# dez/09 · Editado por: Morva
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eh cara, eu num postei mais nada aqui mais consegui um timbre legal sim! na vdd ao procurar um som parecido acabei encontrando um som mais com a minha cara msm q na minha opinião eh melhor q ficar copiando timbres.
Les Guitar
ai eh osso hein ;/ HISOAHOSAIOH
só pra completa.. eu comprei meu primeiro valvulado! eh um peavey valveking 112, to esperando ele chega aqui (comprei pela net), agora só vai falta o ts q vc falo pra completa HIOSHOAI mais ele fica pra mais pra frente, pq agora eu num vejo necessidade.
welbster Veterano |
# set/10
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Qual pickup ele usa? vcs sabem?
ogner Veterano
# set/10
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Ta ae!! Specs
Dreh28 Veterano |
# set/10
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Cara, se vc quiser tirar esse timbre no POD, faça isso:
1 - Selecione o amp Blackface Fender Deluxe Reverb e deixe com a caixa padrão que aparece junto com ele.
2 - Deixe o Bass em 8, Mid em 5, Treb em 7
3 - No pedal de distorção, deixe o Verdinho (Screamer) com pouco drive e mais ganho
4 - Ligue o Comp, deixe no 1, com Threshold bem baixo.
5 - Reverb - Coloque em King Spring, em 20% com mix em 40%
--- Eu acho que isso já deve resolver ---
Ah! Coloque no captador do braço da sua guita que é pra dar um som bem strateiro mesmo.
Ps: Vai ter uma alteração ou outra que vc terá que fazer, mas o básico é isso.
Espero ter ajudado.
MathStefanini Membro Novato |
# set/16
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Galera, outra pergunta parecida hehehe
Qual(is) pedal(is) o John usa nesse solo? a partir de 4:21
Mateus Z. Veterano |
# set/16
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Ele usa a distorção dele normal (acho que é um klon centaur, tube screamer + o amp dumble dele) e dai aciona um oitavador. acho que ele usa o EHX Microsynth.
Fugitivo Veterano |
# nov/17
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