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Deji Veterano |
# nov/06
Tonante Starlight
Price Paid: R$140,00
Submitted 12/31/2002 at 08:10am by Iv? Reis Pereira de Morais
Features : 1
Well, I bought this guitar on October 2001 and I smashed it in a gig in December 2002. It had 3 Tonante active single coils that looked like Fender Lace Sensor, 3 terribe tone and no volume or pickup selector! The locking tuners were never in tune even with a bad Floyd Rose! The top went out as quick as fingernails paint because it was made of wallpaint! The electronics were terrible and the hardware was all oxidized, even the frets! The bodystyle was like a Strato but it was ugly!The neck had 21 frets, the last one without indication and it was made of Maple, like the fretboard, but it was rude like a piece of sandpaper! The body was made of a bad wood, i don’t know what wood it was, but when I smashed the guitar, it broke in so many parts. Te tuners didn’t have even an armor! It went with some tools and I bought a gigbag case for it. Tonante sucks!
Sound : 1
I used 20W Meteoro Atomic Drive amplifier and a multieffect Zoom 505 and a Tonante Starlight guitar to play some kind of music like Pantera and Sepultura. I still use the same amp, but with a Boss GT3 multieffect and a Washburn WG580 guitar, cause Washburn guitars are the most apropriate to play heavy metal in the world. Tonante’s pickups were noisy and the sound was horrible and it used to make only one sound, because there wasn’t a selector or a push-pull system!What a bad guitar!
Action, Fit, & Finish : 1
When I bought the guitar, it was out of tune at all and the pickups were so much bad adjusted. The top was so much bad and the sound looked like the guitar was with a problem, but it wasn’t and the hardware was oxidized and the bridge was without some parts.Starlight noisy Starlight!
Reliability/Durability : 1
The guitar was really bad and I smashed it in my 1st gig cause the bridge went out in the middle of a solo and I thought about how bad that guitar was and I smashed it. The finish was easy to get out and the buttons were bad. I used to depend on the pickups but thhey were so much noisy.Smash it!
Customer Support : 1
I always called them to fix all the problems, but the guys were so much arrogant and always told me that the guitar was out of warranty, even on the day that I bought the guitar! This is for suckers!
Overall Rating : No Opinion
I have been playing for 5 years and I own now Washburn. I asked if the guitar was good, because my bandmate said that it was bad and I bought because I didn’t have money to buy another guitar, so I bought this one. But i got rich with the band and I smashed this and I bought a Korean Washburn, that is better than my friend’s American Jackson! Washburn rules! light/10/1
zaqueu_grunge Veterano |
# nov/06
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já tinha visto :)
The guitar was really bad and I smashed it in my 1st gig cause the bridge went out in the middle of a solo
Essa é a melhor \o\
paulgilbert Veterano |
# nov/06
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UGO_RJ Veterano |
# nov/06
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Price Paid: R$140,00
paulgilbert Veterano |
# nov/06
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It had 3 Tonante active single coils that looked like Fender Lace Sensor
parei de fazer ingles a muito tempo atras
looked like é parecer APENAS visualmente ou pode ser interpretado como som também?
Elvenfoot Veterano |
# nov/06
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I asked if the guitar was good, because my bandmate said that it was bad and I bought because I didn’t have money to buy another guitar, so I bought this one. But i got rich with the band and I smashed this and I bought a Korean Washburn, that is better than my friend’s American Jackson! Washburn rules!
hummmm, huahauhau o povo gosta mesmo de tonante!
olha esse review aqui: ruction+Guitar/10/1 o cara deu nota máxima! muito louca as explicações dele.
Deji Veterano |
# nov/06
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parecido visualmente
paulgilbert Veterano |
# nov/06
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I bought a Korean Washburn, that is better than my friend’s American Jackson! Washburn rules!
uhAUHAAUHAUHa mo legal quem compra um instrumento e acha que ele é o melhor do mundo
sobrevivente Veterano |
# nov/06
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Trú. \o\
r2s2 Veterano |
# nov/06 · Editado por: r2s2
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The body was made of a bad wood, i don’t know what wood it was, but when I smashed the guitar, it broke in so many parts.
essa foi trú
danilomagacho Veterano |
# nov/06
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Eu nunca tive uma Tonante, mas se tivesse pode ter certeza que nunca postaria um review por um motivo simples: vergonha de admitir que gastei dinheiro em uma.
danilomagacho Veterano |
# nov/06
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Product: Tonante Destruction Guitar
Price Paid: 100 reais (30 dolars)
Submitted 03/09/2005 at 11:55am by Eu
Features : 10
Finish (Satin, transparent, quilted top, flamed top, etc...)
Body style (strat, tele, dreadnought, cutaway, thinline, etc...)
Bridge style (Tune-O-Matic, Floyd Rose, Wilkinson, Tele-style, String-thru body, stop tailpiece, etc...)
Tuners (Locking? Non-locking? brand of tuners - Sperzel, Gotoh, Grover, Schaller, etc...)
Neck/Scale (Fat, Thin, Jumbo Frets, Rosewood, Maple, etc...)
Any included accessories? (Case, gig bag, strap, cable, tools, humidifier, etc...)
What year was it made? Where was is made? (Japan, Mexico, USA, etc...)
How many frets?
Solid-Top? Laminated top?
Which controls are given (volume, tone, 5-way selector, 3-way, tap, etc...)?
Pickup configuration? (S/S/H, H/H, S/H, Piezo, etc...)
Make and model of pickups?
Active or Passive electronics?
Body and neck woods? (Maple, Mahogany, Alder, Ash, Basswood, Koa, Plywood, etc...)
I bought this guitar new. I don't know the model so i named "Destruction guitar" because is what this guitar was made for.
The body is made of some imported wood, because i saw inside something like "manzanas Argentinas". The hardware came with oxidations, woah, vintage looks! The pick ups are 3 single coils that screams like dying pigs in all positions, so i got too many experimental textures. Is a very complex guitar, so i can't explain here all the features. The colour is a beautiful red almost pink with anonymous finger tips and many scratches. Very custom!
Sound : 10
How does it suit your music style (and what is that style)?
What amps and effects are you using it with?
Is it noisy? On what settings?
Rich/Full sound? Bright sound?
What kind of sounds can the guitar make? How much variety?
Likes and dislikes?
The sound of this guitar is incredible! You can't do in a Fender strato the sounds that you can do in this Tonante Destruction Guitar. Doesn't sounds like a strato. Doesn't sounds like a true guitar. So this makes this guitar so versatile. Doesn't sounds like nothing on earth! Just plug this baby and the guitar starts to make sounds and noises with no hands! Amazing!
Action, Fit, & Finish : 10
How well was the guitar set-up at the factory? (How was the action?)
How well were the pickups adjusted?
Properly bookmatched top? Properly routed bridge?
Did the guitar contain any flaws? (misaligned bracing, poorly filed fretwire, finish flaws, poor quality wood, rusted or oxidized hardware, loose tuning pegs, poorly cut nut, poorly fit saddle, noisy pickup selector, loose controls, etc...)
Well, i think all the Tonante guitars are unique, cause all on the store had diferent adjustments and vintage-look oxidations, finger tips and scratches. So there's no reason to me send this guitar to a luthier. Just plug and make sounds (with no hands)!
Reliability/Durability : 10
Will this guitar withstand live playing?
Does the hardware seem like it will last?
Is the finish good enough to last, or does it seem thin and easy to wear off with lots of playing?
Are the strap buttons solid?
Can you depend on it?
Would you use it on a gig without a backup?
Well the greatest feature of this wonderful guitar is: After all shows the guys of the other bands always come to say: "Woah man, are you playing in a alternative tuning?" So I say: "no, i'm playing in a mixed-tuning" because this guitar starts on E and in few minutes is on other something tuning.
Customer Support : 10
Ever try and get it repaired? Was it under warranty
How long is the warranty
If you've dealt with the company, how helpful/friendly were they?
There's no reason to call the company. This guitar rocks!
Overall Rating : 10
How long have you been playing? What other gear do you own?
Is there something you wish you had asked before buying this guitar?
If it were stolen or lost, would you buy it again or get something else?
What do you love about it? What do you hate? What is your favorite feature?
Did you compare it to other guitars? Which ones? Why did you choose this one?
Anything you wish it had?
Anything else you'd like to share?
I love this guitar! I'm playing in a cover band of Nirvana so i can do sounds in this guitar like Kurt Cobain if high with heroine, maryjuana, cocaine an "cola de sapateiro" at the same time. Psychedelic sounds with mixed tunings! Now I'm buying another, because the guitar of this review was destructed in the end of a show. This is why i call this guitar a "destruction guitar". I'm destructing Tonantes since 10 years and this is the best guitar for that. The very very very (very) cheap sub-plywood always broke in many pieces so all the fans can take a gift every show. If this guitar were stolen, I get another again, because Tonante Rulez!
Tonante is the real spirit of rock n roll!
danilomagacho Veterano |
# nov/06
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The very very very (very) cheap sub-plywood always broke in many pieces so all the fans can take a gift every show. If this guitar were stolen, I get another again, because Tonante Rulez!
Tonante is the real spirit of rock n roll!
O cara que escreveu este review é um GÊNIO!!!!!!!!!!!
BaNdAiD Veterano |
# nov/06
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I bought a Korean Washburn, that is better than my friend’s American Jackson! Washburn rules!
uhAUHAAUHAUHa mo legal quem compra um instrumento e acha que ele é o melhor do mundo
Daqui a um tempo ele "smash" a washburn dele tb!!! hehehehehe
r2s2 Veterano |
# nov/06 · Editado por: r2s2
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esse foi o melhor de todos, o cara tava inspirado...
som de porcos morrendo... a afinação q foi o bicho, pq começou tocando em E aí logo depois desafinou... hauehauehuaehauehu
r2s2 Veterano |
# nov/06 · Editado por: r2s2
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Veio oxidado... beleza, é vintage. hahaheuaehuaheuaeh
E ele dá a entender que a madeira é daquelas caixas que transportam maçãs argentinas.. hahahahah
Gasoline Veterano |
# nov/06
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o que eu acho mais engraçado que é 99% do fórum nunca tocou numa tonante, ou numa jeniffer.
r2s2 Veterano |
# nov/06
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Eu já toquei em 2 tonantes e meu irmão teve uma jeniffer, e eu toquei tb. A jeniffer era muito melhor.
Deji Veterano |
# nov/06
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enifer ja peguei umas duas, Tonante ja tb, e tive um violao tonante ^^
RMIORIN Veterano |
# nov/06
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Manzanas Argentinas foi a melhor...
Já tive uma Jennifer, eu acho que comprei por 20 reais, vendi por 30 um mês depois...Ela era muito estranha, tinha o braço pintado, a mão não deslizava...
Bog Veterano
# nov/06
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É verdade! Eu tenho uma Tonante, e por uns 5 anos foi a minha única guitarra! Mas muita gente detona só porque... todo mundo detona.
Você faz parte do 1% restante, hahahaha
r2s2 Veterano |
# nov/06
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Mas muita gente detona só porque... todo mundo detona.
Nego detona pq ela é ruim ou é ruim pq nego detona?
DarkCreature Veterano |
# nov/06
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Just plug this baby and the guitar starts to make sounds and noises with no hands! Amazing!
Woah man, are you playing in a alternative tuning?" So I say: "no, i'm playing in a mixed-tuning" because this guitar starts on E and in few minutes is on other something tuning.
Bog Veterano
# nov/06
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Boa ela realmente não é. Mas a questão é que tem gente que detona sem saber, sem conhecer. E uns já encostam na guitarra com a opinião pré-concebida de que ela é horrível. Isso chama-se "preconceito".
Ou seja: eu posso até ter um conceito negativo da Tonante, mas não é preconceito, é pós-conceito, hehehehe
affcl Veterano |
# nov/06
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nunca toquei numa tonante. já vi varias de perto, mas não tive coragem de tocar.
foi a primeira guitarra de um amigo meu, ele mantem ela até hj.
zaqueu_grunge Veterano |
# nov/06
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mas não tive coragem de tocar.
heheh, realmente, dá medo :)
Tenho uma jennifer :/
Beeeem melhor que uma tonante que eu toquei... meu deus, como conseguem tocar naquilo <O>
André GuitarMan Veterano |
# nov/06
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Iago Veterano |
# nov/06
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Sound : 1
I used 20W Meteoro Atomic Drive amplifier and a multieffect Zoom 505 and a Tonante Starlight guitar to play some kind of music like Pantera and Sepultura
daqui vc ja tira q o cara eh um merda... "hehe, vou tocar metal com meu zoom e tonante meu.. mais o meteoro vai ficar do caralho"
claro q nao imbecil