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criminalint Veterano |
# dez/05
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pq o decathlon ta cinza?
criminalint Veterano |
# dez/05
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[__:__] Léo (FCC) Online : Hi!
[__:__] Emale Online : Files Temporarily Removed - Only XOC FILES|||Fix You Firewall & Lan Problems| Or get Banned|Its your Choice
[__:__] fui - 56k (FCC) Online : Hi!
[__:__] apache tres Online : Hi!
[__:__] Mr.Cassette Online : Using 2 versions of ExoSee is not easy as it seems, they interface each other, stuck on one version only! :)
[__:__] Twisted Angel Online : Hi!
criminalint Veterano |
# dez/05
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vc num aparece decahtlon
André_Decathlon Veterano |
# dez/05
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e agora?
criminalint Veterano |
# dez/05
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n, ta na msm
GuitarHouse Veterano |
# dez/05
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To la
criminalint Veterano |
# dez/05
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ae andré apareceu vc agora
André_Decathlon Veterano |
# dez/05
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skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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Pra esclarecer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Green - user is WAN, they can download, share, browse, chat.. all the good stuff.
Grey - user has either went offline OR exosee has found that this users ports are blocked, which will eventually turn them red.
Red - the ports that exosee uses to communicate are blocked, either by xp firewall, software firewall, or NAT. they can browse and download but they cannot share back and they cannot see new incoming users. they must allow ports to become WAN.
Yellow - the pc is LAN. they are behind a router/NAT or behind a corporate (or school) network that cannot be reached outside. If the user is LAN from a home pc, they will need to go into exosee settings and check 'behind a router/NAT' and forward the ports thru the router to become WAN.
Orange - the pc is in your local network.
dabatera Veterano |
# dez/05 · Editado por: dabatera
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show de bola esse programa
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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Many users ask me why they are blocked if their firewall settings are configured correctly. They do not take notice that Windows XP also has a built in firewall and may actually be activated.
This explains how to configure the Windows XP Firewall to allow ExoSee to operate properly.
1. Click Start > My Network Places.
2. Under Network Tasks, click View Network Connections. (Alternatively, right-click My Network Places and click Properties).
3. Right-click the connection you use for the Internet and click Properties.
4. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Settings?
Note: If the Settings? button is unavailable, then the Internet Connection Firewall is not enabled on this connection and you do not need to open any ports (they are all already open).
5. Click Add? to add a new service.
6. Type a name for the service in the Description of service box, for example, ExoSee.
7. Enter, or the Name or IP address of the computer operating ExoSee if different than the XP firewall machine.
(Note: You can specify an IP address of a local area network computer, however, in most cases you use (localhost).)
8. Enter the ExoSee TCP port Range in the External port and Internal port boxes. (715-724)
9. Click TCP, and then click OK.
To Disable XP Firewall completely, do the following...
1. Click Start > My Network Places.
2. Under Network Tasks, click View Network Connections. (Alternatively, right-click My Network Places and click Properties).
3. Right-click the connection you use for the Internet and click Properties.
4. Click the Advanced tab, and untick the 'Internet Protection Firewall'
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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simplesmente demais agente ainda pode criar nossa propria comunidade
dabatera Veterano |
# dez/05
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crie uma do forum
yunosawa Veterano |
# dez/05
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Vagabundo, se eu te assaltasse voce ia gostar? Filho duma p**a.
André_Decathlon Veterano |
# dez/05
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mto loko o programa
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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o foda é q o pc tem q ficar ligado tipo um servidor q deixa a cumunidade online.......:(
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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acho q o André_Decathlon já pegou todos os meus arkivos .gp4...hauhauahuahauahuah
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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Kirk_Hammett Veterano |
# dez/05
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po, nunca ouviu falar em DC++ nao?
Kirk_Hammett Veterano |
# dez/05
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vamo ve esse ae
lespaulbabilon Veterano
# dez/05
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Poizé, ainda bem que vocês gostaram! E assim a Maggie não reclama mais...hehehe :P
Cara, vou fingir que não ouvi isso. Ninguém aqui tá te obrigando a baixar e a entrar, se você não quer é melhor ficar calado na sua, porque sua boca tá cheirando bosta...
É cada um...
Kirk_Hammett Veterano |
# dez/05
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Que massa!
Tem um doido la que tem quase todos os videos do Eric Johnson aki no fcc
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05 · Editado por: skekeu
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muito legal esperando o cara da informatica chegar aki no tramo pra liberar o firewall pra mim........senão ninguem pode ver meus arquivos
lespaulbabilon Veterano
# dez/05
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Embaixador da Etiopia Veterano |
# dez/05
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Dá pra instalar esse programa tendo firewall?
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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Embaixador da Etiopia
Dá vc estiver usando o SP2 do windows xp, qdo vc rodar o programa ele pergunta se vc quer desbloquear, é desbloquear e pronto.
lula_molusco Veterano |
# dez/05
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criaram a sala da galera do fórum já?
skekeu Veterano |
# dez/05
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não...mas é so todo mundo que entrar botar "FCC" depois do login, depois agente pode criar uma senha padrão pra proteger os arkivos pra ter certeza de que só o pessoal do forum vai baixar
lula_molusco Veterano |
# dez/05
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to no musicafe e só tem eu e o Mr. Cassette na sala
Embaixador da Etiopia Veterano |
# dez/05
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Não tá entrando na musicafe não. Tá aparecendo a mensagem "is down"