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rodsom Veterano |
# jan/11
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tem desse teste ai pra pagodeiro nao?
Arcanjo Lúcifer Veterano |
# jan/11
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hard rock and roll Veterano |
# jan/11
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You are a Hard Rocker You enjoy bands like Pantera, Metallica, Motley Crue, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin.
Só acertou no caso do Metallica, mesmo assim de raspão
You like songs with hard-hitting drums, and slamming guitar riffs.
james_the_bronson Veterano |
# jan/11
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mikia 9.Which of these rock songs is your favorite? "Enter Sandman" by Metallica'' haha, mas né.
Oi :D !!!
mano_gibson Veterano |
# jan/11 · Editado por: mano_gibson
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You are a Hard Rocker You enjoy bands like Pantera, Metallica, Motley Crue, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin.
Só acertou no caso do Metallica, mesmo assim de raspão
You like songs with hard-hitting drums, and slamming guitar riff
nenhuma novidade
iHate Comunismo Veterano |
# jan/11 · Editado por: iHate Comunismo
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Glam Rocker
You are a Glam Rocker
Break out the hairspray, face paint, and are a glam rocker! This brand of rock debuted in the UK in the 1970's, and its influence worked its way into the United States. Like the emo trends of today, glam rock is just as much a sense of style and fashion as it is a genre of music. As a glam rocker you love fashion and style, and aren't afraid to express your sexuality. You probably wear tight and sometimes revealing clothing, but no matter what, your clothing makes a statement. It can be colorful, or dark as long as it is eye-catching. You definitely aren't afraid to experiment with makeup, hair color, hairspray, and most importantly, glitter. Some of your favorite artists and bands include David Bowie, the New York Dolls, Elton John, Gary Glitter, T. Rex, and Queen. You were also probably very excited to see Adam Lambert break into mainstream success. Glam on!
Adam Lambert é babado.
Arthur T. Veterano |
# jan/11
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Aqui disse que eu sou um Rockeiro Alternativo.
Gostei do teste!
fcl Veterano |
# jan/11
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teste pra americano ver
tem umas bandas q eu nunca ouvi falar
-Toolbar- Veterano |
# jan/11
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Your Result You are a Hard Rocker
As a hard rocker you play hard and party harder. You aren't concerned with what society thinks of you, and you live your life the way that you want. You currently aren't involved in a serious relationship, but like Gene Simmons, you might settle down one day. You enjoy bands like Pantera, Metallica, Motley Crue, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin. The day that Dimebag Darrell was murdered, you probably died a little bit too. You like songs with hard-hitting drums, and slamming guitar riffs. You live life to the fullest, but try to limit yourself on the number of groupies and bottles of liquor...everything in moderation, right?
LeD_HaleN Veterano |
# jan/11
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rodsom tem desse teste ai pra pagodeiro nao?
nem, pq a resposta seria sempre a mesma: você é um Pagodeiro Viado.
Sniper Veterano |
# jan/11
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Sou true
rodsom Veterano |
# jan/11
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LeD_HaleN acabou com minha auto estima agora. vou chorar ali e ja volto.
Zep Rose Veterano |
# jan/11
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ai can noti ispiki ingrish '-'
Your Result You are a Hard Rocker
As a hard rocker you play hard and party harder. You aren't concerned with what society thinks of you, and you live your life the way that you want. You currently aren't involved in a serious relationship, but like Gene Simmons, you might settle down one day. You enjoy bands like Pantera, Metallica, Motley Crue, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin. The day that Dimebag Darrell was murdered, you probably died a little bit too. You like songs with hard-hitting drums, and slamming guitar riffs. You live life to the fullest, but try to limit yourself on the number of groupies and bottles of liquor...everything in moderation, right?
Zep Rose Veterano |
# jan/11
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LeD_HaleN nem, pq a resposta seria sempre a mesma: você é um Pagodeiro Viado.
boa :D
mvrasseli Veterano
# jan/11
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O tipo que não faz testes.
Andy TheCatSp Veterano |
# jan/11
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hard rocker.
Scrutinizer Veterano |
# jan/11
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Bassist_rsl Eu fiz duas vezes, a primeira deu alternativo também. Formamos um casal perfeito.
J x V x Veterano |
# jan/11
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emo rocker. eu realmente uso calça skinny e escuto dashboard confessional, então fodasse. hehe.
james_the_bronson Veterano |
# jan/11
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O melhor tipo: Aquele que gosta de Metallica...
Mas pelo teste, me chamaram de parente do Bru...
Shredder_De_Cavaquinho Veterano |
# jan/11
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que quiz escroto, eu não tenho resposta para pelo menos metade das questões.
gizvanni Veterano |
# jan/11
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Your result You are a Hard Rocker As a hard rocker you play hard and party harder. You aren't concerned with what society thinks of you, and you live your life the way that you want. You currently aren't involved in a serious relationship, but like Gene Simmons, you might settle down one day. You enjoy bands like Pantera, Metallica, Motley Crue, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin. The day that Dimebag Darrell was murdered, you probably died a little bit too. You like songs with hard-hitting drums, and slamming guitar riffs. You live life to the fullest, but try to limit yourself on the number of groupies and bottles of liquor...everything in moderation, right?
Bassist_rsl Veterano |
# jan/11
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Scrutinizer Puta merda.
GOREFESTA Veterano |
# jan/11
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Parei na 2º pergunta...
Ian Anderson Veterano |
# jan/11
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You are a Hard Rocker |m|_
As a hard rocker you play hard and party harder. You aren't concerned with what society thinks of you, and you live your life the way that you want. You currently aren't involved in a serious relationship, but like Gene Simmons, you might settle down one day. You enjoy bands like Pantera, Metallica, Motley Crue, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin. The day that Dimebag Darrell was murdered, you probably died a little bit too. You like songs with hard-hitting drums, and slamming guitar riffs. You live life to the fullest, but try to limit yourself on the number of groupies and bottles of liquor...everything in moderation, right?
Ian Anderson Veterano |
# jan/11
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The day that Dimebag Darrell was murdered, you probably died a little bit too.
foi o dia q deu vontade de matar um comentarista, que tem por ai
elyts Veterano |
# jan/11
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não entendi quase nada x.x
Blankk Veterano |
# jan/11
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hard rocker lol cada questão que nem tinha resposta
mateusguitar Veterano |
# jan/11
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Alternative rocker
Porém não tinha anos 60, não tinha menção a The Beatles, Chuck Berry, The Who, etc. Logo... não é completo
Lord Cachaça Veterano |
# jan/11
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Chad Stroke [TESTE] Que tipo de rosqueiro você é?
Crazy Batera Veterano |
# jan/11
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