Devil Boy Veterano |
# jan/11 · Editado por: Devil Boy
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E que livro recomenda?
Eita, tinha esquecido de contribuir ao topico com recomendacoes de leitura.
Aqui vao algumas sugestoes relativas aquilo que considero a base do pensamento burgues, reacionario, neoliberal, patriarcal e anti-desconstrucionista.
De fato, sao meus livros favoritos:
The black book of communism, Varios autores; Communism: a history, Richard Pipes; Wars, revolutions, dictatorships, Stanislav Andreski; On revolution, Hannah Arendt; As origens do totalitarismo, idem; Hitler and the Germans, Eric Voegelin; Die deutsche Frage, Wilhelm Röpke; Intellectuals, Paul Johnson; Como a Igreja catolica construiu a civilizacao ocidental, Thomas Woods (me deram esse de presente agora no Natal, muito cool); The legacy of scholasticism in economic thought, Odd Langholm; Reflections on the revolution in France, Edmund Burke; The old regime and the revolution, Alexis de Tocqueville; Community in historical pespective, Otto von Gierke; Aufklärung und Demokratie, Horst Möller; Die Partei der Freiheit, Ralph Raico; Marxismus und industrielle Revolution, Ernst Nolte; Industrial revolution and economic growth, Ronald Max Hartwell; Du pouvoir, Bertrand de Jouvenel; De la souverainite, idem; La femme au temps des cathedrales, Regine Pernoud; Lumiere du moyen age, idem; Feudalism, Joseph Strayer; Medieval law and the foundations of the state, Alan Harding; War and competition between states, Philippe Contamine; How diplomats make war, Francis Neilson; The enterprise of law, Bruce Benson; Nations and nationalism since 1780, Eric Hobsbawm; The rise and decline of the state, Martin van Creveld; O processo civilizador vol. I, Norbert Elias;
Social sciences as sorcery, Stanislav Andreski; L'opium des intellectuels, Raymond Aron; Restauration de la science politique I, II, III e IV, Karl-Ludwig von Haller; Leftism revisited: from De Sade and Marx to Hitler and Pol-Pot, Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn; The menace of the herd, idem; Liberty or equality, idem; American academia and the survival of marxist ideas, Dario Fernandez-Morera; Democracy: the god that failed, Hans-Hermann Hoppe; The myth of rational voter: why democracies choose bad policies, Bryan Caplan; Why globalization works, Martin Wolf; Konflikt und Freiheit, Ralf Dahrendorf; Gesellschaft und Demokratie in Deutschland, idem; Deutschland schafft sich ab, Thilo Sarrazin; Ordnung und Anarchie, Jörg Guido Hülsmann; System der Soziologie II e IV, Franz Oppenheimer; Socialism, Ludwig von Mises; Law, legislation and liberty I, II e III, Friedrich von Hayek; Community and power, Robert Nisbet; The logic of collective action, Mancur Olson; Multiculturalism and the politics of guilt, Paul Gottfried; La revolution conservatrice americaine, Guy Sorman; The ethics of redistribution, Bertrand de Jouvenel; Affirmative action around the world: an empirical study, Thomas Sowell; Black rednecks & white liberals, idem; The rise and fall of the swedish model, Mauricio Rojas; Sweden after the swedish model, idem; O dinossauro: uma pesquisa sobre o Estado, o patrimonialismo selvagem e a nova classe de intelectuais e burocratas, Jose Osvaldo de Meira Penna.
Analitica I e II, Aristoteles; Introduction to logic and to the methodology of deductive sciences, Alfred Tarski; Logic, semantics, metamathematics, idem; Schriften zur Logik und Sprachphilosophie, Gottlob Frege; Logische Untersuchungen I e II, Edmund Husserl; Logische Propädeutik, Paul Lorenzen e Wilhelm Kamlah; Remarks on the foundations of mathematics, Ludwig Wittgenstein; The structure of scientific revolutions, Thomas Kuhn; The essential tension, idem; Logic, epistemology and the unity of science I, Varios autores; Conjectures and refutations, Karl Popper; Untersuchungen über die Methode der Socialwissenschaften, Carl Menger; Theory and history, Ludwig von Mises; Epistemological problems of economics, idem; The logic of action I, Murray Rothbard; Kritik der kausalwissenschaftlichen Sozialforschung, Hans-Hermann Hoppe; Fact and fiction in economics, Uskali Mäki; The counter-revolution of science: studies on the abuse of reason, Friedrich von Hayek; Studies in philosophy, politics and economics, idem; On the logic of the social sciences, Jürgen Habermas; Transformation der Philosophie I, Karl-Otto Apel; From a transcendental semiotic point of view, idem; On the accuracy of economic observations, Oskar Morgenstern; Die Grenze der Wirtschaftspolitik, idem; Theory of games and economic behavior, Oskar Morgenstern e John von Neumann; Game theory evolving, Herbert Gintis; Impostures intellectuelles, Alan Sokal e Jean Bricmont; Science, economics and philosophy, Michael Polanyi;
Qualquer livro de economia neo-institucionalista, de preferencia dentro do paradigma misesiano.
Pronto. Com essa bibliografia, alguem so continua sendo esquerdista por falta de carater!