Distorção de Died do Alice in Chains

    Autor Mensagem
    # dez/06

    Alguem sabe qual eh a distorçao q Jerry usa no riff de Died do Alice in chains?

    é uma distorção pesada e muito encorpada, mto foda

    # jan/07
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    Mesa Boggie V-twin...mais canho do amplificador em 10 horas...vai na fé que funciona. O que intensifica isso é a pegada dele que é bem forte na música. Abraço e espero ter sido útil.

    Eric Lance Abbott
    # jan/07
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    onde vc leu isso? O_o

    Eric Lance Abbott
    # jan/07
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    ja li sobre o Cantrell usar de tudo, mas nunca vi nada sobre V-Twin
    de qualquer forma a distorção seria do amp e não do V-Twin
    não sei o que ele usou nessa musica

    no Facelift ele usou o preamp Bogner Fish que ele usa ao vivo até hoje e uns amps da Bogner (acho que o Shiva)
    no Dirt foi basicamente Mesa Dual Rectifier (versão antiga pré-1995) e mais de 30 guitarras diferentes
    no album do cachorro ele usou muitos amps e cada música tem um timbre específico e bem diferente das outras
    em Sludge Factory (o timbre mais pesado da discografia do Alice) ele usou um Peavey 5150 Eddie Van Halen (que ele ganhou de presente do próprio)

    Eddie gave Jerry several Peavey 5150 stacks, which have remained part of his backline since then. "The 5150s ended up taking the place of the Mesa Dual Rectifiers that we used on Dirt, which were there to back up the sound of Bogner," says Cantrell, "The 5150 is fatter and nastier, and a little bit more out-of-control kind of tone."

    Jerry já usou Soldano, Mesa, Bogner, Laney, Peavey, Marshall
    ao vivo ele usava o rack Bogner Fish (caro pra caralho!) como preamp e uma potencia Mosvalve Tube Works transistorizada
    depois trocou a a Mosvalve por uma potencia Mesa Simul Class 90:90
    ele usa gabinetes Marshall com falantes Celestion Greenback e Vintage 30
    pedais ele usa de tudo da Jim Dunlop/MXR, Proco, Electro-Harmonix, Boss, mas o set dele varia muito ao vivo
    de guitarra, as clássicas são as G&L (do Leo Fender) e às vezes ele usa uma Dean V e algumas Gibson Les Paul Custom, todas equipadas com Seymour Duncan JB na ponte

    # jan/07
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    Eric Lance Abbott
    Caralho! Você é o roadie dele???
    Incrível! o_O

    Onde tem tanta informação sobre o cara?

    # jan/07
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    jerry eh foda

    Eric Lance Abbott
    # jan/07
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    Caralho! Você é o roadie dele???

    quem dera ;~~~
    mas sou fanzão dos timbres dele, então pesquiso sempre lá no forum dele e no harmony central

    Eric Lance Abbott
    # jan/07 · Editado por: Eric Lance Abbott
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    achei mais umas infos sobre o Dirt e Facelift:

    Jerry used a combo of things on the "Dirt" album. Dave Jerden and Jerry used a 3 amp set-up instead of EQ to attain the sound on the album. For the low end and weight of the sound, they recorded with a Mesa Dual Rectifier. For the mids of the sound, a Bogner Fish Preamp was used. For the scratchy high end, they used a Rockman. The signal was split and sent to the three amps simulteneously so that all the same performance was captured. This was doubled and panned virtually hard left and right into the mix. The cabs were mic'd up with Shure SM-57's, typically at a 45 degree angle on the cone. They recorded into some outboard gear that mostly consisted of a large rack of (Neve made) Summit Pre's. If you have any other questions, just let me know - Hope this helps! 8)

    They split the signal and ran the signal to 3 different amps, which were all mic'd up. When the take was played, the amps were all recorded to 3 different tracks, but it was all recorded from the same performance. This was one performance that went either left or right in the mix. They could then adjust how they wanted to EQ the sound by making one amp more prominent in the mix. If you wanted more balls, you'd bring up the Recto some. Needed more mids, you'd bring up the Bogner some. Then the same thing would be done for the other side.

    Granted, there may be times when other things were added in various places, or where varying degrees of tracks were mixed in...but that's the general idea of how most of the album was recorded. They used a similar approach on "Facelift," only Cantrell was using his Bogner-modified Marshall JCM 800 2210 in place of the Mesa Recto. It was also right around that time that he started using the Mosvalve Power Amp instead of the VHT 2150 Power Amp that he was using to power the Bogner Fish. He felt that the VHT was too loose in the bottom end for how he EQ'd the Fish and the Mosvalve would be more appropriate.

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