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diprofio Veterano |
# set/08
Quais os principais albuns do Queen? Os de maiores sucessos? Os mais reconhecidos...?
diprofio Veterano |
# set/08
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Estive lendo no Wikipedia e lá diz que essas são as músicas mais conhecidas deles:
* "Bohemian Rhapsody" (Freddie Mercury) * "Another One Bites The Dust" (John Deacon) * "Killer Queen" (Freddie Mercury) * "Fat Bottomed Girls" (Brian May) * "Keep Yourself Alive" (Brian May) * "Friends Will Be Friends" (Freddie Mercury / John Deacon) * "Don´t Stop Me Now" (Freddie Mercury) * "Save Me" (Brian May) * "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" (Freddie Mercury) * "Somebody To Love" (Freddie Mercury) * "Now I´m Here" (Brian May) * "Play The Game" (Freddie Mercury) * "Princes Of The Universe" (Freddie Mercury) * "Love of My Life" (Freddie Mercury) * "In The Lap Of The Gods Revisited" (Freddie Mercury) * "We Will Rock You" (Brian May) * "We Are The Champions" (Freddie Mercury) * "Tie Your Mother Down" (Brian May) * "Under Pressure" (Freddie Mercury & David Bowie) * "I Want to Break Free" (John Deacon) * "Radio Ga Ga" (Roger Taylor) * "A Kind of Magic" (Roger Taylor) * "I Was Born To Love You" (Freddie Mercury) * "Who Wants To Live Forever" (Brian May) * "Tear It Up" (Brian May) * "Hammer To Fall" (Brian May)
Dogs2 Veterano |
# set/08
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A Night At The Opera
X -hide -X Veterano |
# set/08
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A Night at the opera, The Works, News of the world, Sheer Heart Attack, Jazz, The game, A kind of Magic
Midwayz Veterano |
# set/08
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falto tbm
The show Must Go On
brunohardrocker Veterano |
# set/08
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Quais os principais albuns do Queen?
A discografia.
MarioMay Membro Novato |
# nov/13
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Vou te dizer, as melhores musicas de Queen são as menos conhecidas. Escute os 2 primeiros albuns, eles são de mais. Queen II melhor album que eu já ouvi.
Escute "The Prophet Song" , "Innuendo" e também "The March of the Black Queen" são algumas das melhores musicas deles.
LeandroP Moderador |
# nov/13
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MarioMay Innuendo é maravilhosa!
Tenho todos os álbuns do Queen e concordo com o que você disse.
Julia Hardy Veterano |
# nov/13
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Todos os albuns entre 1973 e 1980.
Lunático na Grama Membro Novato |
# nov/13
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Qualquer um menos o Hot Space
Lelo Mig Membro
# nov/13
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Concordo com a Julia Hardy...
Só que eu incluo o "A Kind of Magic" de 1986 nessa lista, porque acho esse álbum legal.