Storm warrior !

    Autor Mensagem
    # mar/08

    Quem aqui curte essa pouco conhecida banda alema de power metal ?

    escutei os cd's e adorei varias ...

    StormWarrior - Deathe by the Blade
    StormWarrior - Heavy Metal (is the Law) , cover fico perfeito
    StormWarrior - Bound by the Oathe
    Stormwarrior - The Revenge of Asa Lande
    StormWarrior - Attack of the metal hellstorm
    StormWarrior - Odinns Warriors
    StormWarrior - Welcome Thy Rite , fraseado fico lindo demais
    StormWarrior - The Foreign Shores
    StormWarrior - Sigrblót
    StormWarrior - Thunderer
    STORMWARRIOR - Spikes and leather

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