Novo Korg MS-20 mini

    Autor Mensagem
    # jan/13

    MS-20 Mini

    Monophonic Analog Synthesizer

    The classic MS-20 –recreated in mini size!

    An analog synthesizer featuring the original circuitry from 1978

    Korg’s MS-20 monophonic synthesizer, first introduced in 1978, is still a coveted instrument to this day, thanks to its thick, robust sound, its powerful, iconic analog filter, and its versatile patching options. Over 300,000 people have enjoyed the distinct MS-20 sounds from the original, from Korg’s MS-20 plug-in synth, or the iMS-20 iPad app.

    Today, the sounds of the MS-20 have been reborn in hardware, as the MS-20 Mini. The same engineers who developed the original MS-20 have perfectly reproduced its circuitry and fit into a body that’s been shrunk to 86% of the original size, yet retains the distinctive look of the original.

    The MS-20 mini will amaze you with its absolutely authentic analog synth sound.

    Comments from the developers
    Fifty years have passed since Korg was founded, and we have once again put our hand to an analog synthesizer. We took particular care to deliver smooth parameter adjustments, which are a distinctive feature of analog synthesizers. We also took special care to completely reproduce the original specifications of the MS-20. The analog circuits we designed 35 years ago still deliver the same unbeatable, powerful sound, from the ultra-low to the ultra-high range.


    Overseen by the engineers of the original MS-20, a complete replication of the original analog circuitry

    2VCO / 2VCA / 2VCF / 2EG / 1LFO structure

    Self-oscillating high-pass/low-pass filters with distinctive distortion

    External signal processor (ESP)

    Extremely flexible patching system

    Miniature MS-20 that's 86% of the original size

    MIDI IN and USB connector

    Replicates every detail of the original, down to the package binding and the included manual

    The MS-20 mini painstakingly replicates the original MS-20. A development team led by the original engineers themselves worked to recreate the original circuitry, and when it was necessary to substitute a part, these engineers made the decisions based on careful listening, in order to reproduce the original sound faithfully. In fact, the sound of the MS-20 mini has a somewhat bright and extreme quality to it because its sound is that of an original MS-20 in mint condition at the time it went on sale, before any of the components aged.

    2VCO / 2VCF / 2VCA / 2EG / 1LFO structure
    The MS-20 mini reproduces the distinctive synthesis of the MS-20; two oscillators with ring modulation, and envelope generators with hold and delay. The VCA maintains the basic design of the original, but it’s been modified to produce less noise than the original.

    Self-oscillating high-pass/low-pass filters with distinctive distortion
    One of the greatest characteristics of the MS-20 was its powerful filters, which provided resonance on both the high-pass and the low-pass. Maximizing the resonance would cause the filter to self-oscillate like an oscillator, producing a distinctive and dramatic tonal change that was acclaimed as inimitable, and was later used on the monotron and monotribe. The filter circuit was changed mid-way through the production lifecycle of the MS-20; the MS-20 mini uses the earlier filter, which was felt to be superior due to its more radical sound.

    External signal processor (ESP) for processing an external signal
    The ESP carries on the experimental spirit of MS-20; it allows you to use the pitch or volume of an external audio source to control the synthesizer. For example you can input an electric guitar and use the MS-20 mini as a guitar synthesizer, or input a mic and use it as a vocal synthesizer.

    Extremely flexible patching system
    The patching system provided to the right of the panel lets you create complex sounds by plugging-in cables to change the connections between the various units. The possibilities are limited only by the user's imagination; different combinations of the modulation input/output and trigger, sample and hold, and noise generator can produce an incredible variety of sounds. By patching according to the MS-20 flow chart that’s printed on the panel, even the beginner can start taking advantage of these possibilities right away.


    < Control Section >


    C - C 37-notes (3 octaves), mini keyboard designed specifically for the MS-20 mini

    Voltage Controlled Oscillator 1 (VCO 1):

    Scale (32', 16', 8', 4') (6 octaves, +cent, -cent)
    Wave form (Triangle, Sawtooth, PW-Square, White Noise) (4 modes)
    Pulse width adjust 1:1 - 1:infinity

    Voltage Controlled Oscillator 2 (VCO 2):

    Scale (16', 8', 4', 2') (6 octaves, +cent, -cent)
    Wave form (Sawtooth, Square, Pulse, Ring modulator) (4 modes)
    Pitch (± 1 octave)

    VCO Master control: Master tune (± 100cent):

    Portamento (max. 10sec)
    Frequency modulation intensity by MG/T.EXT (-5V - +5V)
    Frequency modulation intensity by EG1/EXT (-5V - 0V)

    VCO Mixer:

    VCO 1 Level
    VCO 2 Level

    Voltage Controlled High Pass Filter (VCF HPF):

    Cutoff frequency (50Hz - 15,000Hz)
    Peak (flat - self OSC)
    Cutoff frequency modulation intensity by MG/T.EXT (-5V - +5V)
    Cutoff frequency modulation intensity by EG2/EXT (-5V - +5V)

    Voltage Controlled Low Pass Filter (VCF LPF):

    Cutoff frequency (50Hz - 15,000Hz)
    Peak (flat - self OSC)
    Cutoff frequency modulation intensity by MG/T.EXT (-5V - +5V)
    Cutoff frequency modulation intensity by EG2/EXT (-5V - +5V)

    Envelope Generator 1:

    Delay time (10sec)
    Attack time (10sec)
    Release time (10sec)

    Envelope Generator 2:

    Hold time (20sec)
    Attack time (10sec)
    Decay time (10sec)
    Sustain level (0V - 5V)
    Release time (10sec)

    Modulation Generator (LFO):

    Wave form (Positive Sawtooth - Triangle - Negative Sawtooth, Wide Pulse - Square - Narrow Pulse)
    Frequency (0.1Hz - 20Hz)

    Manual controller:

    Control wheel (center click)
    Momentary switch -->GND

    Power switch and Volume:



    LED (KBD trigger, Modulation Generator rate, Power ON )

    < External Signal Processor >

    Control section:

    Input signal level
    Low cut frequency (50Hz - 2,500Hz)
    High cut frequency (100Hz - 5,000Hz)
    CV adjust
    Threshold level

    Input and Output:

    Signal In
    Amplifier Out
    Band pass filter Out
    CV Out (0 - +8.4V)
    ENV Out (0 - +5V)
    Trig Out (+5V-->GND)

    Indicator (LED):

    Peak indicator
    Trigger indicator

    < Patch Panel >


    Keyboard control voltage output (Exponential) (0 - +8V)
    Keyboard trigger output (+5V-->GND)
    VCO-1 + VCO-2 control voltage input (Linear response)(0 - +8V)
    VCO-2 control voltage input (Linear response) (0 - +8V)


    VCO-1 + VCO-2 external frequency control input (OCT/V) (-5V - +5V)


    External signal input (3Vp-p max.)
    External High pass filter cutoff frequency control input (2OCT/V) (-5V - +5V)
    External Low pass filter cutoff frequency control input (2OCT/V) (-5V - +5V)

    VCO + VCF:

    Total external modulation input (T.EXT)(-5V - +5V)


    External initial gain control input (0 - +5V)


    EG 1 envelope signal normal output (-5V - 0V)
    EG 1 envelope signal reverse output (+5V - 0V)
    EG 1 + EG 2 trigger input (-->GND)
    EG 1 trigger input (-->GND)
    EG 2 envelope signal reverse output (+5V - 0V)


    Triangle output (Positive Sawtooth - Triangle - Negative Sawtooth) (5Vp-p)
    Rectangle output (Wide Pulse - Square - Narrow Pulse)(0 - +5V)

    Noise Generator:

    Pink noise output (5Vp-p)
    White noise output (5Vp-p)

    Sample and Hold:

    Clock trigger input (-->GND)
    Sample signal input (5Vp-p max.)
    S/H output (5Vp-p max.)

    Modulation VCA:

    Control voltage input (0 - +5V)
    Signal input (-5V - +5V)
    Signal output (-5V - +5V)

    Manual controller:

    Control wheel output (-5V<--0V-->+5V)
    Momentary switch output (-->GND)

    Signal out:

    Signal output (mono 1/8" mini phone jack, 2Vp-p output impedance 3.5k ?)

    Head phones:

    Head phones output (Stereo 1/8" mini phone jack, 33 ? 48mW)


    Type B, USB-MIDI Input/Output

    * Only note messages (velocity is not used) can be transmitted and received.


    MIDI Input

    *Only note messages (velocity is not used) can be transmitted and received.

    Power Consumption:


    Power Supply:


    Dimensions (W x D x H): a

    493 ×257 ×208 mm / 19.41 x 10.12 x 8.19 inches


    4.8 kg / 10.58 lbs.


    AC adaptor (9V/1.7A), Patch Cord x 10

    # jan/13
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    Edson Caetano
    # jan/13
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    A Namm rolando, e nada de new Ky, fantasma ou motif...

    A pegada é outra, Works vão ser teclados de nicho,,escrevam

    Muito mais legal o mini ms20 do que o king...

    E ainda bem que os fabricantes estão procurando novas direções

    # jan/13
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    Edson Caetano

    Quanto a questão de ser teclado de nicho eu concordo.
    Desde que não parem de evoluir! ! !
    Pois eu nunca imaginei usar sample nem sequencer a fundo. Graças ao Kronos uso os dois. Meu professor quer fazer umas coisas loucas no kronos e vamos fazer. Vamos fazeruns playbacks de hinos antigos nele, sampleando os backs.

    Quando digo usar o que disse acima, "disse tudo-em-um".
    Prefiro ter tudo num instrumento do que carregar 5, 6 ou 8 equipos.

    # jan/13
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    Eu tinha visto isso...... cara, que brinquedo legal! Essa é a melhor NAMM em muito tempo. Um bichinho desse é provavelmente o mais perto que eu chegaria de um modular. Muito legal mesmo!

    Mais uma GAS leve-moderada pra mim... :)

    # jan/13
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    Lindo!!! Foi o que mais gostei da NAMM...

    # fev/13
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    Eu que sempre desço a lenha na Korg tenho que me retratar publicamente.
    Parabéns, Korg!

    Edson Caetano
    # fev/13
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    Dureza é ver que custa 713 Euros e aqui facim, facim, bate nos 5mil

    # fev/13
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    O preço nos EUA é de U$599,00. Deve chegar aqui mais barato fora da PRIDE. Imagino algo em torno de R$2000, se não houver ágio. Enfim, esperar e ver...

    Das grandes 3, é a que está mais à frente do que a maioria dos músicos hoje esperam. Lançou no mesmo ano um VA e um analógico. Merece os parabéns mesmo!

    O Guimesmo
    # jun/13
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    Fábio Ribeiro abrindo a caixa, fazendo umas brincadeirinhas e explicando funcionamento:

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