Uma dúvida referente ao Guitar pro e Encore

    Autor Mensagem
    # jan/04

    Uma dúvida! Espero q alguém consiga me ajudar aqui!
    Pq qd eu exporto um MIDI pelo Guitar Pro 4.0 dá pau qd eu tento abrir-lo pelo Encore (v 4.5)?
    Tipo, depois q eu exportei o MIDI ele toca normal como um arquivo midi qualquer. E o Encore nunca deu problema p/ abrir os midis, mas só num abre qd o MIDI foi exportado pelo guitar pro.
    Blz, o q eu faço???

    # jan/04
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    tb queria saber pq...

    # jan/04
    · votar

    Eu tbm
    pensei q fosse bug no meu encore.

    # jan/04
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    Já q depois de um século ninguém respondeu, mandei um e-mail pro Suporte do Guitar Pro.
    Vou copiar o email:

    01/13/04 00:24, you wrote:
    Hi! I have a question to make: When exporting a music into MIDI, will this file be exactly in the MIDI patterns?
    Because once I opened a MIDI (exported by Guitar Pro 4) in another program (Encore) that transcribes MIDI into sheet music and this program didn’t read this MIDI.
    I wonder if there was some kind of configuration that I’ve got to change in order to the MIDI be recognized in this other program.

    Thanks for your attention,

    01/13/04 10:51, we wrote:
    Guitar Pro use 2 channels per track, which seems not to be supported by all
    software. Try to affect only one channel per track in the mix table and make a

    01/14/04 01:46, you wrote:
    And how do I affect only one channel per track?

    01/14/04 13:11, we wrote:
    Sorry, but the technical support is reserved to the registered users. If you
    have bought Guitar Pro, please register it in the Help Center. If you have
    registered your version, please use the Registered Customers Contact Form.


    Sincerely Yours. GP Team.

    # jan/04
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    Bom, minha versao num é registrada, então num entrei no Help Center, mas se alguém quiser se abilitar aí...

    # jan/04
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    Mas minha versão ta tudo beleza, crackeada mas ta AHUHAU

    Fábio Salgado
    # jan/04
    · votar

    Olha os home ae !

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