Metal Defender explains yourself

    Autor Mensagem
    Metal Defender
    # dez/03

    Hi people, i'm the so called Metal Defender.

    I came here because one roadie mine that is a member of this list, and he said to me that you appreciate my work. Sincerely, I don't know how you people get my musics, since they are spread for my reliable one friends . And i don't know why I am typing here, because computers store Pro Tools that is the tool that takes off sanctions it of musicians as I, Vai and satch.

    But it's necessary to explain some topics:
    - Yes, as you are seeing, I exist ok? Therefore they do not need to be fighting with this. The loosers that did not believe can very well fuck himself.

    - I do not know if I am fastest of the world. This is the fans who say, but a thing I say, I really going to be part of the G3 in the year that comes. And i wil play all these musics that you are tired to argue on the real existence.

    - Metal Defender is my artistic name, is clearly that a person would not call metal defender. And my real name i will never liberate.

    - Never! New guitarists never shoul be jocked. I was an beginning guitarist. And i trained very hard to be what I am today.

    And this is what i wanted to say, and i'm gonna writte here rarely, when you have some doubts regarding my work i will appear as my roadie says to me.

    Stay with god and keep rock'n roll alive.'

    # dez/03
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    aff manehzao

    Dave Murray
    # dez/03
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    q palha

    # dez/03
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    alguém traduz aí que eu não sei inglês... só o verbo to be

    # dez/03
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    n seria ''Metal Defender explains himself''?

    # dez/03
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    Fuck you Metal defender

    Dave Murray
    # dez/03
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    # dez/03
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    Acho que ele ficou tempo demais"tocando" guitarra e esqueceu que o CCAA existe. Coitado, tá se achando por causa de uma brincadeira sem cabimento, sem sentido e sem graça.

    # dez/03
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    tinha que deixa o titulo com himself e o The loosers that did not believe can very well fuck himself.
    por yourself

    # dez/03
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    Meu Deus...

    loosers.. hehe
    Tradução: os "loosers" ( acho que ele quis dizer "perdedores" ) que não acreditaram podem muito bem foder ele mesmo.
    Acho que o MD vai ter que ser bem fodido mesmo


    tinha que deixa o titulo com himself e o The loosers that did not believe can very well fuck himself.
    por yourself

    # dez/03
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    Cara... se vc fosse mesmo essa criatura fictícia chamada "Metal Defender" vc deveria entender o que vou te falar agora:


    Blz véio...

    # dez/03
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    Que troxa! Huehuehue!!!

    Cara... se vc que zuar, deveria pelo menos melhorar um pouquinho seu Inglês...

    Perdedor é Loser, com apenas 1 "o"...

    Que pulhas vcs são... acho que esse Fórum nunca mais será como era antes... pfff....

    LOW Fl
    # dez/03
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    Metal Defender
    Puro farsante. Ingres bem spekado este. não dá nem de enganar

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