Jean-Philippe Rameau / Discography

    Autor Mensagem
    # ago/05


    Sorry not to speak portuguese !

    I'd like to introduce my site about the discography of the famous French composer, Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683-1764), to you.

    The URL address of this site is :

    This site is built on a database and you can find all the records about
    a specific work or all the records a performer has made. There are now
    about 260 records and 530 performers.

    The list of the records is presented in a decreasing chronological order.
    If you can see the cover of the record or the mention "Available", this
    (new or pre-owned) record is available and if the mention "Not available"
    appears, this record is out of print and not available. As it changes
    very fast in the record business, please contact me, if the mention
    "Available" is not uptodate.

    In a next version of this site, there will be a discussion group for
    each Rameau work and you will be able to share information about the
    recordings of this work (add a new record, how to find a specific rare
    record, discuss which is the best performance....).

    Don't hesitate to have a look and to contact me ( if you have any suggestion.

    Best Regards

    Olivier Cayatte
    Jean-Philippe Rameau / Discography

    # ago/05
    · votar

    ai ai ai.. pq sempre os portugueses têm que falar em inglês!! Até nos fóruns nossos somos obrigados a falar inglês T_T..


    You is new in the forum? Welcome and enjoy your stay.
    This is a great site, you is a fan of the Jean-Philippe Rameau?

    Thanks for this site. If I to need to search some thing, with certainty will go to visit it again.

    Wumpa Crash
    # ago/05
    · votar

    What instrument did he compose to?

    # ago/05
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    Wumpa Crash
    Se eu nao me engano, ou melhor tenho quase certeza, foi um compositor e cravista barroco.

    Foi o precursor do pensamento Harmonico regente nos dias de hj!

    # ago/05
    · votar

    He composed :
    - pieces for harpsichord
    - many operas (Hippolyte et Aricie, Les Indes Galantes, Dardanus, Les Boréades...)
    - a few cantatas for one or two voices
    - a few motets


    Jean-Philippe Rameau / Discography

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