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lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Não vulgarize o verbo amar =]
Não fale que ama, se não amar de verdade ^^ (não duvidei dos seus sentimentos, hein, foi só aviso! hhauhau)
sorry.. ;*
_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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Tmb te amo xuxu!
beijokinha en su boka!
adnz Veterano |
# mai/05
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_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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ñ precisa se desculpa minha pequena lonely soul...
tu sabes q eu te amo!
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Falei algo errado? Desculpa =/
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Tuarelli Veterano |
# mai/05
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Alguém aí quer comer pizza?
_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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eu te ♥ mto Tia!
_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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Alguém aí quer comer pizza?
ñ obrigadeenha!
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Te amo também =]
adnz Veterano |
# mai/05
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falo nada errado nao
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Espero que não.. =/
Tuarelli Veterano |
# mai/05
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De nadenhaaa
Tome, younga padawn!
Fissssssssiuuuuu!!!! Tóin óin óin óinnnn...
Hooray! \o/
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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adnz Veterano |
# mai/05
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viu star wars hj?
_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Wish You Were Here
Blackmore's Night
Composição: Desconhecido
Wish you were here...
Me, oh, my countryman,
Wish you were here...
I wish you were here...
Don't you know, the snow is getting colder,
And I miss you like hell,
And I'm feeling blue...
I've got feelings for you,
Do you still feel the same?
From the first time I laid my eyes on you,
I felt joy of living,
I saw heaven in your eyes...
In your eyes...
Wish you were here,
Me, oh, my countryman,
Wish you were here...
I wish you were here...
Don't you know, the snow is getting colder,
And I miss you like hell...
And I'm feeling blue...
I miss your laugh, I miss your smile,
I miss everything about you...
Every second's like a minute,
Every minute's like a day
When you're far away...
The snow is getting colder, baby,
And I wish you were here...
A battlefield of love and fear,
And I wish you were here...
I've got feelings for you,
From the first time I laid my eyes on you...
your company..
Tuarelli Veterano |
# mai/05
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Não, cara... =(
Eu acho que vou ver segunda-feira, ou não.
Tô puto, gastei meu dinheiro aqui com um jogo de cordas pra guitarra e um negócio aqui pro violão e tô mó mal de grana.
Vamos ver até lá...
stratopeido Veterano |
# mai/05
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mais um topico non-sense? fechem essa merda...
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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Under A Violet Moon
Blackmore's Night
Composição: Desconhecido
Dancing to the feel of the drum
Leave this world behind
We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves
Under a violet moon
Tudor Rose with the hair in curls
Will make you turn and stare
Try to steal a kiss at the bridge
Under a violet moon
Raise your hats and your glasses too
We will dance the whole night through
We're going back to a time we knew
Under a violet moon
Cheers to the Knights and days of olde
the beggars and the thieves
Living in an enchanted wood
Under a violet moon
Fortune teller what to you see
Future in a card
Share your secreds, tell them to me
Under a violet moon
Close your eyes and lose yourself
In a medieval mood
Taste the trasure and sing the tunes
Under a violet moon
Tis my delight on a shiny night
The season of the year
To keep the lanterns burning bright
Under a violet moon
adnz Veterano |
# mai/05
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q coincidencia, tava ovindo agora uma musica do dt chamada Under A Glass Moon
Tuarelli Veterano |
# mai/05
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Non-sense rules!
Non-sense rules!!!!
~Saudade dos tópicos non-sense~
Esse foi soh un tópico de relembrança =]
adnz Veterano |
# mai/05
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6. Under A Glass Moon
[Images: Dream Theater]
[Words: Petrucci]
Tell me
Remind me
Chase the water racing from
the sky
Always beside me
Taste the memories running
from my eyes
Nervous flashlights scan my
Liquid shadows silence their
I smile at the moon
Chasing water from the sky
I argue with the clouds
Stealing beauty from my eyes
Outside the soundness of your
Bathing your soul in silver tears
Beneath a blackened summer sky
Praying for time to disappear
Beneath a summer sky
Under glass moonlight
Night awaits the lamb's arrival
Liquid shadows crawl
Silver teardrops fall
The bride subsides to her
By your hand
I've awakened
Bear this honor in my name
lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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lhaminha Veterano |
# mai/05
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...A Distance There Is...
Theatre Of Tragedy
Composição: Desconhecido
Come in out of the rain thou sayest - but thou ne'er step'staside;
And I am trapp'd -
A distance there is...
None, save me and the bodkin - pitter-patter on the roof:
Behold! - 'tis not the rain; thence me it has to be -
I will not drink thy vintage wine, my dear;
Thou hast heed'd that I am of innocence, yet thou let'st thy lassinto peril -
Thou let'st me be parchéd;
My heart is of frailthy, my pale skin is huéd damask.
When thou thy tears hast hidden, "Come back!", thou sayest -
There I soon am to be - but how am I to run when my bones, myheart
Thou hast me bereaft -
But run thou sayest; I run -
And there and then I behold that a time will come when I againdead will be.
Thou tell'st me to leave without delay -
I leave with my bodkin and my tears in my hands;
Lo! - the shadows, the sky descending;
So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together withdusk.
In my mind in which is this event,
But it seems as if naught is to change anyway?!
After all these years thou left'st me down in the emotionaldepths -
The sombre soakéd velvet-drape is hung upon me,
Turning my feelings away from our so ignorant world:
All the beautiful moments sharéd, deliberately push'd aside -
...a distance there is...
_Natália Veterano |
# mai/05
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adnz Veterano |
# mai/05
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caralho q ingles dificil O_o
danilo_bass Veterano |
# mai/05
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stratopeido Veterano |
# mai/05
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non-sense means... no-sense