Autor |
Mensagem |
MRWALKER Veterano |
# abr/05
sometimes i feel confused, rejected and refused, but i still choose to be, isolateeddddddd =\
danilo_bass Veterano |
# abr/05
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eh Dr.sin neh?
Toalhinha Veterano |
# abr/05
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me too...
Spectrum Veterano |
# abr/05
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Been daaazed and confuuused for so long it´s not true...waaanted a woooman, never baaargained for you..
MRWALKER Veterano |
# abr/05
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danilo_bass Veterano |
# abr/05
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sometimes i wanna kill, sometimes i wanna die, sometimes i wanna destroy, sometimes i wanna cry
tncv Veterano |
# abr/05
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deathmeister Veterano |
# abr/05
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i dont even care
Rafael Walkabout Veterano |
# abr/05
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Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner.
Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/05
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Sometimes I feel like screaming...
Toalhinha Veterano |
# abr/05
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Rafael Walkabout
And about me?
deathmeister Veterano |
# abr/05
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hit me baby one more time
Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/05
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My lonelyness is killing me...
danilo_bass Veterano |
# abr/05
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donti iu craaaaaaiiii tiunaite
derers a révem aboviu beibe
donti iu craaaaa aaa aaai tiunaite
deathmeister Veterano |
# abr/05
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but i confess i still believe
nao sei o resto.
MRWALKER Veterano |
# abr/05
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would you even care?????
danilo_bass Veterano |
# abr/05
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hey hey hey hey
hey stoopid
Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/05
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When I´m not with you I lose my mind!
(sim, eu escuto BS, e daí? auhauha)
Rafael Walkabout Veterano |
# abr/05
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Sometimes I feel like my only friend
Rodrigo rvssvr Veterano |
# abr/05
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my pain is not to feel you
Ganon Veterano |
# abr/05
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Careful With That Axe, Eugene)
Naty_Dead_Angel Veterano |
# abr/05
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Craaaaaawwwwwliiiiinggggg innn myyyyy skkiiiiiinnnnn.....
( Linkin Park , Crawling )
Toalhinha Veterano |
# abr/05
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Huahuauauha... Cool....
.......................Poor Eugene...
Rafael Walkabout
Love Ya!
MRWALKER Veterano |
# abr/05
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estragou o topico
Ganon Veterano |
# abr/05
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Alessandra Veterano |
# abr/05
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E agora eu pago os meus pecados, por ter acreditado, que só se vive uma vez....
danilo_bass Veterano |
# abr/05
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and she's buying a starway to heaven
Rodrigo rvssvr Veterano |
# abr/05
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Feel my heart burning
Deep inside yearning
I know it is coming
A fettered heart, waking...
A tainted youth, fading...
Leave it all behind
Delirious again
Mesmerise my senses
Our souls entwine one more time
All our times will come
Certain oblivion
Leaving nothing but the memories of
All the things you give
They´re all you´ll leave behind
Open laughter held in distant days
(how those) Eternal stars have changed
I know that it can't be the same
But there is no lament for you tonight
Feel my heart burning
Deep inside yearning
I know it is coming
And time recedes every day
You can scour your soul but you won´t see
As we pass ever on and away
Toward some blank infinity
deathmeister Veterano |
# abr/05
· votar
Uou Uou
offspring - the kids...
danilo_bass Veterano |
# abr/05
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Now I know that the end comes
You knew since the begining
Didn't want to believe it's true
You are alone again, my soul will be with you
Why is the clock even running
If my world isn't turning
Hear your voice in the doorway wind
You are alone again I'm only waiting
You tear into pieces my heart
Before you leave with no repentance
I cried to you, my tears turning into blood
I'm ready to surrender
You say that I take it too hard
And all I ask is comprehension
Bring back to you a piece of my broken heart
I'm ready to surrender
I remember the moments
Life was short for the romance
Like a rose it will fade away
I'm leaving everything
No regrets, war is over
The return of a soldier
Put my hands on my bleeding heart
I'm leaving all behind
No longer waiting
You tear into pieces my heart
Before you leave with no repentance
I cried to you, my tears turning into blood
I'm ready to surrender
You say that I take it too hard
And all I ask is comprehension
Bring back to you a piece of my broken heart
I'm ready to surrender
I've waited for so long!