the end-of-history illusion

    Autor Mensagem
    Antoine Roquentin
    # dez/13

    (...) is a ubiquitous psychological illusion in which teenagers and adults of all ages believe that they have consistently experienced significant personal growth and changes in tastes until now, but will somehow not continue to grow and mature in the future. That is, despite knowing how much they have changed in the last ten years, they believe that ten years from now, they will think and feel the same as they do today.

    Because of this illusion, perhaps related to a failure of imagination or an inflated sense of how wonderful they are at the moment, teenagers believe that they are mature, because they compare their current maturity against their immature childhood selves and see progress. However, as teenagers, they are unable to understand how much they will change in the future, so they assume that their current level of maturity is as mature as they can or should ever be. When those same people look back at their teenage selves from middle age, they are amused or chagrined to think that they once thought their teenage selves so mature—but they make the same error of assuming that their middle-aged selves are now the final level of maturity and personal development. As seniors, they look back at their middle-aged selves with the same wonder that they could have thought maturity and development ended at middle age, but they once again make the same mistake of assuming that no significant growth or change is possible for the future.


    Viciado em Guarana
    # dez/13
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    Desde quando notei isso eu não faço mais ideia de que diabo vou me tornar daqui pra frente.

    # dez/13
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    traduz ae. wtf

    Antoine Roquentin
    # dez/13
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    as pessoas costumam achar que já tiveram o "máximo" de crescimento pessoal e amadurecimento de ideias e gostos, e, mesmo observando o quanto sofreram mudanças até então, têm a ilusão de que continuarão com a mesma cabeça pelo resto da vida, o que nunca acontece.

    # dez/13
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    tá, mas qual proposito dessa teoria? é só uma observação mesmo ou isso prejudica nosso amadurecimento? se eu acreditar que ainda tenho muito a evoluir eu tendo a ter uma evolução mais rápida/efetiva?

    # dez/13
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    dizem que se a pessoa não estiver preparada para se dar conta disso ela começa a ordenar que peguem o cavaquinho.

    Rafael Walkabout
    # dez/13
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    Hey Jude, pega o cavaquinho.

    Felippe Rosa
    # dez/13
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    Eu concordo em partes, quando notei esse amadurecimento ao passar dos anos notei também que eu pensava que estava no ápice da maturidade, mas sempre percebia que nunca era verdade. Hoje eu sei que provavelmente daqui uns tempos vou estar em um estado de maturidade melhor do que o atual.

    # dez/13
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    they once again make the same mistake of assuming that no significant growth or change is possible for the future.


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