marketing > fome

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    The Laughing Madcap
    # set/12

    Rev. Mr. Townshend, intones: Work, work, night and day. By working you make your poverty increase and your poverty releases us from imposing work upon you by force of law. The legal imposition of work “gives too much trouble, requires too much violence and makes too much noise. Hunger, on the contrary, is not only a pressure which is peaceful, silent and incessant, but as it is the most natural motive for work and industry, it also provokes to the most powerful efforts.” Work, work, proletarians, to increase social wealth and your individual poverty; work, work, in order that becoming poorer, you may have more reason to work and become miserable. Such is the inexorable law of capitalist production.

    hoje com televisão e quiçá até carro considerados itens de subsistência + crédito todo mundo morde o trabalhador de uma vez e o cara fica preso ao trabalho de forma mais brutal ainda.

    dissertem para os pampas

    # set/12
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    Tudo se fundamenta na disputa pela fêmea.

    Eric Clapton
    # set/12
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    Mr. Townshend

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