Autor Mensagem
    # nov/05 · Editado por: Dav

    eu tô totalmente sem voz e desesperado, msm pq sei q eh tudo minha culpa, eu tava com faringite e tava com uns amigos aí começamu a rolar um som e eu pra variar comecei a cantar gutural, detalhe eu tava cantando angels fall first do nigthwish, mas bem gutural e agora tô sem voz... eh foda

    eu sei q vaum me criticar, mas me ajuda ae vai!!!

    # nov/05
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    cansei d tentar, agora eu decidi n vou cantar mais nada, nunca mais vou olhar pra um microfone na vida...

    # nov/05
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    essa foi minha ultima composição:

    My Tragic Destination

    I do not remember what I said you to you to act thus
    I do not believe that I will be able more life here
    I do not believe that I will be able more life

    I find that already I lived everything that could
    I find that the life does not want more to leave me here
    I feel that I have that to search my destination of you far
    Exactly that it is my tragic destination

    I do not support more look here the black clouds
    I do not support more the wind frozen of here
    I do not want more life here
    I do not want more life

    I go to only try one more time to find my destination
    Exactly that it is my tragic destination
    I go to try to live far of the confusion
    Exactly that I fall
    Exactly that I find my I destine tragic

    Why all the roses die?
    Why the life runs away from me?
    Why everything is dark here?
    Why I am suffocating here?

    I find that already I lived everything that could
    I find that the life does not want more to leave me here
    I feel that I have that to search my destination of you far
    Exactly that it is my tragic destination

    # nov/05
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    sobre sua letra sei la ta ruim cara, alem de mto cliche seu ingles eh meio q... pessimo, n sei como te dar dicas para compor melhor, sei la leia musica de bons compostiores ja ajuda e aprenda ingles se for escrever em ingles

    # nov/05
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    Pô, na cara... soh faltou o: pedaaaaaala robinho :P

    Gabriela Menezes
    # nov/05
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    sobre sua letra sei la ta ruim cara, alem de mto cliche seu ingles eh meio q... pessimo, n sei como te dar dicas para compor melhor, sei la leia musica de bons compostiores ja ajuda e aprenda ingles se for escrever em ingles

    Quanto a composição em inglês..tem um monte de gente que é dos EUA e escreve umas letras péssimas pq o coitado de um brasileiro não pode escrever umaletra ruimmmmmm!?!!!!!rs rs rs...

    Mas memso assim!! Pedala Robinho!!!!!!!!!!!!......hahahahaha...vcs são fogo!!!

    # nov/05
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    sobre a composição eh q primeiro eu escrevo bem ao pé da letra e depois eu arrumo, eh n tive tempo...

    # nov/05
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    Gabriela Menezes

    Vide Dr. Stein do Helloween...

    # nov/05
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    Cuidado ao cantar gutural.
    Se cantar de forma errada em exceço pode lhe causar calo nas pregas vocais. E isso pode futuramente se tornar em câncer.
    Como você teve faringite deve cuidar mais da sua voz. Beba bastante água, e sempre aqueça a voz antes de sair cantando.
    A voz é coisa séria.


    # nov/05
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    dê um descanso, vá num otorrino, e se for necessario faca tratamento com uma fonoaudiologa...
    isso nao é motivo pra desistir =)
    boa sorte

    # nov/05
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    bom minha voz jah voltou, mas eh q n paro de tomar vodka e cachaça...

    Mago da Floresta
    # nov/05
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    Nossa, q letra deprê, ahheahea
    A mensagem da minha vai combater a sua, MUHUHAHAAHHA

    To Die

    When you ask yourself
    What happens after death
    When you question the reason of life
    "Why, if I'll die?"

    It's not so hard to understand
    Why can't you?
    What are making you scary?
    Are you afraid from hell?
    Or have fear of the empty beyond
    Emptyness - more than you feel now
    Emptyness - and nothing make sense now

    And you don't want to continue...

    Someone wants to help you
    It's not so hard to find Him
    He's in everywhere
    Search for Him now
    Or will be too late

    God, I implore
    I live in emptyness
    So take my life
    And give me other
    Full of You

    To die or not to die
    I tell you: Choose to live!
    Jesus' ways are better than everything
    I'm sure - This you will like
    Oh Lord, live based on Your choices
    Is certainlly better than die

    If you think that your life have no meaning
    And you want to die
    Do you have and artificial way of living?
    I know someone who have a plan for your life
    Just say yes and you will know
    An unknown way
    That you've never imagined before
    So surrender your life
    To the hands of God

    It's not so hard to find Him
    He's in everywhere
    Search for Him now
    Or it will be too late

    God, I implore
    I live in lonelyness
    So take my life
    And give me another
    Full of You

    To die or not to die
    I tell you: Choose to live!
    Jesus' ways are better than everything
    I'm sure - This you will like
    Oh Lord, live based on Your choices
    Is certailly better than die

    "Thinking about suicide, my friend?
    Why not - a lot of people already done it
    You need to die by a shocking way
    Then people around will know that you existed
    And your friends will cry for you for the first time
    Come with me... I'll finish your problems
    Now give me your soul and fly away..."

    Into the eternal hellfire's torture!!
    Is that what you want??

    You will see that the best way is to live
    And will know that the best way of living
    Certainly it is not in the devil's hands

    If I have to live in this world
    I don't want to continue
    So, God
    Take my life
    And give me another
    Full of You
    Full of love

    To die or not to die
    I tell you: Choose to live!
    Jesus' ways are better than everything
    I'm sure - This you will like
    Oh Lord, live based on Your choices
    Is certainly better than die
    Oh Lord, live based on Your choices
    Is certainly better than die
    And is better either than life
    Oh, it's better than die

    The reason of life is God!!

    # nov/05
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    # nov/05
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    Mago da Floresta

    The reason of life is God!!

    n acredito em Deus (nem em Lucifer), mas a letra tah muito boa msm, eh q tudo q escrevo fica muito deprê msm saum minhas influencias goticas...

    # nov/05
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    Mago da Floresta

    The reason of life is God!!

    n acredito em Deus (nem em Lucifer), mas a letra tah muito boa msm, mas as minhas sempre ficam muito deprê, saum minhas influencias goticas...

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