Zoom 707II - enfim... Patches!!!

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    # nov/05

    AC/DC -- Here's my AC/DC patch. It works pretty good with my equipment, I hope it works with yours. (submitted by: fredtallica@excite.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: pwrdrv P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -2 P2= 5 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 8
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 0 P2= 4 P3= 0
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= name=
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=10

    ACOUSTIC -- Acoustic sound for "James K Polk" by They Might Be Giants. Basically a general acoustic sound. (submitted by: jar@jtan.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 8 P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -3 P2= 3 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -8 P3= 6
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 29 name= acustc
    PEDAL assign= oF mode= minvol=

    ACOUSTIC II -- A good clean and clear, general acoustic sound. (submitted by: lukewilderspin@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 2 P2= 2 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 0 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 7 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= acoust
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    ACOUSTIC CLEAN -- Is a very cool acoustic clean sound, it's like an intro of "What's This Life For" by Creed and"Selling the Drama" by Live. (submitted by: tavoku@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 4 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 4 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 30 P2= 6 P3= 11
    TOTAL patlvl= 19 name= clean
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    ACOUSTIC GUITAR -- A very good, useable clean sound...At times better than an acoustic, even. (submitted by: gsrjls@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 0 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 7 P2= 8 P3= 29
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= clean
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    ACOUSTIC WAH -- I use it to play the beginning of Creed's "With Arms Wide Open". (submitted by: jhamon02@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 8 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= af P2= 10 P3= 0
    REV Type: jam P1= nn P2= el P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= acuwah
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=lo minvol=2

    AIRY -- Clean and very airy tone (at least played with Strato-Cry Baby-GFX707) (submitted by: eero.leinonen@incasystems.otm.fi)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= FL P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 9 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 14 P3= 30
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 21 P2= 5 P3= 9
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= airy
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    A LA DAVID GILMORE -- Sound for spirit lifting solos. (submitted by: martin_bertrand@uqac.uquebec.ca)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 26 P2= 7 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 1 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 6
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 7 P2= 1 P3= 19
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 35 P2= 4 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 11 name= gilmor
    PEDAL assign= oF mode= minvol=

    ATMOSPHERE -- Cool! kinda spacy ideal for atmospheric sound. (submitted by: Rocketerr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 26 P2= 4 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= -2 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: flange P1= 4 P2= 1 P3= 10
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 46 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= atmosp
    PEDAL assign=md mode=hi minvol=10

    BAD -- U2 type delay.. (submitted by: walks@iinet net .au)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= fl P2= 6 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 4 P3= 8
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 6 P3= 5
    MOD Type: delay P1= 40 P2= 2 P3= 15
    REV Type: room P1= 15 P2= 5 P3= 20
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= bad
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    BASS -- Make your guitar sound like a bass. :) by SKiA^ Hellas (submitted by: skioulas@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= fs,bt P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= -12 P2= 12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 4
    MOD Type: pitch P1= -12 P2= 10 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= bass
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    BARRACUDA -- Use this sound for Barracuda by Heart. (submitted by: martin_bertrand@uqac.uquebec.ca)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+cr P1= 23 P2= 3 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 2 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 6 P3= 5
    MOD Type: flange P1= 2 P2= 2 P3= 0
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 42 P2= 1 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= barrac
    PEDAL assign= oF mode= minvol=

    BETTER TALK BOX -- Actually sounds like the Heil Talk Box. (submitted by: JiveTurkey2000@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+od P1= 4 P2= 2 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= off P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= off P2= P3=
    MOD Type: t-trip P1= 3 P2= -10 P3= 20
    REV Type: room P1= 17 P2= 3 P3= 19
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= h-talk
    PEDAL assign=dS mode=UP minvol=5

    BITTER-SWEET -- Good for fusion soloing.I love it with neck humbacking. It is clean but pushing the pedal will turn the sound hard (submitted by: jazzlife@virgilio.it )
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+cr P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= P2= P3=
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 3 P2= 22 P3= 30
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 40 P2= 2 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= bsweet
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=0

    BLAZING METAL -- High gain and a hefty bass side. (submitted by: anonymous)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 5 P2= 4 P3= 30
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 6 P2= 0 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= metal*
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= minvol=

    BLASTER -- This is good for death metal it has a heavy distorted end. (submitted by: glenn_blaster@freeze.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -4 P2= -7 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 8
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 4 P3= 10
    REV Type: room P1= 25 P2= 8 P3= 19
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= blastr
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    BLINK -- Fresh Distortion. (submitted by: walks@iinet net .au)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 18 P2= 2 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -6 P2= 6 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 10 P2= 3 P3= 5
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= blink
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    BOSTON - "More Than A Feeling" -- Boston "More Than A Feeling" 12 String. (submitted by: 4254441167@voicestream.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 9 P2= 8 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -12 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -12 P3= 6
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 5 P2= 16 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 19 P2= 6 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= morfel
    PEDAL assign=of mode=up minvol=0

    CADAVER -- If you are looking for quality sound, you will be astonished for my new invention.Note: It is recommended to use the RINVIB effect only w/the single note.While picking the E string continously depress the PEDAL slowly. (submitted by: glenn_blaster@freeze.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= bt P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= -3 P2= 2 P3= -1
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -10 P3= 8
    MOD Type: rinvib P1= 23 P2= 25 P3= 6
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 24 P2= 5 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= cadvr
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    CLEAN FUNK -- Nice useable clean sound, good for clean Red Hot Chili Peppers style stuff. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 4 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 20
    REV Type: hall P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= c*rhcp
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=

    CLEAN WAH -- Nice clean wah - good for for rhythm and 'wah-ing' chords. For a thicker sound use Combo A. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= FT P2= 3 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= -2 P2= 3 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 5 P3= 0
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 30 P2= 2 P3= 2
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= cl-wah
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=

    CLEAN WAH WAH -- Ideal for those 70's funky styles.. Isaac Hayes/ KC & Sunshine Band /Doobie Bros. (submitted by: nshuttle@yebo.co.za)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 8 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= -5 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 1 P3= 5
    REV Type: room P1= 9 P2= 2 P3= 12
    TOTAL patlvl= name=
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= Hi minvol= 5

    COMPRESSION -- Cool funky sounding soft compression. (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= fl P2= 10 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -8 P3= 8
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 3 P3= 20
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 29 name= comp
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    CRAZY -- Esse efeito e muito legal e louco galera, confiraaaa(Gui). (submitted by: rapidocaruar@hotmail.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: od2 P1= 5 P2= 6 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= -4 P2= -2 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: slow-a P1= af P2= 18 P3= 2
    REV Type: jam P1= sc P2= of P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= crazy
    PEDAL assign=of mode=hi minvol=5

    CREAM - "Sunshine of Your Love" (submitted by: darryl.godfrey@kinesis.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: fuzz P1= 20 P2= 7 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 2 P3= -8
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= name= cream
    PEDAL assign= rv mode= minvol=

    CREED - Clean -- Good for a clean sound especially for Creed's clean soun

    # nov/05
    · votar

    DELAY/REVERB -- This is the gretest delay with reverb of the entire gfx707. Good for playing solos
    and bases. My amp equalizer is set at: presence:4 middle:4 high:10. (submitted by: fls@hotlink.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 9 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 0 P3= -7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 11 P3= 8
    MOD Type: delay P1= 20 P2= 3 P3= 10
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= delay
    PEDAL assign= rV mode= dn minvol=10

    DELAY METAL -- Heavy Sound with a doucle delay!!!! AWESOME 4 SOLOS!!!!! (submitted by: flops_14@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 2 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 6
    MOD Type: delay P1= 45 P2= 2 P3= 11
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 65 P2= 2 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= dlymet
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    DISTORTION -- All around great distortion. (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= dist
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    DISTORTION II -- Good metal distortion. (submitted by: devilkin@zxmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 20 P2= 10 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= 9 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= dist
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    DOWN -- Use combo A,i m using drop D key. (submitted by: souless999@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 28 P2= 8 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= 4 P3= -3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 2 P2= 8 P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= down
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=8

    DREAM -- Possibly sounds like effect out of Blade Runner,Use pedal to turn down delay. (submitted by: paul@ryans11.freeserve.co.uk)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= bt P2= 3 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 12 P3= 8
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 4 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 7 P2= 30 P3= 19
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 47 P2= 6 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 15 name= dream
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=0

    DUET -- Sounds like two guitars. (submitted by: fernandodemaio@bol.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 16 P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 3 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 12 P2= 5 P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= duet
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=10

    E. VAN HALEN PHASE -- Wanna tap out riffs like EVH/Vai/Satriani? This is like the phase distortion on EVH's
    'Eruption' and makes it easy to do finger tapping. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= -1 P3= -6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: phase P1= af P2= 8 P3= 2
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 12 P2= 9 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= legato
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=

    ECHO -- If you have feeling, try this! (submitted by: fls@hotlink.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 0 P3= -7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 11 P3= 8
    MOD Type: echo P1= 40 P2= 5 P3= 10
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= echo
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    EERIE -- Scary !! (submitted by: limitedbryan@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: pwdrv P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 10 P3= 1
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 1 P2= 7 P3= 10
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 46 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= eerie
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    ENTOMB -- Entombed´s Clandestine album. (submitted by: pave)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 26 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 4 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 6
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 3 P2= 6 P3= 10
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= assign
    PEDAL assign=md mode=hi minvol=0

    FATBOY -- Distortion similar to Silverchairs fat n chrunchie sound on their first album. (submitted by: cleveras@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: compfz P1= 19 P2= 3 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 2 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 5
    MOD Type: P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= fatboy
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    FATHER TED THEME -- From the theme to Father Ted by Divine Comedy. Goodish for Irish folk too.

    (submitted by: dj_millboyo@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 1 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -2 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 8
    MOD Type: vibe P1= 1 P2= 20 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 20 P2= 10 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 28 name= ftted
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    FLEMENCO ACOUSTIC -- good for classical, flemenco style lead. Make sure you use the neck pickup to get the full tone out of it. (submitted by: luca@sundown.vic.edu.au)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 4 P2= 3 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -12 P2= 0 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 10 P3= 7
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 28 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= flemco
    PEDAL assign=off mode= minvol=

    FLANGER -- Good for Gilmour-esque or similar tone... (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= -1 P3= 1
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 4
    MOD Type: flange P1= 5 P2= 3 P3= 0
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= flange
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    FLANGER + ECHO -- Nice flanger, echo sound for intro. (submitted by: oddletter@hotmail.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: od2 P1= 6 P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1=-9 P2= 0 P3= -2
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: flange P1= 5 P2= 10 P3= 0
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 42 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= flanga
    PEDAL assign=md mode=lo minvol=10

    FLAVA* -- Funky distorted phase. (submitted by: eppoppy@cs.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 20 P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 1 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 4
    MOD Type: phase P1= af P2= 9 P3= 2
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 28 P2= 1 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 19 name= flava*
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=3

    FLOCKS -- Guitar patch for playing "I RAN" by 80's synth band from Liverpool, "A Flock of Seagulls". (submitted by: aok@enterprise.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist1 P1= 10 P2= 5 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 2 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 15 P3= 25
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 35 P2= 6 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= flocks
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=dn minvol=1

    FLOATING -- One of my favourite clean sounds, this has to be used with headphones for the proper effect. Just plug in and float away. Eq is a personal thing so i'll leave it up to you. (submitted by: fluidius@hotmail.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= P2= P3=
    MOD Type: pitch P1= dt P2= 4 P3= 16
    REV Type: ppdlyl P1= 42 P2= 4 P3= 26
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= floaty
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=0

    FOLLOW THE SIGN -- I used this patch for playing slow solos, amp sim off, neck hum. (submitted by: kuco )
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -5 P2= -2 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 7
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 8 P3= 0
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 6 P2= 3 P3= 12
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= sign
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=dn minvol=0

    FUZZ -- A very cool fuzz sound. Use amp sim Cab A. (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: fuzz P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 5 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= 6
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= fuzz
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    FUZZED -- Full-on funk with P-O-W-E-R (submitted by: pete@spaldin.freeserve.co.uk)
    COMP-DIST Type: fuzz P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 12 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: none P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= fuzzed
    PEDAL assign= none mode= Hi minvol= 5

    GUITAR & BASS -- Distorted guitar and bass, 2 in 1. (submitted by: jani.kallio@luukku.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 7 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 8
    MOD Type: pitch P1= -12 P2= 10 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 19 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 12 name= 2 in 1
    PEDAL assign=md mode=dn minvol=0

    GUNS N' ROSES DISTORTION -- Use for any G'n'R style stuff, Slash's distortion, and rhythm parts. The echo adds
    that 'old tape' feel (well, My G'n'R stuff has gotten hissy on tape). (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= -10 P2= 12 P3= -10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 7 P3= 4
    MOD Type: echo P1= 11 P2= 1 P3= 4
    REV Type: room P1= 12 P2= 10 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= g'n'r
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=lo minvol=1

    HARDCORE -- A smooth hardcore distortion similar to Static X and System of a Down. (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 4 P3= -3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 18 P2= 5 P3= 5
    TOTAL patlvl= 28 name= punk2
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    HARD DISTORTION -- A good distortion. Not really for metal.. (submitted by: jfrumil98@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 8 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1=

    # nov/05
    · votar

    HEAVY -- Really good for Palm Mutes use with metallica and Low tunings. (submitted by: mad_sk8terz_69@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 12 P2=-12 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= heavy
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    HEAVY LEAD -- Great heavy lead.... deep bass.... like in Deftones. (submitted by: efurd@online.no)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 23 P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 2 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 13 P2= 4 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= hlead
    PEDAL assign= dS mode= UP minvol= 10

    HEAVY METAL AND SOLO-- Another metal patch. (submitted by: fls@hotlink.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 6
    MOD Type: delay P1= 7 P2= 2 P3= 0
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 80 P2= 10 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= metals
    PEDAL assign= rV mode= UP minvol= 10

    HEAVY METAL RHYTHM GUITAR -- Overdrive sound of heavy metal guitar (for FL STK B amp. sim.) (submitted by: sedlmartin@volny.cz)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 30 P2= 7 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 8 P2= 12 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= metalr
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    ALAN HOLDSWORTH -- His sound is made by many digital processors. This is what the gfx can do to make your guitar sound near him (best with flt stk b...i think). (submitted by: jazzlife@virgilio.it)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 10 P2=0 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1=-7 P2= 5 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -12 P3= 2
    MOD Type: delay P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 40 P2= 1 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= 29 name= allan
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=0

    INCUBUS - "Pardon Me" -- Use this patch for playing "Pardon Me" By Incubus, your pedal serves as a volume controller. (submitted by: dimebag001@edsamail.com.ph)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= -2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: flange P1= 8 P2= 4 P3= 5
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 29 P2= 10 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= inqbus
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    JIMI HENDRIX - Hey Baby -- It´s good playing for the land of new rising sun. (submitted by: jimi117@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 10 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 2 P2= 30 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= gypsy
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=10

    JIMI -- For JiveTurkey - here's some sweet Jimi 60's distortion lovin'! Use Comba A normally or
    Full Stack amp sim for a live feel. Use the pedal to control the dist. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: pwrdrv P1= 30 P2= 9 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= -3 P2= 1 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 6 P3= 5
    MOD Type: vibe P1= 3 P2= 10 P3= 4
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 12
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= jimi*h
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=lo minvol=5

    JIMI FUZZ WAH -- Here's the Hendrix fuzz-wah as heard in "Voodoo Chile (SR)." It actually uses a distortion
    b/c the fuzz doesn't sound real good with the ped-wah. For amp sims- use Bright A, for a live sound use a full
    stack. Also, turn down the tone on your guitar a little. Have fun, Peace. (submitted by: Jiveturkey2000@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist 1 P1= 18 P2= 5 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 1 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 1 P3= 5
    REV Type: hall P1= 19 P2= 8 P3= 17
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= jh*wah
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5

    JIMI HENDRIX WAH -- This is just some great wah which works great for solos also with the use of the temolo bar (submitted by: eivanal@bgnet.bgsu.edu)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+cr P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= -4 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 8
    MOD Type: a-wah P1= af P2= 8 P3= 10
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 25 P2= 1 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= jimmyh
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=3

    HIPHOP -- Use this effect with the reggae beat at 200bpm, the reverse auto-wah means that struming harder gives
    good bass notes. The delay corresponds to the drum speed, vary the balance with the pedal. If you just can't see
    what I mean about this effect, write me and I'l send you some samples, I've got up to some funky stuff with it. (submitted by: alan_angel@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= ft P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= 8 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 2
    MOD Type: a-wah P1= 10 P2= 8 P3= -12
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 1.5 P2= 8 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= hiphop
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=0

    HOLE - "Celebrity Skin" -- Celebrity Skin style distorion Press pedal right to the top for no distortion
    on the clean bits. (submitted by: Agg666)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 19 P2= 10 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= -4 P3= -3
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 11 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= hole
    PEDAL assign=dS mode=up minvol=0

    HORROR -- An extreme sound that fits to a black metal type. (submitted by: sstring@eudoramail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 7 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -12 P2= 6 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 6
    MOD Type: vibe P1= 8 P2= 14 P3= 30
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 42 P2= 8 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= horror
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=0

    HOTEL CALIFORNIA -- This patch is perfect for people to play the Hotel California chords with out a cappo! (submitted by: lun1footloose@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 0 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 5
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 7 P2= 5 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 7 P2= 8 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= hotel*
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    IRON MAIDEN - Rhythm Guitar -- Sound of Maiden's rhythm guitar (use with FL STK B amp. sim.) (submitted by: sedlmartin@volny.cz)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+od P1= 15 P2= 2 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 8 P2= 12 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= maidnr
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    IRON MAIDEN - "Piece of Mind" -- Iron Maiden's "Piece of Mind". (submitted by: fluff@cwc.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 0 P3= 1
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 1
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 74 P2= 2 P3= 9
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= maiden
    PEDAL assign= dS mode= UP minvol= 0

    IRON MAIDEN - "Seventh Son" -- The distortion of Iron Maiden in the 7th son album - very cool. The pedal takes it from lead to chorus. (submitted by: handfull_of_pain@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 0 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 5 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 4 P2= 20 P3= 22
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= 7thson
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=1

    JEBEDIAH -- Warm distortion. (submitted by: botters69@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= 4 P3= -3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= -1
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= hole
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=hi minvol=10

    KILLER PALM MUTE -- Great heavy distortion, works really well for palm muting in music like Metallica and Creed. Use combo B. (submitted by: krfitzy1@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 22 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 8 P2= -5 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 3
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 10 P2= 3 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= pm////
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    KISS PATCHES! (8) -- A collection of eight Kiss patches, along with gear listing, submitted by Brendan (bsjm@email.msn.com). In Microsoft Word format.

    KORN -- Reeeeeaally close to KoRn's tuned down 7 string. I use a Metal Zone instead of the COMP_DIST so
    I can get more crunch of it. This patch also sounds good as it is. BUT you have to tune down your guitar to C
    (for example). The closer to A the best crunch and final sound you'll get. KoRn fuckin' rules!!! (submitted by: jaygua@movi.com.ar)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= -12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -10 P3= 6
    MOD Type: pitch P1= -3 P2= 8 P3= 30
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= >korn<
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    KORN - "Falling Away From Me" -- Falling Away From Me Main Riff. (submitted by: nadrolski@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 0 P3= 8
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 8
    MOD Type: trmcho P1= 12 P2= 25 P3= 25
    REV Type: pp-del P1= 22 P2= 6 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 18 name= trmcho
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    KORN - "Freak On A Leash" -- A great patch for playing korns Freak on a leash intro. Hit the first 2 notes on the intro and on the last note (3rd note) push the pedal forward to get the sound. Excellent patch try it out. (submitted by: cleveras@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= -12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -10 P3= 6
    MOD Type: phase P1= af P2= 9 P3= 2
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 16 name= freak
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5


    # nov/05
    · votar

    KORN - "Freak On A Leash" -- A great patch for playing korns Freak on a leash intro. Hit the first 2 notes on the intro and on the last note (3rd note) push the pedal forward to get the sound. Excellent patch try it out. (submitted by: cleveras@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= -12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -10 P3= 6
    MOD Type: phase P1= af P2= 9 P3= 2
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 16 name= freak
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5

    KORN / SLIPKNOT -- Another improvement on my usual heavy sound. I usually set the chorus parameters,
    then turn it off, so it is off unless turned on by the foot switch (for solos). Use Ampsim Combo A for the
    fattest sound. (submitted by: theman@tesco.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 7 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -12 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 20 P3= 30
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= numetl
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    LED ZEPPELIN -- Gives that "Moby Dick" tone (you will need to modify it a little to your amp, set the bass at 9 o'clock, mid at full, treble at 12 o'clock). (submitted by: anonymous)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 16 P2= 4 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 9 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 3
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 10 P3= 3
    REV Type: jam P1= r5 P2= GL P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= zep
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=10

    LENNY KRAVITZ - "Fly Away" -- Lenny Kravitz -ish. Use AMP SIM mode FL STACK A for a really thick sound. (submitted by: pete@spaldin.freeserve.co.uk)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist1 P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 9 P3= 9
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 4 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 6 P2= 6 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= flyawy
    PEDAL assign= none mode= UP minvol= 5

    LEAD -- Good lead sound. (submitted by: newbreedworship@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 20 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -2 P2= -1 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 2 P3= 5
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 6 P2= 16 P3= 5
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 52 P2= 1 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= lead
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= UP minvol= 0

    LIGHTS -- Santana-like lead, good for "Turn Your Lights On" and"Smooth". (submitted by: bairsmp@students.hale.wa.edu.au)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+od P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 12 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: delay P1= 1 P2= 1 P3= 0
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 1 P2= 1 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= lights
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    LIMP BIZKIT -- Use this patch for playing "Counterfeit" intro and "Sour" chorus. (submitted by: jaygua@movi.com.ar)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= fl P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= -4 P2= -4 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: delay P1= 45 P2= 2 P3= 10
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 66 P2= 0 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= sourft
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=10

    LIVE - "Lightning Crashes"? -- This is as close as I can get - please help me! (submitted by: jpatterson100@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= -7 P3= 6
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 6
    MOD Type: phase P1= bf P2= 5 P3= 3
    REV Type: hall P1= 10 P2= 10 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 17 name= live
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5

    LOCO -- This is a loco effect,use the pedal to create crazies sounds. (submitted by: anonymous)
    COMP-DIST Type: fuzz P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= -6 P2= -2 P3= -2
    EQP2 P1= 6 P2= 5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: echo P1= 50 P2= 10 P3= 30
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 1.5 P2= 10 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= loco
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    THE LONER -- Gary Moore's Loner Style. (submitted by: trakatricky@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+od P1= 18 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 8 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 40 P2= 1 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= loner
    PEDAL assign= none mode= none minvol=

    MANIC ST. PREACHERS "Yes/Archives Of Pain" -- like the distorted guitar in "Yes" and the "Archives of Pain"
    from the manic's "Holy Bible". (submitted by: david_wil@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 30 P2= 2 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= 5 name= manics
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    HANK MARVIN SOUND -- Very close to THE sound of the Shadows. (submitted by: mathew*healey.com.au)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= fl P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= 3 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 6
    MOD Type: echo P1= 27 P2= 6 P3= 10
    REV Type: hall P1= 26 P2= 5 P3= 14
    TOTAL patlvl= 21 name= hank
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    HANK B. MARVIN -- An alternative sound for Hank B Marvin / The Shadows. No compressor, to allow for the strings to sing out. Plenty of ‘top’ from the EQ to keep the sound bright. Keep the echo feedback and mix to fairly discrete levels. Time the delay for the palm mute section of '‘Apache”. And then make sure that the actual sound is loud but clean. N.B. I use a Fender Jaguar, which probably explains why I need the rather extreme mid-range boost... (submitted by: dandjmw@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 6 P3= 9
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 7
    MOD Type: echo P1= 26 P2= 3 P3= 6
    REV Type: hall P1= 26 P2= 4 P3= 16
    TOTAL patlvl= 29 name= hank_b
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    MEGADETH CRUNCH -- A really crunchy distortion, excellent for playing "Holy Wars". Ampsim
    must be off and you might need to turn bass just a tiny little bit. Enjoy. (submitted by: rogertaylor39@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 26 P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= 3 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= crunch
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    MEGADETH - "Breadline" -- Megadeth (breadline) from the album Risk. (submitted by: glenn_blaster@freeze.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 1 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -6 P2= -4 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 1 P3= 8
    MOD Type: phase P1= bf P2= 9 P3= 2
    REV Type: room P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= brdlne
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    MEGADETH - "In My Darkest Hour" -- A cool distortion w/the combination of chorus. (submitted by: glenn_blaster@freeze.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 20 P2= 8 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -7 P2= 0 P3= -6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 8
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 5 P2= 14 P3= 14
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 37 P2= 4 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 13 name= drkshr
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    # nov/05
    · votar

    MELODY -- Great for strumming chords and playing melodies. Good for 'improvising' and developing your own music. (submitted by: aok@enterprise.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= 6 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -2 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 2 P3= 6
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 0 P2= 2 P3= 30
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 46 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= melody
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=1

    METAL -- Cool crunchy metal sound - Play with tone and gain to get the exact sound you want. (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1=30 P2=6 P3=5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= -3 P3= -5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 6
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= metal
    PEDAL assign= none mode= none minvol=

    METAL II -- Extremely heavy sound (Metallica-Iced Earth).Use combo A for heavy palm muting. (submitted by: memorabilia2@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= -12 P2= -9 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 18 P2= 0 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= metal
    PEDAL assign=vl mode= minvol=

    METAL* -- Heavy distortion patch really bassy and fat. combo a for best results. (submitted by: cleveras@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 20 P2= 5 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 1 P2= 4 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 16 name= metal*
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METAL BY:JK -- Good metal patch. (submitted by: jani.kallio@luukku.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 1
    MOD Type: pitch P1= dt P2= 0 P3= 20
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 10 name= jkx
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=8

    METALLICA -- Heavily scooped, almost Soldano sound. (submitted by: gsrjls@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= -10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 28 P2= 2 P3= 9
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= gain +
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - KILL 'EM ALL -- Early Metallica distortion. Best used with AMP SIM turned OFF. (submitted by: colinpoh@pd.jaring.my)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= 10 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 6
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= killem
    PEDAL assign= VL mode= UP minvol= 0

    METALLICA - "Kill 'Em All" II -- A very good distortion used by metallica in the album 'Kill'em all'. (submitted by: fernandodemaio@bol.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -2 P2= 12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= kill
    PEDAL assign=of mode=up minvol=10

    METALLICA - LOAD -- Based on Metallica distortion on the Load and Reload albums. It's warm and deep. (submitted by: colinpoh@pd.jaring.my)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 6 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 8 P2= 7 P3= 6
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= load
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - MASTER OF PUPPETS -- Improved Metallica distortion for Master of Puppets album. (submitted by: colinpoh@pd.jaring.my)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 4 P3= 11
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 3
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= puppet
    PEDAL assign=VL mode=UP minvol=0

    METALLICA - MASTER OF PUPPETS II -- Its the REAL Distorsion on Master Of Puppets! No amp sim. On amp, no middle and a little bit more basse than other. (submitted by: simon2t@videotron.ca)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 0 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= -12 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 7
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 10 name= master
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    METALLICA - ...And Justice For All -- Sound close to the distortion guitar on Metallica's album And justice for all.... best suit combo a. (submitted by: cleveras@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 22 P2= 8 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= -5 P2= 0 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 6 P3= 7
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 16 name= forall
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - "Breadfan" -- Metellica's concert Breadfan Sound!!!perfect! (submitted by: davidk@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 12 P2= 4 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 8 P2= -12 P3= 20
    EQP2 P1= -12 P2= 6 P3= 16
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 11 P2= 6 P3= 12
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= breadf
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    METALLICA - Fade To Black Solo -- really good for metallica's fade to black solo. (submitted by: mad_sk8terz_69@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 23 P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 2 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: flange P1= 10 P2= 6 P3= 8
    REV Type: hall P1= 13 P2= 4 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= fdsolo
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    # nov/05
    · votar

    METALLICA - "Nothing Else Matters" -- High chorused metallica clean sound. You may play a bit with the EQ to suit your guitar. (submitted by: vojd@omega.bg)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 6 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -9 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -12 P3= 6
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 5 P2= 16 P3= 15
    REV Type: hall P1= 19 P2= 6 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= nem
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - "Nothing Else Matters" II -- Another clean patch with chorus. Great for playing Metallica Nothing Else Matters. (submitted by: anonymous)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 3 P2= 6 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 6 P3= 6
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 1 P3= 7
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 11 P3= 18
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 16 name= nelsem
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - 'One' -- Generally metallica's clean sound, but it's great for 'One'. Push down the pedal for
    the first solo so you can get great reverb time. (submitted by: vojd@omega.bg)
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 0 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 4 P2= 17 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 19 P2= 6 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= clean
    PEDAL assign=rV mode=UP minvol=0

    METALLICA - "Sanitarium" -- I've created a cool acoustic delayed sound really close to the intro effect on
    "Welcome Home" from Metallica. Use combo A for best sound. (submitted by jaygua@intramed.net.ar)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= 2 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: on EQP1 P1= 8 P2= -5 P3= -2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 10 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 1 P3= 30
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 10 P2= 4 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= welcom
    PEDAL assign= rV mode= UP minvol=0

    METALLICA - "The House That Jack Built" -- First lead part from "The house that jack built". (submitted by: iconfriend@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1=30 P2= 2 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 4 P3= 11
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 4
    MOD Type: phase P1= bf P2= 7 P3= 3
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= htjb
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - "The Unforgiven" -- Sounds like the guitar in "the unforgiven". (submitted by: lukewilderspin@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= fl P2= of P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 9 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -11 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 7 P2= 21 P3= 17
    REV Type: hall P1= 5 P2= 3 P3= 11
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= unfgvn
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    METALLICA - "The Wait" -- This patch is what I use for The Wait by Metallica. Its a cool full on
    distortion sounds good on my Epiphone. (submitted by: sterling@surfer.co.nz)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1=30 P2= 7 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= -2 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 8
    MOD Type: flange P1= 2 P2= 1 P3= 1
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 1 P2= 1 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= wait
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    MOTLEY CRUE -- Dirty sounding distortion. I use it with Combo A, bridge/middle pickup configuration. (submitted by: kczoka@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 28 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 7 P3= 9
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 3 P2= 10 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 10 P2= 3 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= m'crue
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    MULTI-ROCK -- Good for just general rock. (submitted by: icklewarby@hotmail.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp-cr P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 0 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: offl P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= multi
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=10

    # nov/05
    · votar

    NIRVANA -- I tend to use this for 'smells like teen spirit' and one or two other songs from Nevermind.You may need a bit more bass or distortion on it and less ZNR, depending on your amp and ear. (submitted by: Futuristicman@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -2 P3= -8
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -3 P3= 3
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 17 name= nrvana
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    NIRVANA DISTORTION -- Good Nirvana distortion. (submitted by: lukewilderspin@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist1 P1= 27 P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -7 P3= -1
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 0 P2= 1 P3= 0
    REV Type: room P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= nirdst
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=0

    NIRVANA - "Come As You Are" -- Produces the same sound as Kurt Cobains' guitar in "Come As You Are"
    from Nevermind. Use amp sim COMBO A for the best sound. (submitted by: theman@tesco.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= Ft P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 12 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 20 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 15 P2= 10 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 10 name= nrvana
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= UP minvol=

    NIRVANA - "Come As You Are" II -- Gives the great come as you are sound . May want to change the reverb. (submitted by: lukewilderspin@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= ft P2= 3 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= -5 P2= 4 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 1 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 6 P2= 20 P3= 15
    REV Type: room P1= 15 P2= 5 P3= 5
    TOTAL patlvl= 10 name= comeas
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    NIRVANA - "Heart-Shaped Box" -- A good patch for the verses in heart-shaped box. I've only had the pedalfor a couple of days, but it sounds quite good. (submitted by: lukewilderspin@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= of P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 1 P2= -12 P3= -6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 0 P2= 20 P3= 2
    REV Type: room P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= h-sbox
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    NuMETAL -- A smooth fuzzy high-gain bassy hardcore sound (listen to Slipknot). More bass than any
    other patch here. Use amp sim COMBO A for the best sound. (submitted by: theman@tesco.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= -5 P2= -12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 30 P3= 0
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= numetl
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= UP minvol=

    NuMETAL 2 -- Another bassy hardcore sound. If you liked my other hardcore patch, try this one.
    Best used with amp sim COMBO A. (submitted by: theman@tesco.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 20 P3=3 0
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= hard2
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= UP minvol=

    NuMETAL 7 STRING SIM -- Simulates a 7 string guitar (low B) tuning, as used by Korn etc. Of course, the
    final tone isn't that great with the detune module, but it's handy if you quickly want to mess with a low tuning.
    Turn the treble up a little on your amp, and use Combo A sim. If you tune your guitar with a drop D and change
    the pitch to -3 you get Slipknot's tuning. You can use the pedal to get normal tuning. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 9 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= -6 P3= -10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 6
    MOD Type: pitch P1= -5 P2= 4 P3= 30
    REV Type: room P1= 10 P2= 3 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= 7-strg
    PEDAL assign=md mode=dn minvol=0

    NUNO -- Sound from Extreme's guitarist. (submitted by: dustinmarzina@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 23 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 3 P3= -8
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 4
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 10 P3= 10
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= nuno
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=lo minvol=0

    OASIS RHYTHM -- Oasis distortion for all rhythmic parts in live and some album records. (submitted by: acquiesce@freemail.it)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 18 P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 3 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 3
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 4 P2= 8 P3= 6
    REV Type: hall P1= 16 P2= 10 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= oasis
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    OASIS - "Familiar to Millions" -- Exactly familliar to millions sound. (submitted by: fersza@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+fz P1= 20 P2= 1 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= -1
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 8 P3= 0
    REV Type: room P1= 1 P2= 7 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 17 name= oasis
    PEDAL assign=md mode=dn minvol=8

    OASIS LEAD -- Oasis lead guitar. (submitted by: acquiesce@freemail.it)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 18 P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= 3 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 3
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 9 P2= 27 P3= 8
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= oasis*
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    OFFSPRING -- punk rock distortion,good for the offspring. (submitted by: doockye@bol.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 0 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -5 P2= -4 P3= -5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 29 name= punkdt
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=10

    # nov/05
    · votar

    ORGY-S -- Sounds the exact same as Orgy's Synth guitar . Very different ,distinct and heavy. (submitted by: paul.e@esatclear.ie)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+fz P1= 20 P2= 25 P3= 33
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -12 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 3
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 10 P2= 30 P3= 17
    REV Type: room P1= 3 P2= 5 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= orgy-s
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=hi minvol=0

    OVATION -- Ringing acoustic like in J Walsh's "Life's Been Good". (submitted by: mark_hrn@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= FL P2= 4 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -9 P2= 11 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -11 P3= 5
    MOD Type: pitch P1= dt P2= 8 P3= 16
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 14 P2= 3 P3= 7
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= ovatio
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    PANTERA - Dimebag Darryl -- Sounds very similar to the distortion used by Dimebag Darryl in the Cow Boys From Hell album. (submitted by: danielspindler@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 7 P3= 12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 7 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 7 P2= 6 P3= 19
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= CFH*
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    PANTERA - "Floods" -- Outro to "Floods" by Pantera (submitted by: riff107@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 28 P2= 10 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= 7 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 7 P3= 15
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 50 P2= 9 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 9 name= floods
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    PEARL JAM -- Pearl Jam Distortion with a Pearl Jam Wah. (submitted by: botters69@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= -6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 5 P3= 0
    REV Type: room P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= PJam/w
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=7

    PEARL JAM - ON/OFF DISTORTION -- Great Pearl Jam distortion! (submitted by: botters69@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= -6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= PJam/d
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=7

    PETER'S PATCHES (16) -- A collection of sixteen acoustic and electric patches for various bands, plus equipment list, submitted by Peter Kohl (PKohl@swing.be).

    PEZ DISTORTION -- This is a sound I use for playing with my band. It's a stong metal sound. Best used with FL STK B. (submitted by: rosorus@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 12 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= pezdis
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    PHONE -- Make your guitar sound like a phone. (submitted by: fernandodemaio@bol.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= fl P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: EQP1 P1= P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= P2= P3=
    MOD Type: ring-m P1= bf P2= 17 P3= 30
    REV Type: room P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= phone
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=10

    PINK FLOYD DISTORTION -- Use with bridge pickup... sounds just like David Gilmour!! (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: fuzz P1= 27 P2= 5 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= -1 P3= 1
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 5 P2= 3 P3= 30
    REV Type: room P1= 10 P2= 7 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= pfloyd
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    PINK FLOYD -- Clean Pink Floyd tone... (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type:off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= -1 P3= 1
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 4
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 5 P2= 3 P3= 30
    REV Type: room P1= 10 P2= 7 P3= 12
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= pfloyd
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    PINK FLOYD - "One Of My Turns" -- Suitable for the delayed guitar on the Pink Floyd track "One Of My Turns" (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type:off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= -1 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 8
    MOD Type: delay P1= 49 P2= 8 P3= 30
    REV Type: room P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= lngdly
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    PINK FLOYD - "Another Brick In The Wall" -- Delay settings for the track "Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)". (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type:off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= -1 P3= 1
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 8
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 5 P2= 3 P3= 30
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 47 P2= 3 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 15 name= abitw
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    PINK FLOYD - "Run Like Hell" -- Used by David Gilmour on a Fender Esquire for the song. Clean up the tone by lowering the guitar volume... (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 1 P2= 10 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 2 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 4
    MOD Type: flange P1= 5 P2= 8 P3= 0
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 36 P2= 5 P3= 14
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= runlik
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    PINK FLOYD - "Welcome To The Machine" -- It Has That Cool Electronic Sound. (submitted by: limitedbryan@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 8
    MOD Type: rinvib P1= 30 P2= 30 P3= 0
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 18 name= machin
    PEDAL assign=md mode=lo minvol=10

    PINK FLOYD - "Comfortably Numb" -- Excellent for "Comfortably Numb". Probably not the same as Floyd, but does
    the song justice. (submitted by: mick@wilso31.freeserve.co.uk)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= pd P2= 4 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -2 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 2 P3= 6
    MOD Type: echo P1= 25 P2= 7 P3= 16
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 26 P2= 6 P3= 28
    TOTAL patlvl= 28 name= pfloyd
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    PITCH -- Used in Bryan Adams 'run to you'. (submitted by: smythey)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= fl P2= 5 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -9 P3= -10
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 30
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= adams
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    POISON -- My Poison/CC DeVille patch. I use all my patches with Combo A. (submitted by: kczoka@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 20 P2= 7 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 5 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 3 P2= 15 P3= 20
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 10 P2= 2 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= poison
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    PSYCHO -- Clean, dark metal sound. (submitted by: brutal_hate@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 10 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 2 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 8
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 3 P2= 30 P3= 30
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 33 P2= 6 P3= 17
    TOTAL patlvl= 21 name= psycho
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=6

    # nov/05
    · votar

    PUNK -- Great punk sound for Greenday, Blink 182, or Offspring (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist 2 P1=30 P2=7 P3=5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= -3 P3= -5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 6
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= punk
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    PUNK 2 -- Another cool punk sounding distortion. (submitted by: punkboy_182@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 25 P2= 7 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= 0 P3= -7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 28 name= punk2
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    RADIOHEAD - "Bones" -- Used in "Bones" and "punchdrunklovesicksingalong" by Radiohead. (submitted by: johan.mickelin@abc.se)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= ft P2= 3 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 1 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 4
    MOD Type: tremol P1= 10 P2= 16 P3= 7
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 28 P2= 1 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= name= bones
    PEDAL assign=VL mode=UP minvol=0

    RADIOHEAD - "My Iron Lung" -- Used in "My Iron Lung" by Radiohead. Use Bright A or Combo A amp sim. (submitted by: gjorge84@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= 7 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 3 P3= 9
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 7
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 12 P2= 7 P3= 20
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 17 P2= 7 P3= 23
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= iron-l
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5

    RADIOHEAD - "Talk Show Host" -- Radiohead's "Talk Show Host" (the one from Romeo and Juliet). (submitted by: david_wil@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= ft P2= 10 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= -4 P2= 0 P3= 8
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 17 P2= 7 P3= 20
    TOTAL patlvl= 16 name= tkshow
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    RADIOHEAD - "You"-- Intro to Radiohead's "You" from Pablo Honey. (submitted by: david_wil@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+cr P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 5 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 6
    MOD Type: tremol P1= 5 P2= 18 P3= 4
    REV Type: hall P1= 5 P2= 2 P3= 13
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= radhed
    PEDAL assign= none mode= none minvol=0

    RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE -- Whammy simulator thingie...used for tons of Rage songs. (submitted by: johan.mickelin@abc.se)
    COMP-DIST Type: pwrdr P1= 28 P2= 9 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 11 P3= -2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -10 P3= 6
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 14 P2= 7 P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 25 P2= 8 P3= 5
    TOTAL patlvl= name= rage
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= UP minvol=0

    RAMMSTEIN DISTORTION -- Very, very powerful distorsion. Also good for "So What?" by Metallica. (submitted by: vojd@omega.bg)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 25 P2= 7 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= -1 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= name= rammst
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    RAMMSTEIN DISTORTION 2 -- The low-noise, no-nonsense, nut-bustin' distortion used by Rammstein.
    Use a Bright or Combo amp simulator. (submitted by: JiveTurkey2000@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 24 P2= 4 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 6 P3= -5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 7 P3= 6
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 22 P3= 10
    REV Type: off P1= 17 P2= 3 P3= 19
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= ramstn
    PEDAL assign=Md mode=Hi minvol=5

    RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS - "Scar Tissue" -- RHCP's Scar Tissue from Californication. This obviously only
    sounds right through a single coil, neck pickup, as the original. You'll need a seperate dist. pedal for the solos
    (That's what I do). All that compression will make the notes ring longer. I generally use Combo A. Oh, and most
    people play Scar Tissue with their fingers. Use a pick, as original. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= fl P2= 8 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= 4 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 15 P2= 4 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 26 name= scar-t
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    RELAY -- A clean, stereo ping-pong relay sound. It sounds PERFECT for Bush's "Letting The Cables Sleep". (submitted by: jiveturkey2000@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= 2 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 6
    MOD Type: a-pan P1= 5 P2= 17 P3= 6
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 37 P2= 4 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= relay
    PEDAL assign=md mode=lo minvol=0

    REVERB -- Nice reverb sound,use bridge or middle pickup. (submitted by: jp_one@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1=3 P2=3 P3=3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= 10 P2= 0 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -2 P3= 5
    MOD Type: echo P1= 18 P2= 6 P3= 1
    REV Type: hall P1= 12 P2= 6 P3= 14
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= reverb
    PEDAL assign= none mode= none minvol=

    RHYTHM -- A sweet sounding, general purpose rhythm patch with a touch of chorus and delay. Put an
    overdrive pedal in front of your 707 and you'll have a nice lead tone as well! (submitted by: darryl.godfrey@kinesis.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: of EQP1 P1= 8 P2= 8 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 6 P2= 10 P3= 10
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 12 P2= 3 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= rhytm
    PEDAL assign= VL mode= UP minvol= 6

    RHYTHM DISTORTION-- Good distortion sound for hard rhythm. (submitted by: sercanerhan@metallica.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 24 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= P2= P3=
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 4 P2= 8 P3= 6
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= dist
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5

    RUSH - "Red Barchetta" -- Use Bright A or B. (submitted by: seven14ce@webtv.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+od P1= 15 P2= 3 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 5 P2= 9 P3= 9
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 21 P2= P3= 17
    REV Type: hall P1= 17 P2= 5 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= rush 1
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    RUSH - "Spirit of Radio" -- Use Combo B. (submitted by: seven14ce@webtv.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 12 P2=5 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 8 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: v-cho P1= 6 P2= 4 P3= 15
    REV Type: hall P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= rush 2
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    SABBATH -- The sound from Black Sabbath's first two albums. (submitted by: fluff@cwc.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 0 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 10 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= BF P2= 1 P3= 0
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= b-sab
    PEDAL assign= none mode= none minvol= 0

    SANTANA -- The sound soft/hard with a beautiful sustain (Europe,...). By gius3. (submitted by: burana@bluewin.ch)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 20 P2= 7 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= 1 P3= 10
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 3
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 13 P2= 10 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= santan
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=5

    SANTANA - "Europa" I -- These two patches are used for Santana's 'Europa'. The first patch is the
    leading melody up to the Bridge Change. Switch to the second for the change, then revert back
    to the first till the end. (submitted by: nshuttle@telkomsa.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= -5 P2= 1 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 5
    MOD Type: delay P1= 25 P2= 5 P3= 18
    REV Type: dlyhall P1= 37 P2= 5 P3= 9
    TOTAL patlvl= 17 name=
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=hi minvol=5

    SANTANA - "Europa" II (submitted by: nshuttle@telkomsa.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 16 P2= 7 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= -1 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= 7
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 10 P2= 16 P3= 19
    REV Type: hall P1= 6 P2= 6 P3= 17
    TOTAL patlvl= 17 name=
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    JOE SATRIANI - "Cool #9" -- Distortion and whammy pedal like joe satriani in Cool #9 on the G3 live album. (submitted by: vai_is_god@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 4 P2= 6 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 3 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -3 P3= 6
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 13 P2= 10 P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 18 P2= 6 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= cool#9
    PEDAL assign=md mode=dn minvol=0

    # nov/05
    · votar

    JOE SATRIANI - "Summer Song"-- I wanted to have a good wah-wah lead sound, and this sounds great!
    (you may want to change some settings, because all patches sound different with different amps.) Any
    feedback appreciated. (submitted by: timotimonen@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 21 P2= 7 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= -6 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 6
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 7 P3= 4
    REV Type: dlyrom P1= 36 P2= 2 P3= 1
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= joewah
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    JOE SATRIANI - "Rubina" -- Modified slightly from the "Tone" patch, for the start of Circles, and for Rubina, by Satriani. (submitted by: gsrjls@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 7 P2= 1 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= 0 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 7 P3= 5
    MOD Type: pitch P1= dt P2= 9 P3= 30
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 37 P2= 11 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= tone
    PEDAL assign=md mode=lo minvol=0

    SATRIANI -- For the very beginning of Summer Song...Use the pedals to control the delay - on or off. See Satriani 2 for the patch for the rest of the song. (submitted by: gsrjls@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 25 P2= 10 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 1 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 1.1 P2= 0 P3= 22
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= s song
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=0

    SATRIANI 2 -- For use during Summer Song...Works very well with Surfing with the Alien, and the early records. (submitted by: gsrjls@aol.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 29 P2= 10 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 12 P3= 11
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 28 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= ssong2
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    SEPULTURA - CHAOS A.D. -- Sepultura´s distortion in Chaos A. D. (submitted by: surfacing@uol.com.ar)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 7 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 0 EQP1 P1= 8 P2= -6 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 0 P3= 10
    REV Type: room P1= 10 P2= 7 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 15 name= sep ad
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    SITAR -- Sounds a little like a indian Sitar. (submitted by: anonymous )
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp sl P1= bt P2= 1 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1=0 P2= 8 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 10 P3= 6
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 12 P2= 10 P3= 20
    REV Type: hall P1= 15 P2= 10 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= sitar
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    6 BY 7 -- Six by Seven's "88-92-96" (submitted by: david_wil@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+cr P1= 5 P2= 6 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 5 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 6
    MOD Type: tremol P1= 10 P2= 20 P3= 10
    REV Type: hall P1= 16 P2= 6 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= 6by7
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    SLAYER -- Very heavy and loud distortion. Sounds like slayer. (submitted by: speaktoslayer@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= -12 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 9 P3= 5
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 11 P2= 4 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= slayer
    PEDAL assign=ds mode= minvol=

    SMASHING PUMPKINS - "Cherub Rock" (submitted by: NILW@Compuserve)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+fz P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= -2 P3= -5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -9 P3= 7
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= cherub
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    SMASHING PUMPKINS - "Cherub Rock" Solo -- Same as the "Cherub Rock" patch but with flanger for the solo. (submitted by: NILW@Compuserve)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fz P1= 30 P2= 8 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= -2 P3= -5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -9 P3= 7
    MOD Type: flange P1= 10 P2= 6 P3= 4
    REV Type: hall P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= cherbs
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    SMOOTH -- Sound like santana guitar in "smooth" You might have to tweak it a bit to get the right sound for you. (submitted by: icklewarby@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp-fz P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 7 P3= 1
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 0 P3= 13
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= smooth
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=5

    SPACE-- Good tone for psychedelic-tinged music... (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+pd P1= 18 P2= 5 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 0 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: filter P1= bf P2= 11 P3= 6
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 36 P2= 8 P3= 14
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= space
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    SPACED-- Clean, trippy space sound inspired by "Subterranian Homesick Alien" by Radiohead.
    Mess around with the pedal while playing to make weird noises. Any improvements welcome. (submitted by: gfx707@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= bt P2= 6 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -2 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 2 P3= 6
    MOD Type: echo P1= 25 P2= 7 P3= 16
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 26 P2= 6 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= spaced
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    SOLO -- Nice, smooth sound,especially good for solos. (submitted by: jp_one@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 21 P2= 3 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -2 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -1 P3= 5
    MOD Type: pitch P1= ? P2= 10 P3= 30
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 10 P2= 1 P3= 11
    TOTAL patlvl= name=
    PEDAL assign= rV mode= Hi minvol= 11

    SOLOS -- Good for solo's. Just Change the DIST to whatever u want. (submitted by: icklewarby@hotmail.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp-ds P1= 10 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= -12 P2= 0 P3= 3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 5 P3= 4
    MOD Type: delay P1= 37 P2= 3 P3= 10
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 11
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= solos
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=10

    SOLO DISTORTION -- An awesome patch for soloing in any style--I plug the headphones right into it for the stereo effect. Use Combo A. (submitted by: gasolinejacuzzi@aol.com )
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 3
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 9 P2= 12 P3= -3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 3
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 17
    TOTAL patlvl= 23 name= solo 1
    PEDAL assign=rv mode=up minvol=8

    SURF -- A general Surf guitar tone. (submitted by: jar@jtan.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: cmp fs P1= F1 P2= 4 P3= 1
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: oF EQP1 P1= -7 P2= -6 P3= 7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: tremol P1= 3 P2= 20 P3= 10
    REV Type: room P1= 20 P2= 5 P3= 23
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= surf
    PEDAL assign= oF mode= none minvol=

    SLASH DISTORTION -- Slash's distortion. Good for playing all songs when he was with GNR. (submitted by: amf17@home.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -6 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -3 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: room P1= 30 P2= 1 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= slshdt
    PEDAL assign= none mode= none minvol=

    SOLO DISTORTION -- Very good for solos of Kirk Hammett, Marty Friedman, Steve Vai and Satch. Set amp channels at 10 all just modify the master button. (submitted by: simon2t@videotron.ca)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 8 P2= 2 P3= 2
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -1 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 22 name= solos
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    STEREOPHONICS -- Pick a part that's new rhythm. (submitted by: mick@wilso31.freeserve.co.uk)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 11 P2= 4 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 0 P3= -8
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= 4
    MOD Type: delay P1= 21 P2= 4 P3= 10
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 11 P2= 5 P3= 0
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= phonic
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    # nov/05
    · votar

    STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - "Plush" -- Sounds very much like STP's distortion on "Plush". (submitted by: frosh125_2000@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: pwrdrv P1= 15 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= P2= P3=
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 7 P2= 21 P3= 17
    REV Type: hall P1= 8 P2= 5 P3= 6
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= plush
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    SUN STUDIOS -- Short delay, similar to the classic "Sun sound" heard on many of Elvis' early recordings... (submitted by: wagimawr@yahoo.com)
    COMP-DIST Type:off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -1 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 3 P3= 5
    MOD Type: delay P1= 12 P2= 4 P3= 10
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= rockab
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=0

    SWEET MAMA! -- Slash's part in "Sweet Child O' Mine" (turn wah off at the beginning, then on for the end of the solo)
    Use the FL-STK A for great emulation. Any comments welcome. (submitted by: martin_bertrand@uqac.uquebec.ca)
    COMP-DIST Type: lead P1= 21 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 1 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -2 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 0 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bF P2= 5 P3= 8
    REV Type: hall P1= 20 P2= 6 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 18 name= sw-chi
    PEDAL assign= Md mode= UP minvol= 2

    SYNTH -- I was trying to get a better sound on my gfx707, than I find this great effect. It sounds like
    a synthetizer I guess, try is very goood!!! My amp is set in: presence 4, middle:4 and high:12. (submitted by: fls@hotlink.com.br)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 0 P3= -7
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 8
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 12 P2= 6 P3=
    REV Type: dlyhal P1= 14 P2= 1 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= synth
    PEDAL assign=rV mode=dn minvol=10

    TALKBOX -- Try playing single notes with medium speed, sounds amazing. (submitted by: jp_one@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist1 P1= 23 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= P2= P3=
    EQP2 P1= P2= P3=
    MOD Type: t-trip P1= 18 P2= 0 P3= 30
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 17 name=
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    TESTAMENT -- Good for "Lasscall" from the album of Testament(Low). (submitted by: sstring@eudoramail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= -2 P2= -3 P3= -9
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -8 P3= 8
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 3 P2= 8 P3= 11
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 13 P2= 3 P3= 3
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= lascal
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=0

    THRASHER'S WET DREAM -- Use a bright B, Then on your amp, high 6, mid 4, bass 10. Turn the mod off with the exp pedal for solos and thrash outs and on for choruses or break downs. (submitted by: anonymous)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist2 P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 3 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= -6 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: pitch P1= -12 P2= 3 P3= 3
    REV Type: room P1= 6 P2= 8 P3= 30
    TOTAL patlvl= name= thrash
    PEDAL assign=md mode=hi minvol=0

    U2 - "All I Want Is You" -- Use palm muting on acoustic guitar. (submitted by: sohxar@tin.it)
    COMP-DIST Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 3 P2= 2 P3= 4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 4 P3= 5
    MOD Type: delay P1= 44 P2= 6 P3= 20
    REV Type: hall P1= 21 P2= 10 P3= 25
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= wantu2
    PEDAL assign=md mode=dn minvol=0

    ULTRA-HEAVY EFFECT-- Experimental percussive effect, produces a thundering bassy distortion
    noise (depending on the pedal position). Try strumming/palm muting whilst moving the pedal. Use
    Ampsim Combo A, turn the middle to 0 on your amp, and play loud. (submitted by: theman@tesco.net)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 5 P3= 4
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= -12 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 8
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 8 P2= 7 P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= ultra
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=0

    STEVE VAI - 12/24 -- Effect similar to that Steve uses in "Ballarina 12/24" on Passion and Warfare. (submitted by: vai_is_god@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: acosim P1= 8 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 3 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -3 P3= 6
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 7 P2= 6 P3= 17
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 86 P2= 4 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= 12/24
    PEDAL assign=md mode=lo minvol=0

    STEVE VAI - PITCHED! -- The "One-And-Only's" pitch-shifted distortion. The expression pedal
    takes it from Wildfz to Pitch. Use COMBO B amp sim. This is mostly based on "The Attitude Song". (submitted by: JiveTurkey2000@hotmail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 4 P2= 5 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 12 P2= 3 P3= -2
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -3 P3= 6
    MOD Type: pitch P1= 7 P2= 6 P3= 17
    REV Type: hall P1= 18 P2= 6 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= *vai*
    PEDAL assign=md mode=lo minvol=5

    VOX + ECHO -- Inspired by the sound of Fun Lovin Criminal's "Couldn' Get It Right" played with LP.
    Switch DIST OFF with pedal for rhythm and ON for solo. (submitted by: PKohl@swing.be)
    COMP-DIST Type: od1 P1= 12 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 2 EQP1 P1= 8 P2= -6 P3= 0
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= -11 P3= 4
    MOD Type: echo P1= 39 P2= 2 P3= 3
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= couldn
    PEDAL assign= dS mode= UP minvol=

    JOE WALSH -- This is the overdrive used by Joe Walsh of the James Gang (it's supposed to sound like it's comin' through a tele). It's based mostly on the song "Funk 49". Use "Bright A" amp sim. (submitted by: JiveD@email.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: od2 P1= 5 P2= 10 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 4 EQP1 P1= 0 P2= 9 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 0 P3= 8
    MOD Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    REV Type: hall P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 20
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= walsh
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=hi minvol=5

    WAH-HALEN -- Van Halen distortion with Wah. Great for nut-busting solos. Use Combo A for best results. (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 6 EQP1 P1= 2 P2= 3 P3= -6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 5 P3= 0
    REV Type: room P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 4
    TOTAL patlvl= 27 name= whalen
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=

    WAH-WAH -- Cry-baby effect. (submitted by: gam2000@iprimus.com.au)
    COMP-DIST Type: dist1 P1= 14 P2= 10 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 7 P2= 1 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 4
    MOD Type: p-wah P1= bf P2= 1 P3= 4
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 13 name= wah
    PEDAL assign=md mode=up minvol=5

    WARM DISTORTION -- Deep and warm distortion with a touch of flange. (submitted by: dave@myemail.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: pwrdrv P1= 30 P2= 7 P3= 8
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 1 P2= 5 P3= 6
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= -12 P3= 6
    MOD Type: flange P1= 4 P2= 3 P3= 4
    REV Type: hall P1= 17 P2= 2 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= warm
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    WEIRD EFFECTS -- This is really weird. The extreme delay means you can even jam with yourself. Not very
    playable, but you can make weird effects! (submitted by: jizzlober49@btinternet.com)
    COMP-DIST Type: wildfz P1= 30 P2= 3 P3= 5
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 5 EQP1 P1= 4 P2= -2 P3= 5
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 2 P3= 5
    MOD Type: step P1= 6 P2= 19 P3= 8
    REV Type: pp-dly P1= 1.5 P2= 8 P3= 27
    TOTAL patlvl= 25 name= -fx-
    PEDAL assign=ds mode=up minvol=

    ZAKK WYLDE -- Sweet chorus distortion like Zakk Wylde. (submitted by: anonymous)
    COMP-DIST Type: metal P1= 30 P2= 4 P3= 6
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off EQP1 P1= -4 P2= 0 P3= -12
    EQP2 P1= 1 P2= 5 P3= 5
    MOD Type: chorus P1= 1 P2= 5 P3= 5
    REV Type: hall P1= 16 P2= 3 P3= 10
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= wylde
    PEDAL assign= mode= minvol=

    # nov/05
    · votar

    Iron Maiden - Wicker Man

    BOOST= Gain = 1
    COMP P1= SL P2= 1 P3= 4
    P1= P2= P3=
    DRIVE PV DRV P1= 20 P2= 5 P3= 5
    EQ P1= 5 P2= 4 P3= 8
    P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR P1= 6
    MOD P1= P2= P3=
    REV P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 18 name= IM WIC
    pedal= pdlmax= pdlmin=

    U2 The Fly Intro - Live Boston 2001

    BOOST= Gain = 1
    COMP P1= FS P2= 1 P3= 2
    P1= P2= P3=
    DRIVE Jazz C P1= 24 P2= 2 P3= 5
    EQ P1= 0 P2= -10 P3= 8
    P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 6
    ZNR P1= 1
    MOD Chorus P1= 4 P2= 18 P3= 22
    REV DLY Hal P1= 43 P2= 5 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= Fly In
    pedal= pdlmax= pdlmin=

    # nov/05
    · votar

    Iron Maiden - Wasting Love and Iced Earth - I Died For You by souldestroyer@mail.bg

    Iso/Comp Type: Isolatr P1=7 P2= -6 P3=-10
    P1=31 P2=10 P3=6
    Drive Type: ac std P1=10 P2=5 P3=8
    EQ P1=15 P2=-5 P3=-7
    P1=2 P2=-4 P3=8
    ZNR P1=4
    MOD Type:Chorus P1=4 P2=14 P3=21
    REV Type:Hall P1=30 P2=10 P3=30
    Total patlvl=30 name=diefru
    Pedal Type:gain pdlmin=2 pdlmax=10

    IRON MAIDEN - Rhythm Guitar - By Nicolas

    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+od P1= 15 P2= 2 P3= 2
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: off
    EQP1 P1= 8 P2= 12 P3= -4
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 12 P3= 4
    MOD Type: off
    REV Type: hall P1= 30 P2= 10 P3= 15
    TOTAL patlvl= 24 name= maidnr
    PEDAL assign=of mode= minvol=

    In Flames - Tokyo Showdown(live) - By (souldestroyer@mail.bg)

    iso\comp Isolatr P1=5 P2=0 P3=0
    P1=63 P2=16 P3=8
    Drive Mt 7th P1=30 P2=9 P3=5
    EQ P1=11 P2=-5 P3=-5
    P1=2 P2=12 P3=4
    ZNR P1=5
    CABI cmb+ev P1=2
    Rev Spring P1=14 P2=5 P3=13
    patlvl=12 name=flames pedal=rev
    pdlmin=4 pdlmax=7


    Module Effect type Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Parameter 3
    Boost= off
    iso\comp comp P1=fs P2=6 P3=1

    Drive JAZZ C P1=30 P2= 6 P3= 5

    EQ P1=4 P2=2 P3=-9
    P1=2 P2= 0 P3=5


    CHORUS P1= 0 P2= 15 P3=3


    patlvl= 25
    name= SKA


    The Smashing Pumpkins... "Hello Kitty Kat" By Brent Johnson

    ISO/COMP - P1=SL P2=10 P3=4
    DRIVE - STANDARD METAL P1=30 P2=5 P3=8
    EQ - P1=-5 P2=5 P3=-10
    P1=2 P2=3 P3=8
    ZNR - P1=7
    REV - HALL P1=15 P2=5 P3=6
    TOTAL - 25

    Comment: Best with single coil pickups but is great with humbuckers too! May have to adjust amp and/or guitar tone settings to ALMOST re-create album sound :-) This patch can be tweaked slightly to sound like other songs off the "Siamese Dream" album... Its not perfect but its a good start :-)

    this one is a distor with 1 tone less i use for wiskey in the jar is good because you dont need to detune the guitar (stk+ev cabinet effect) by felipe montoya

    whiskey in the jar


    iso\comp comp P1=fs P2= 10 P3= 5

    Drive mtz P1= 6 P2= 5 P3= 5

    EQ P1= 12 P2= -1 P3= 5
    P1= 1 P2= 12 P3= 5

    ZNR znr P1= 8

    Mod pitch P1= -2 P2= 6 P3= 30


    name= -1tone

    pedal= mod
    pdlmax= 10

    a cool chorus that can be used in nothing else by filipe montoya

    P2= -7
    P3= -6
    P2= 0
    P3= 5

    P1= 8

    P1= 7
    P2= 8
    P3= 30

    P1= 8
    P2= 5
    P3= 6

    patlvl= 15
    name= achoru

    pedal= vol
    pdlmax= 10
    pdlmin= 0

    DOWN -- Use combo A,i m using drop D key.

    (submitted by: souless999@yahoo.com)

    COMP-DIST Type: cmp+ds P1= 28 P2= 8 P3= 7
    ZNR/EQ ZNR: 7 EQP1 P1= 6 P2= 4 P3= -3
    EQP2 P1= 2 P2= 6 P3= 6
    MOD Type: p-pit P1= 2 P2= 8 P3=
    REV Type: off P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name= down
    PEDAL assign=vl mode=up minvol=8

    Red Hot Chilli Peppers - The Zephyr song

    Boost - OFF
    ISO/COMP - Comp - FS - SENS 3 - LEV 7
    EQ - PRES 9 - HIGH 9 - MIDDLE 5
    ZNR - 4
    CAB - STK-EV
    REV - HALL - TONE 3 - MIX 3

    White Stripes - Offend in Every Way

    Boost - Gain 1
    Iso/Comp - Isoltr - High3 Mid-9 Low0
    Drive - TB DST - Gain3 Tone5 Level5
    EQ OFF
    ZNR - 3
    TOTAL - 25

    # nov/05
    · votar

    country sound

    Boost OFF
    Iso/comp OFF
    Drive AC STD P1=7 P2=3 P3=5
    EQ P1=0 P2=-2 P3=5
    P1=2 P2=12 P3=8
    ZNR P1=7
    MOD VIBE P1=1 P2=20 P3=30
    REV HALL P1=20 P2=10 P3=10
    PATLVL=28 name=contry pedal=OFF
    cool sound for rhythm and lead

    anyone have patch for great lead and rhythm ?

    this is my patch:
    mtz 30 7 8
    iso -8 4 12
    1.6 20 1
    eq 2 -6 3
    1 3 3
    znr 8
    cabi stk 7
    rev hall 19 4 11

    but i can't reduce the noise although i've set the znr max.
    anyone have suggestion for me?
    or anyone have other cool sound for rhythm and lead?

    the thing that shoul not be intro bassy sound

    ISO\COMP P1= P2=- P3=
    P1= P2= P3=
    DRIVE P1= P2= P3=
    P1= -1 P2= -2 P3= 2
    P1= 2 P2=8 P3=7
    ZNR znr P1=8
    MOD Flange P1= 10 P2=5 P3=7
    REV spring P1=12 P2=7 P3=9
    TOTAL patlvl= 30 name=momohh
    pedal= rev pdlmax=0 pdlmin=10

    maybe it would be good idea to change the eq according to your amp and use the middle pick up
    here is some metal patches

    Metallica - Kill 'Em All
    iso\comp comp P1=sl P2=8 P3=8
    Drive Hp Dst P1=28 P2=10 P3=6
    EQ P1=9 P2=10 P3=-7
    P1=2 P2=12 P3=6
    ZNR P1=7
    Cabi CMB+Ev P1=0
    Rev Hall P1=11 P2=4 P3=22
    patlvl=9 name=killem pedal-rev
    pdlmin=2 pdlmax=9

    Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

    iso\comp comp P1=sl P2=9 P3=8
    drive mt 7th P1=30 P2=9 P3=6
    EQ P1=12 P2=9 P3=-11
    P1=2 P2=11 P3=6
    ZNR P1=7
    CABI CMB+ev P1=0
    REV hall P1=7 P2=5 P=8
    patlv=5 name=CFH pedal=rev
    pdlmin=2 pdlmax=10
    Dream Theater - Pull Me Under(Clean)

    iso\comp isolatr P1=12 P2=-12 P3=-12
    P1=10 P2=3.1 P3=5
    drive ac std P1=8 P2=5 P3=7
    EQ P1=12 P2=-2 P3=4
    P1=1 P2=-3 P3=8
    ZNR P1=4
    MOD flange P1=7 P2=6 P3=4
    REV Hall P1=30 P2=7 P3=10
    patlvl=30 name=pullme pedal=off

    Dream Theater - Pull Me Under(Dist)

    iso\comp comp P1=sl P2=9 P3=8
    Drive Hp Dst P1=30 P2=10 P3=7
    EQ P1=11 P2=11 P3=-7
    P1=2 P2=11 P3=8
    ZNR P1=7
    Cabi STK P1=0
    Rev Spring P1=18 P2=3 P3=25
    patlvl=4 name=dreamt pedal=rev
    pdlmin=0 pdlmax=10

    Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power

    iso\comp comp P1=sl P2=10 P3=8
    drive mt 7th P1=30 P2=9 P3=6
    EQ P1=12 P2=10 P3=-9
    P1=2 P2=11 P3=6
    ZNR P1=7
    CABI CMB+ev P1=0
    REV room P1=16 P2=5 P=25
    patlv=5 name=Vulgar pedal=rev
    pdlmin=5 pdlmax=10

    Scorpions - When The Smoke Going Down

    iso\comp Isolatr P1=5 P2=0 P3=-11
    P1=10 P2=3.1 P3=2
    Drive Off P1= P2= P3=
    EQ P1=-6 P2=6 P3=2
    P1=2 P2=-11 P3=8
    ZNR P1=4
    Mod Chorus P1=10 P2=11 P3=30
    Rev Hall P1=20 P2=8 P3=22
    patlvl=30 name=smoke pedal-rev
    pdlmin=4 pdlmax=10

    It's good to play very fast solos with neck
    pick-up like Yngwie Malmsteen

    iso\comp comp P1=sl P2=8 P3=6
    Drive Hp Dst P1=30 P2=10 P3=7
    EQ P1=10 P2=8 P3=8
    P1=1 P2=-9 P3=2
    ZNR P1=4
    Cabi Stk P1=2
    Mod Chorus P1=2 P2=19 P3=8
    Rev P1=30 P2=10 P3=5
    patlvl=18 name=nksolo pedal=rev
    pdlmin=3 pdlmax=10
    made this sound the other day, sounds pretty good if u mute your notes at some parts, here u go :

    Drive VX CRU P1=2 P2=10 P3=8
    EQ P1=10 P2=2 P3=1
    P1=1 P2=4 P3=5
    ZNR P1=7
    Cabi Box P1=0
    Mod phase P1=BF P2=11 P3=3
    Rev MN-DLY P1=40 P2=3 P3=10
    PATLVL P1=30
    name echo PLMIN=0 PDLMAX=10

    strange sound

    hi, I just came up with this weird sounding alien like patch here it is :

    ISO/COMP=COMP P1=SL P2=7 P3=5
    DRIVE=ZLEAD P1=23 P2=4 P3=4
    EQ=P1=-12 P2=-4 P3=1
    EQ2=P1=1 P2=-12 P3=8
    CABI=CMB+EV P1=4
    MOD=VIBE P1=10 P2=19 P3=17

    Deicide album Deicide

    iso\comp Comp P1=fs P2=9 P3=8
    Drive hp dst P1=30 P2=10 P3=7
    EQ P1=-3 P2=0 P3=-7
    P1=2 P2=12 P3=8
    ZNR P1=7
    Cabi CMB+Ev P1=0
    Rev Spring P1=11 P2=3 P3=18
    patlvl=16 name=bodom pedal=rev
    pdlmin=4 pdlmax=10

    a delay!!!

    P1= 8 P2= -5 P3= -3
    P1=2 P2=10 P3=5
    ZNR P1=4
    MOD chorus P1=4 P2=20 P3=8
    REV dlyhal P1=37 P2=4 P3=4
    TOTAL patlvl= 15 name= pop
    pedal= mod pdlmax=10 pdlmin=0

    Black/Death Metal patch

    hail my metal brother i play with this patch black metal things like dark funerall, COB etc but it's good and for death metal stuff like deicide(once upon trhe cross) just test it and post here your opinion

    iso\comp Comp P1=fs P2=10 P3=8
    Drive hp dst P1=30 P2=10 P3=7
    EQ P1=12 P2=12 P3=-10
    P1=2 P2=11 P3=7
    ZNR P1=7
    Cabi STK P1=0
    Rev Spring P1=12 P2=5 P3=23
    patlvl=3 name=darkmt pedal=rev
    pdlmin=2 pdlmax=10

    boost p1=1
    iso\comp Comp P1=fs P2=7 P3=4
    Drive hp dst P1=30 P2=10 P3=7
    EQ P1=7 P2=4 P3=-8
    P1=2 P2=12 P3=8
    ZNR P1=6
    Cabi CMB+EV P1=0
    Rev Spring P1=13 P2=6 P3=23
    patlvl=5 name=norter pedal=rev
    pdlmin=4 pdlmax=10

    boost p1=1
    iso\comp Comp P1=sl P2=6 P3=7
    Drive hp dst P1=30 P2=10 P3=8
    EQ P1=11 P2=9 P3=-3
    P1=2 P2=-1 P3=5
    ZNR P1=7
    Cabi STK P1=1
    Rev Spring P1=14 P2=8 P3=24
    patlvl=16 name=yngwie pedal=rev
    pdlmin=4 pdlmax=10

    Muse/plugin baby
    ISO/COMP = Comp P1=SL P2=5 P3=5
    Drive = HP DST P1=30 P2=10 P3=5
    EQ1 P1=1 P2=-7 P3=3
    EQ2 P1=2 P2=4 P3=5
    MOD= A-WAH P1=BF P2=5 P3=-7

    # nov/05
    · votar

    Iron Maiden - Wicker Man

    BOOST= Gain = 1
    COMP P1= SL P2= 1 P3= 4
    P1= P2= P3=
    DRIVE PV DRV P1= 20 P2= 5 P3= 5
    EQ P1= 5 P2= 4 P3= 8
    P1= 1 P2= 8 P3= 5
    ZNR P1= 6
    MOD P1= P2= P3=
    REV P1= P2= P3=
    TOTAL patlvl= 18 name= IM WIC
    pedal= pdlmax= pdlmin=

    U2 The Fly Intro - Live Boston 2001

    BOOST= Gain = 1
    COMP P1= FS P2= 1 P3= 2
    P1= P2= P3=
    DRIVE Jazz C P1= 24 P2= 2 P3= 5
    EQ P1= 0 P2= -10 P3= 8
    P1= 2 P2= 8 P3= 6
    ZNR P1= 1
    MOD Chorus P1= 4 P2= 18 P3= 22
    REV DLY Hal P1= 43 P2= 5 P3= 8
    TOTAL patlvl= 20 name= Fly In
    pedal= pdlmax= pdlmin=

    Boost OFF
    Iso/Comp OFF
    Drive On tb dst Gain=20 Tone=5 Level=5
    EQ On Presence=5 High=5 Middle=8 LowF=2 LowG=8 Level=5
    Cabi OFF
    Mod On delay Time=37 FB=3 MTX=10
    Rev On hlddly Dlytim=x Dlymix=X Revmix=X Time=9 Tone=X Mix=30 Mode=nL Fb=X
    Total 25

    Boost OFF
    Iso/Comp On Isoltr Atack =X Sens=X Level=5 High=12 Mid=12 Low=Of Freq L=10 Freq H=10 Level=X3.1
    Drive On ac std Gain=7 Tone=5 Level=7
    EQ On Presence=10 High=3 Middle=7 LowF=1 LowG=7 Level=8
    ZNR On ZNR 4
    Cabi OFF
    Mod On Flange depth=7 rate=6 fb=4
    Rev On hall Dlytim=x Dlymix=X Revmix=X Time=30 Tone=7 Mix=10 Mode=X Fb=X
    Total 30

    System of a Down
    Boost OFF
    Iso/Comp OFF
    Drive On bg drv Gain=20 Tone=5 Level=5
    EQ On Presence=5 High=5 Middle=8 LowF=2 LowG=8 Level=5
    ZNR On ZNR 3
    Cabi OFF
    Mod OFF
    Rev On hall Dlytim=x Dlymix=X Revmix=X Time=8 Tone=5 Mix=6 Mode=X Fb=X
    Total 30

    Papa Roach
    Boost OFF
    Iso/Comp OFF
    Drive On metal Gain=20 Tone=5 Level=5
    EQ On Presence=5 High=5 Middle=8 LowF=2 LowG=8 Level=5
    ZNR On ZNR 5
    Cabi OFF
    Mod OFF
    Rev On hall Dlytim=x Dlymix=X Revmix=X Time=8 Tone=5 Mix=6 Mode=X Fb=X
    Total 27

    # nov/05
    · votar

    Enfim... Esses são todos os patches que consegui pela net. Espero que tenha ajudado.

    # nov/05
    · votar

    todo mundo ja tem esses

    so um detalhe eles sao para 707 gfx, ñ fica bom pra 707 II

    no maximo serve como um ponto de partida.

    Edu Hendrix
    # nov/06
    · votar

    Bom,melhor do que nada! Gostei muito!

    Vlw pela iniciativa!

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