Declaração de Malmsteen sobre incidente em Porto A

    Autor Mensagem
    # jul/04

    O texto abaixo foi tirado do site oficial do Yngwie Malmsteen

    Eu já li e entendi, me desculpem os que são ruins em inglês, mas num to com saco de traduzir tudo isso.

    Eu sei que vai ter gente dizendo: pô o negócio aconteceu a tanto tempo atrás, mas acontece que eu achei a resposta dele somente agora no site oficial, e prá falar a verdade a única versão que eu tinha era a da revista Cover Guitarra, e que é uma versão bem suspeita, afinal de contas, os caras da revista tavam bem putos com o Malmsteen, porque não tinham conseguido a entrevista exclusiva que eles estavam esperando.

    October 11, 2001
    Question from Franz Gustav Niederheitmann: "What do you think about that stupid thing that happened in Porto Alegre?"

    Question from Tobias Saibot: "I want to know how did you feel when you played the American anthem [in Porto Alegre] and everyone shouted BIN LADEN?"

    Answer from Yngwie: First, I want to emphasize that this was a single, isolated incident near the end of an otherwise very successful, enjoyable three-week tour of Mexico and South America. To put it plainly, here's how I felt. I've been touring for so many years now and I'm sure I have done some nights better than others, but for the last several years I have kept what I believe are very high standards for the concerts. I'm at the top of my game right now, and I'm playing as well as I possibly can. In all these years--and I'm talking now, thousands of shows--I have never been booed onstage, ever. Not for any reason.

    Let me point out first and foremost -- I'm not a politician, I'm a musician. I'm not going to debate politics and government because that's just not my thing. I don't do that. But we all know what happened on Sept. 11 in New York City and Washington, and even though I've been playing the "Star Spangled Banner" onstage for 20 years or more, to me it was even more important now. Over the years I've played all kinds of anthems in that solo, Swedish, Japanese, British, wherever… and that night I just felt like playing the U.S. anthem out of respect for all those people who were killed on Sept. 11. Although people from 28 different countries were killed in that attack, it happened on American soil, so I played the U.S. anthem. At the time, with all the adrenaline pumping, when I heard the jeering and booing I got really angry. But I didn't do or say anything at that moment, I just finished the song. Then a few more times, I just put it in anyway, 4 or 5 more times [chuckling]. Because I couldn't let that kind of thing go unanswered. You don't spit in my face and expect me to ignore it, okay? I'm not talking politics here or larger issues of imperialist whatever -- I'm talking about that one moment right there onstage. I was really pissed off, and maybe I shouldn't have showed it, but I did.

    I have nothing against the Brazilian people -- I've played numerous shows there in the past and have loved every minute of it. I've never been to Porto Alegre before, but I'm not saying that it's a bad town or anything, although that was the only place this kind of thing happened. And so obviously some fans in that town have a different view, but as I said, I'm not a politician. I did not intend to go there and start a political confrontation -- nothing was further from my mind when I started playing my solo. But there were a couple of elements in the situation onstage there that made me feel more strongly about the audience's reaction: (1) I've lived in the U.S. virtually half my life, so I feel as American as I do Swedish; (2) my son was born here, he's an American citizen; (3) my band's keyboardist is an American citizen; and (4) most important, the innocent people who died on Sept. 11 deserve respect.

    So to put it plainly, the people who booed me and yelled Bin Laden's name in some misguided attempt to show their hostility to me, I have no respect for them-- what I said over the microphone at the end of the show is directed to those specific people in the audience. But that wasn't all of the audience, I know that. That wasn't Brazil, that wasn't Porto Alegre… it was a bunch of bad apples in the audience. There was a long break between the end of the show and the encore because we were debating backstage over what to do… whether to go back on and play more songs or to just leave. I finally decided to go back on by myself and give a parting shot, so to speak, because I was still so angry. But this was one isolated incident, and it doesn't mean that I have any bad feelings for my Brazilian fans at all. I love playing there, and I will definitely go back there again in the future. Peace, Yngwie Malmsteen

    # jul/04
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    Esse Malmsteen é um otário...
    Toca muito bem, mas é um lixo como pessoa.
    O que adianta ter a arte nas mãos e a cabeça tão nojenta?

    # jul/04
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    Pelo que percebi, o seu inglês é bem ruim.
    Você num entendeu nada da resposta dele.

    # jul/04
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    na boa... isso eh coisa de brasileiro mesmo, boa parte do povo aqui nao tem respeito por nada e MUITAS pessoas xingam, criticam o EUA sem saber motivos, soh quer aparecer e parecer, mas na verdade é só mais um adolescente infantil que quer parecer o revolucionario e rebelde e reclama do capitalismo e dos EUA

    isso eh coisa de gente desinformada, se a versão do malmsteen ai foi oq realmente aconteceu, oq eh mto provavel, eh lamentavel e vergonhoso pros brasileiros
    isso aconteceu no rock in rio qndo no show da britney apareceu a bandeira americana e vaiaram... saiu nos jornais e tal

    isso foi uma puta falta de respeito, eh o pais dela, apareceu a bandeira e pronto, pra q vaiar? puta atitude ridicula
    entao se em um show do angra lah nos EUA os kras levaram a bandeira do brasil, o publico pode vaiar tambem? isso eh foda...

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