Amanda Somerville -

    Autor Mensagem
    # ago/07 · Editado por: Linn

    Alguém conhece a moça de nome?
    Mas conhece de voz! (hêhê...) Ela fez participação em vários albuns de bandas de metal e tal, como:

    -HDK - System Overload (due in 2008); co-writer, vocalist, co-producer, engineer
    -Avantasia - The Scarecrow (due in 2007); vocalist
    -Andre Matos - Time To Be Free (due in 2007); worked as vocalist, engineer
    -Epica - The Phantom Agony (2003), We Will Take You With Us (2004), Consign To Oblivion (2005), The Road to Paradiso (due in 2007), The Divine Conspiracy (due in 2007); worked as vocal coach, vocalist, co-writer, engineer, producer
    -After Forever - Invisible Circles (2004), Remagine (2005); worked as lyric editor, co-writer, vocal coach, vocalist, producer; After Forever (2007); worked as lyric editor and vocalist.
    -Asrai - Touch in the Dark (2004): worked as lyrical editor; Pearls In Dirt (due in 2007); worked as songwriter, vocalist
    -Ebony Ark - Decoder (2006); worked as vocalist, producer
    -Kamelot - Black Halo (2005), Ghost Opera (2007); worked as vocalist, lyrical editor
    -Phaeno Science Center (2005); commissioned to write and perform song about and for the grand opening of science center by Zaha Hadid, Frank Oppenheimer and Joe Ansel
    -Boehringer Ingelheim (2005); commissioned to write 2 jingles for new swine vaccine:)
    -Edguy - Hellfire Club (2003), Rocket Ride (2005); worked as vocalist, lyrical editor
    -Shaman - Ritual (2002), Reason (2005); worked as vocalist, lyrical editor
    -Mob Rules - Hallowed Be Thy Name (2002), Ethnolution A.D. (2006); worked as vocalist
    -Luca Turilli (Rhapsody) - Prophet of the Last Eclipse (2002); worked as vocalist
    -Virgo - Virgo (2001); worked as vocalist, lyrical editor
    -Various other bands (Felony, Reverend Right Time and the First Cousins of Funk, Lunatica, Brainstorm, etc.)

    (do site:

    E aqui uma música dela no youtube(muito melosa por sinal, mas fofinha):

    Achei que a moça merecia atenção ;P

    Dark Diva
    # ago/07
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    Hum, por isso então ela é amiga do Andre Matos e da galera da banda dele.
    Não conhecia o trabalho dela como produtora nem como compositora. E nem imaginava q ela tivesse participado de tantos CDs! =-O

    Legal! =)

    # ago/07
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    essa mulher é tão absurda que ela consegue CRIAR línguas e conceituar numa obra!

    quando eu escrever meu álbum sobre Aliens, ela cuidará disso =)))

    # ago/07
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    hausiahsushsuhe Definitivamente. Sou fça dela =P

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